6 Chapter Six
please see the summary of his views who is mirza has always been that muhammad is the last of the prophets the world will see and isa alaihae salam cant descend as he is a prophet in the theological sense of the word
please see excerpts from mirzas last book on the subject of prophesy of prophets where he denies that he is a prophet of god in the way of muhammad or others before him so you can see the misconception in the word of his on this matter and it is true he used the word prophet for himself early in his career but that led to confusion so he clarified it was in the metaphorical sense like when the prophet came to him to teach him islam it appeared that his words to him were his but actually they were the prophets and so he was an image of his which is what he said and it is similar to jesus’ words when you come to me you come to the father so you see these concepts are known to you from my book and i have said it that i am allah as i say i walk with his feet and talk his words as you know of me actually there is fusion in us and that is the context of the words of prophethood he used who is mirza there and his last word on the matter is in this book where he says he is not a prophet and muhammad is the last one so you should know mistakes can occur in conception of things but it is so he clarified it was a metaphor image of him he had so let the matter rest there now and dont harass us who say he was guilty not in it but may have misunderstood it early on then it clarified as it did to me when i used the word emissary for myself then realized that it is a prophet who is an emissary of his who is the creator yes we both made mistakes but it does occur we were written these words then a correction of the error was made so you know guilt is not ours but mistake was produced so that you know these errors are commonplace in saint literature and you have to make sense of their writing with circumspection with it more is seen as correct here to emphasize that you need to forgive him his error and realize he dedicated his life to serve you in a coherent islam which you all recognize as sane and his concepts are now taught routinely in the muslim texts about jihad and apostasy and other matters like the natural death of jesus where he takes his arguments from the quran to show you how misconception occurs from hadith they have in islam there more is less here so ill stop here with this note that we must serve you with ahmadiyyat which is palatable and mirza to us was sane in issues of islam and muhammad ali was correct as well and i teach from prophet muhammad for the most part and allah as well so accept us three horsemen to you
Excerpt from his last book here.
“Neither do I lay claim to prophethood, nor am I a denier of miracles and angels and Lailat-ul-Qadr etc, on the other hand, I do believe in all those matters which are included in the Islamic articles of faith and like the Ahl-i-Sunnat-wal-Jamaat I accept all these things which are based on the Quran and the Hadith; and I consider everyone who claims prophethood and messengership after our lord and master Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, may peace and the blessings of God be upon him to be a liar and a kafir. I have a sure faith that revelation confessing of messengership began with Hazrat Adam Safiyy Allah and came to a close with the Messenger of God Muhammad Mustafa, may peace and the blessings of God be upon him.
Let everyone be a witness to this my writing, and God, the All-Knowing and the All-Hearing is the first of witnesses.”
Please see the following discourse on the finality of Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet the world will see.
Please see the following hadith collection and excerpt from Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s book where he refutes prophethood in the theology of Islam or real sense as the Quranic revelation to us is and states elsewhere these words of nabi or rasool are used as a metaphor by him and in no way mean that he is a prophet like Prophet Muhammad and others before him.
Please know it is clear from this hadith collection that there are people spoken to Allah who are prophets not actual ways but are muhadathin only.
Please know myself as Omar is mentioned as one and there are others who emerge every so often to reestablish Islamic faith where it may have undergone decay with the passage of time.
Please know the mother of Moses received revelation as well they say, it is true she did, and carried out a command for him who is Moses.
Please know Mary received revelation that she was going to have a child.
Please know it is revelation of a muhadath in these cases but it is true they were spoken to by Him Who creates.
Please know in Islamic vernacular a prophet is not one who is spoken there by Him Who creates as there are many like us but one who is taught Islam by angels and Allah Himself and their revelation is prophetic in nature, separate from muhadathin, and so their heart is different and certain in issues.
Please know Islam is clear on the issue and prophethood and messengership is ended with the demise of our Prophet Muhammad on him be peace in this regard and it is clear that messengership does not carry on either as a messenger is a prophet by definition in the hadith law they had.
Please know we are astute these words of nabi and rasool have ended for general use but saints have used them in the past in the sense of a metaphor or burooz or in the sense of carrying a message from him who is Prophet there.
Please know these words are confused by the lay and should not be used in routine dialogue in my view but it has been used by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and other saints so the dye has been cast, so to speak, and I would defer to them who wish to in their dialogue to explain to the lay in their books the matter and I would say that Mirza and others do not claim prophethood in the theological sense of the word though he may have misunderstood early on in his mission but it is clear he retracted that statement when he realized it was in the metaphorical way of the word use and he is on record to say I am the last prophet the world will see say I Muhammad to you so let him be is my word to people of faith, he made a mistake and later clarified it so he is innocent by me and his Creat and I admonish them who still say it that he is evil as he used the word while we know the error occurs because Allah put it in his heart to say it at His beck so people would know no message other than mine in my Quran is perfect prose and poetry for you.
Please see the person named in the hadith is Omar who is a muhadath and it is thought by the lay to mean Umer bin Khattab but that is not the case say I Muhammad there and I meant my progeny you Omar here and it is clear he is a muhadath I meant from his life’s works with you in that he claims to be a saint spoken to by Allah and the Prophet and says his literature is from them and Umer bin Khattab did not have a car such as his and did not claim sainthood like Omar has so its true you believe it is him in the hadith I meant say I Muhammad here and Allah knows you believe this matter in ahle-Islam worldwide that it is Omar Ahmad I meant.
Muhammad here on Omar’s page.
Hadith collection I quote here is verified and can form a basis for dialogue.
Verily messengership and prophethood have been cut off. Thus there is no messenger after me nor prophet … but there will be mubashirat (receiving of good news) which is one of the parts of prophethood.
Another hadith here.
He said: Nothing remains of prophethood except mubashshirat [same root word as bushra]. The people asked: What is mubashshirat? He said: True dreams. [Sahih al Bukhari, hadith 6990.]
Hadith here on the subject here.
The good dream (mubashshirat) of a righteous believer is one of the parts of prophethood. [Sahih al Bukhari, hadith 6983]
Hadith regarding Muhadathin.
Among the nations before you there used to be muhadathin, and if there is one of them in my nation it is Omar. [Sahih al Bukhari, hadith 3469].
Among the Israelite people before you there used to be men who were spoken to by God although they were not prophets. If there is such a one among my followers it is Omar. [Sahih al Bukhari, hadith 3689]
Excerpt from Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s book.
I firmly believe that our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is khatam al anbiya (seal of the prophets) and after him no prophet, neither old nor new, shall appear for this ummah. Of course, muhaddathun (saints) will come who will be spoken to by God and possess some attributes of full prophethood by way of reflection (zill), and in some ways be colored with the color of prophethood. I am one of these. [Nishan Asmani, p. 28 (RK, vol. 4, pp. 30-31].
Hadith from Abu Dawud.
Most surely Allah will raise for this community at the head of every century one who shall revive for it its faith.
Please see secularism there in Middle East some curtails Islam here as they call you unloyal to Islam since you teach Ahmadism is sane for you in that miracles they talk about are derided by us in Ahmadism in the West brought on by Prophet Muhammad’s door here on my Facebook page.
Please know the Christian Islam we propose here is Ahmadism offshoot of Illihoon ideology the Prophet taught here and we are one body with the Islam there of the Middle East and elsewhere if they consider us Muslims here as we teach principles of piety Islam has of Prophet Muhammad’s car to us as he lied not and lies are rampant there in their lands, and other issues of Islam not exist with them like bribes and blackmailing and other topics we discuss late with you, the West was a much better car in regards to the law in these issues but it was so they were lost in secular wars on us and now we are one body, with Islam in the West occurring rapidly daily they come through in more issues not but in piety principles and elaborate not wars anymore, yes, we are 1 body, so don’t war with the West and extrude them from your form of secularism where you call people kafir who are different though pious more than you there.
Please see the role of Ahmadi views have to play in the world forum of people as these principles they have are sane for you in Islam you serve here.
The time is now to tell you that Ahmadism will revive you in Islam as you were backward before I appeared and you were a hated car before Ahmadism reigned supreme there when I came to revive it, as both groups were bygone entities and nobody was paying any attention to them even though Mirza had taught correctly an eon ago and Muhammad Ali was severe with his literature on Islam reforming somewhat concepts on jihad and apostasy, which the West liked, but it was a small group we had until I became popular with you and now it is mainstream view the West watches for its teaching to others in Islam there in the Middle East some and other countries of the Muslim world where apostasy is still punishable with death even though the Prophet did not do it and other issues like Isa ibn Maryam’s death and birth are talked about as valid views there, but it is so you want to convert the populace of western countries to your form of jihad wars and whatever baggage you carry from past years before Ahmadism resurgence occurred here in this land of ours and people don’t want your backward view of things and want elaborate lies not of him who is Isa there, they want simple piety that we propose here. Omar.
i do baith with muhammad and allah and i pledge fidelity to his cause worldwide is what you say here to be one body with me humanity there and your muslim cousin in islam say i muhammad to you
this is the edict i wrote down there where i was teaching religion when i got out of western state not but saint thomas there in nashville in early 2022 but it is so you learn muhammad is key to do baith to not me or anybody else in islam now but it is later we form the ahmadi baith to you and your fidelity lies there with him muhammad to you now in the christian islam worldwide and you make it so you are one with the muslim body with this baith nama above and it is true your fidelity lies with me as i am key to mankinds teach on them and only i have the heart to encompass your needs not omar or anybody else and mankind will accept my baith as i am august to all and I am rehmat al alimeen or a mercy to mankind as the quran says so and it is with my book that you pledge allegiance to your creat there so keep us in fidelity vows to you and come forth in everlasting living with you if you keep edicts he keeps isa there and so forth mary as well as others in islam who learn law is to be kept not ignored in your homes and elsewhere say i muhammad here
muhammad and omar here
21:107 And We have not sent thee but as a mercy to the nations.
21:108 Say: It is only revealed to me that your God is one God: will you then submit?
21:109 But if they turn back, say: I have warned you in fairness, and I know not whether that which you are promised is near or far.
please keep the essence of sanity with you by keeping me muhammad as your key baith and others like omar as well as my savior there who is mirza who taught us islam was one body if we have the shahada and other issues in islam we have here say i muhammad to you
please see the baith of muhammad is intact and is key but now the world forum of man and women should pledge allegiance to mirza and me as well with our baith in your hearts and tongue not but as written words so you know ahmadiyya is key if you want to be verbose in the metaphor of islam and other intelligent issues you have for your needs otherwise you will always be backward faith
please know the baith of muhammad is key for world peace to occur as we are all his tribe and mary is his wife and our mother-spirit but i know you must do lahore aqaid as well as mine which entails protecting my body and my literature to you so download his baith there and keep it with you who is mirza but i know it is difficult but its essence is safe and you know things are gradual in his baith so you succumb to it and know it was written from muhammad to us and my baith is sane and with these two baiths you will develop your intelligence and study us in islam then understand the christian islam is safe for you to practice
please see the quran of muhammad ali is the only one for you as that is sanctified by allah there and his prophet is similar and recommends it to you
please see the quran i use is muhammad alis not because he is my relative but because it was elaborated by muhammad to him thats my peace and he is a saint of paradise like i am and mirza taught him the essence of faith he had in it it has beauty extreme and no other quran should be used by my follower other than that as it has the teachings of ahmadism i teach to you as correct for you and i know it is cumbersome to obtain but do make an effort as it is well worth the price of it and you will benefit from it in your life and its endeavors there where you teach it to others in islam of the west kind emerging here
Please see these words from me, Muhammad to you.
Please know Ismail was an infidel to some there as he fought wars to subjugate rule over them, Meccans there, who came to water they had, Hagar and he, but it is so he won because he had property rights from before but it is so they call him a warrior and I am similar but I am pious more and war as an exception to make it occur, Islam there, but I know Jewish clan is averse to my son Omar as he wars not but is sublime and teaches me, Muhammad to you, and knows his ouster there was because he teaches Christian values we value in this country of truth and fidelity now, and we want intelligence in us with shahada in us in this land of ours as when you take me as the principle lead you develop your car with my intellect in you and you rise in heaven abode to high plains, like Araf say so in the Quranic verse there where my follower enters paradise with me and Omar watches as they come through in Islamic lore where One God prevails them, and my intellect occurs with them in intelligence and fortitude and so it occurs you are an intelligent race emerging here with the shahada and Fatiha in you. Omar not.
please see this diatribe not from the quran verse that we are all living and dying on earth by our nature on us and there are no exceptions as we can see here
please see this converse between moses and pharoah where he says he will be returned to earth but we know his body was preserved but it will be so eventually he will be buried after we have sighted it enough as the dead should go there but in a sense it means he will die and be raised up for resurrection from here but we know the body decays and becomes dust and mixes with soil and after a time nothing remains so it means his spirit will rise from its resting place and face judgment from his creator
please see it also means this law applies to all humans on earth and no one dies not here as seen in the quran here
please see when they say isa was lifted in spirit not but in body it does not make sense as decay would result with the passage of time and these are tales they make up there are no exceptions to this verse listed here
please see rafa is spiritual raising of a person
please know we all live and die on earth as the quran says here in araf where god addresses adam after his fall and that is the final word and if isa had been alive in heaven he would be infirm after 2000 years of living mirza clarified this in his book and this verse corroborates with his teaching that we are resurrected here from earth
please know it is over and you have believed for the most part that ahmadiyya concept there is cogent argument and your law of isa living in heaven is from christian lore you adopt from abu hurairas hadith that he will descend before the end of times and there you have it you disregard this hadith and stick to facts from the quran for the most part
7:24 He said: Go forth — some of you, the enemies of others. And there is for you in the earth an abode and a provision for a time.
7:25 He said: Therein shall you live, and therein shall you die, and therefrom shall you be raised.
Ta Ha
20:49 (Pharaoh) said: Who is your Lord, O Moses?
20:50 He said: Our Lord is He Who gives to everything its creation, then guides (it).
20:51 He said: What then is the state of the former generations?
20:52 He said: The knowledge thereof is with my Lord in a book; my Lord neither errs nor forgets —
20:53 Who made the earth for you an expanse and made for you therein paths and sent down water from the clouds. Then thereby We bring forth pairs of various herbs.
20:54 Eat and pasture your cattle. Surely there are signs in this for men of understanding.
20:55 From it We created you, and into it We shall return you, and from it raise you a second time.
Please see my note here where I explain things of the nature I do as we all have a place with Him, our God to us, and he shouldn’t have said he was the ‘promised one’ as he did not have authority from Allah and His Messenger to do so.
Please see the British they were Dajjal’s group and exhibited people for leisure as shown in a photo here not but they used to exhibit people for leisure they had, a low act by her who went to shows they had but it is so they were a lurid class Mirza put up with since they were there in his country exploiting their gains on them and he said things to appease them like he did but it is so they let him be and didn’t imprison him though he had claimed to be Messiah there and it occurred he never materialized as one and his group was small as well, but it so occurs they insist, his follower, he is the one who brought reform there, true he did, and so did his son Muhammad Ali there, but they were largely ignored, but I say this with relish not as we are one group but they must relinquish saying it that he is the chosen not but ‘promised one’ while pig was not slaughtered there like it is now and true he did end atonement there in their hearts but they wouldn’t give in to One God even though it occurred he is buried there, it took me to explain the metaphor here that they came through and abandoned the crucifix in their heart because the Quran doesn’t allow the concept of atonement, not because he is buried there.
please see without muhammad alis quran there would be no illihoon ideology there in saudia and the west would not have been won so the credit of illihoon islam emerging goes to its founder mirza and myself and main scholar they had then i appeared to do it for them accomplish the fait there
please see he is a islamic scholar who is muhammad ali like me yes he ended christian concepts of the old quran translated by british men which were adverse at that time and consisted mostly about conjecture about me say i muhammad but he never used vernacular like i do and i speak from him the creat more but it is so he was a saint like myself who knew i would make it occur in the west the illihoon car we have and his book would be used in that it is the only one studied now and i tell you truthfully i could not have done it if his translation had not been able for you to review
please know the ahmadi jamaat is averse to me in the current juncture but i do give credit but it is so they are wrong that mirza was the jamaat head in ideology not but in the arm from muhammad to me no he was the promised messiah not but a scholar who thought it was he who was the second coming of me the jesus community but it was so he was wrong in that there is no coming of jesus’ law only a general would appear who would teach concepts he had from muhammad as there is no second coming of people actually they cannot be reincarnated by law and so you are averse to me in ahmadiyyat worldwide but would i do this that i would usurp him who is mirza who is my friend and writes for me articles that ended christian views of christ godhead there as my book shows
please see my sharia is flux not but can change some with time as i teach it gradual ways to you here on my page here
my group of followers are also ahmadis and are a new group of illihoon ahmadi islam which follow my sharia omari as it prevails us with him the creator if we keep the shahada with us and the qitar prayer of muhammad to us for those who can muster it as it gives us repose more in our menfolk and girls dont require it but may if they wish to have the fatiha prayer with them but like i said before the key is the shahada said in prayers to him the creat of you who you affirm to be your creator and master and you know the prayers are difficult for the liar in court and the adultery heart on us but otherwise most say it with ease in them but it is so you succumb to it gradual ways some and others are immediate if i do it they will as well and it is so it has come about the fatiha in the abbreviated prayer is a must now not just the shahada which is a starting point for us in islam that early muslims kept and as time goes along you will want to adopt the muhammadi prayer i do as it becomes us most for our heaven abode here on earth
Please see Mirza and me have spoken the word in the metaphor sense but it is not spoken as it leads to dismay in others there.
Please see Mirza is disregarded by my community in Pakistan but there are people there who don’t do just that but actively call him evil since he was in error in issues like we all are some when we are young and foolish not as he was not that, but he did follow law in that he called me last one to appear who was Prophet there, only Allah wished him to call himself prophet there to break them, but he did validate I was the last one, so it occurred he was world prophet to some but he denied it for the most part and said it was metaphor there, but it didn’t do him any good to them in the world structure of Islam they had and he became evil to them because of it, but it was so he was innocent for the most part as Allah misled him to do this and be ostracized some say I Muhammad to you but I have come to clear the way in the Lahore Jamaat by telling his norm was not to call himself that word and the one occasion he spoke of it it was because we misguide him before and he started thinking he was a prophet, even if it was a metaphor, but it is true these things are not spoken of and that’s the law of sanity we have, that’s the law there in Islam, always deny it, it is true though, the denial we have.
Omar and Muhammad here.
please see it is gradual the implementation of the law system in your land but it is so you succumb because you know the shahada is true and you say it along with other prayers you do
please know people know i am pious by you and i brought you islam from the kindness of my heart to you as i wanted you to be saved and come to my creator and his prophet repentant of your past where you were doing evil things in your lives like extramarital sex and abortion and creating out of wedlock kids not realizing the evil you had in you until i showed you islamic ideology does not allow this walk you take on yourself and the culture of islam came to be clean to you and you realized our book the quran had all the virtue in it but it is so you were keen to learn our walk to us and then your child succumbed to me in islam we had of ahmadi injunctions where we take miracles out of the equation that mainstream muslims did about isa their prophet and other issues in islam we talk about here on my page and now you like our islam for yourself of our jamaat with the shahada predom in your prayer structure where you could say a prayer for yourself while before you would pray exceedingly rare ways and now you bring allah there with you where you go and your child is encouraged to do so as well
please see i am not a law-giver on my own accord and i just bring you early islam as a lieu until you can gather forte with us in islam
please know i am law-bearer for muhammad and cant make new edicts and if i say different law it is because allah wishes it and muhammad is my guide i would never make edicts on my own and i am not a prophet that i would abridge law from a previous one i dont have authority and neither i not but mirza and muhammad ali we 3 cannot do so and neither can my son but you will try to make him do so to allow concubinage islam had before because you want adultery to continue but you know the muslim body as a whole is against it as nisa says so that slave girls have to be married and it is severe in saudi land that they allow it to those who are not satisfied with 4 and want harams and so forth are out of islam in their acerbic way and now you know islam does not prevent you but prohibit it by my leave say i allah there
Please see Islam is served here when I tell you it has occurred because you believed me your God was One and now the gradual way with you has occurred and you are much better in regards to the law of Islam here.
Please know Allah considers us Muslims here by and large and issues remain minor not in regard to the law of cover your body for womankind and alcohol issues as well, but by and large we are one body here and fighting is rare in church groups as people assemble daily to discuss my views emerging here as we conglomerate to one body with Ahmadism of the Illihoon group occurring where the shahada is said by the people and qitar is being done by menfolk in mosques not but other avenues for menfolk, and women pray there with them some holding hands still, but still it is a better Islam than there in eastern lands where they lie profusely I am out of religion as I say shahada is a start for you and they call it innovation or bida while I am bringing Islam gradual ways to people, like early Islam had in Mecca during Prophet Muhammad’s time, so they are kafir in issues to me as karma occurs there and if they call pious people like myself and Mirza and Muhammad Ali kafir then the word is on them by hadith law that prevails there. Omar.
please see you say it is risky nay the courts will relent on you as marriage this way is better for their culture norms where children were produced out of wedlock
please know the nisa is a decent act by you that you take them in holy matrimony and dont live together in marriage vows not but it is so you are scared of legal proceedings even with that but you must take the risk of that as allah allows you matrimony but not the other avenue you seek where children are out of wedlock vows and breakups result as that will occur and your children will suffer immeasurably and sad is your door then yes you have to take the plunge with marriage and stay together where possible for you
Please see a atheist heart is not a good mate for you in the Muslim world or otherwise says I Omar not only but Allah says it, it is rigor for you if you take him as man you want.
Please see Muslim girls are asked to conjoint only praying men in marriage rites and if they don’t observe law in this regard they are to be forsaken as mates to them, they will take them to hellfire, and there are many Muslim families who won’t make it heaven because they lack a prayer structure in their house, we have made it easy for you with the Fatiha only or with Tashhud as initial prayer, with wadu if possible, because as the Christian world know some prayer is better than an atheist heart who recognizes there is God but doesn’t pray regular ways and the Prophet there knows many men are such in Islam and it is appropriate not to take them as mates until they come to their senses that prayer is obligatory on them and they have no leeway in regard to the law in this issue, and Muslim girls who are interested in men cannot marry, only if they are ready to be home for their man should they marry otherwise they won’t make good wives for them.
Please know the marriage law for girls and women residing here.
So Illihoon girls can marry Muslim men of any race if they stipulate Ahmadi aqaid is their law and if men they marry here, Muslims or those of Illihoon ideology, they must follow Mirza in the death of Isa ibn Maryam as it stipulates in Muhammad Ali’s Quran and also the birth of him being natural as indicated in literature we have in my book and his book who is Muhammad the scholar and they understand the metaphors real way in Isa’s teachings to his tribe of followers as stipulated in my writings in my book and literature on Facebook and they will follow my page in its teachings there to the Muslims who follow me here, and I know they must be kind to me in future otherwise they can leave them as I taught them truth from him, Prophet they have, and Allah expects me to stipulate divorce in court is not allowed to them otherwise they will not make it with Him, and Muslim girls must also stipulate they will marry and divorce in a Muslim way in accordance with the shariah of Mirza and myself, and we stipulate the Illihoon Quran must be followed in edicts and there is no leeway for court action by them. Omar.
Please see the character of a Muslim you marry in the West by you.
Please know regular prayer and charity is required in Islam by Me, their Creator, and if Ahmadi men not only do not pray to me 3 times a day at least then separate them Illihoon girls and women worldwide as they are akin to atheists in it, in the Islam they serve, and it is not permitted for an Illihoon woman to marry an atheist type of man, in Islam they must serve Me both by praying regular ways and these men hold you back from Paradise you desire, so law is important and my law is regular prayer with the Fatiha at least. Omar not but Allah there.
so the marriage bed is safe by you if you observe Islamic custom in it otherwise perversity will result and divorce will follow with no love for you there in the hereafter either
so illihoon girls are advised not and suggested not but told to separate from men they have in marriage if they ask them to do threesomes again by law of islam it is not permitted and you will be excommunicated if you do it by my authority over you in matters of religion and allah has no need of you either go away until your senses occur this is evil homosexual law they inscribe on you and dont bed them unless they are pious by you and pray and so forth give charity too as their misdeeds are many in their former ways and i immure you they think by making you impious
Please see it is clear Islam in the West has occurred and the sun is risen here with new literature more sane than before where weak concepts emerge there in the East some from reliance on hadith.
This is the culmination of a lot of hard work by me and others that the sun has risen eventually not but now as the hadith says it will rise from here in the West as Mirza teach them there in India in the last century and he sent my father not but him who you call Muhammad the scholar to us in my grandfather’s pen there when he wrote the Quran there from Muhammad the prophet that resulted in your conversion with its beauty and candor and Muhammad’s pen was imminent there but it couldn’t occur with Pakistan’s evil make of things they do not only but it was also as a result before when Qadianism rose its ugly head and called him a prophet real and dissuaded Muslims from reading him who was Muhammad to you in their pen format of Ahmadism then, now you have it that Islam is sane here because of Ahmadi view that Isa was normal and was not conceived not by Him in normalcy, their Creator, there you have it we are 1 body because Qadianism converted too, then the fight back result and I am jailed by you in this country and now shahada is worldwide because you popularize it in the West after my attempted death where I was escorted not but tased and killed practically by military men who handcufffed me with salve so strong that my hand slough some and then my death result that night because of the toxicity of the salve and I wash it off but still it kill me practical ways with fibrillation heart there.
Please see our Prophet there was unique that he is Messiah to mankind through the ages.
Please see it is clear I am there in jail quarters if I say this openly that I converted them to faith but when I started to teach Islam precepts to them in this country they turned to me as their man in the field and started ascribing purity to my teachings but it so occurred many of them disappeared as they were becoming Muslim aqeedah of One God with them then the deluge occurred and many were killed in covert actions by the government then so they turned to the Hebrew Word they had in Black Africa and became covert with me, eventually they formed a sect that recognizes me as their teach to them and Prophet Muhammad as their prophet in addition to other prophets they had in the Old Testament and they believe in Jesus as well thereby acceptable to us as Muslims by us and they adopt my teach of Illihoon Islam, an offshoot of Ahmadism of before with the shahada in it and many pray like we do with the Fatiha as well but it is so Prophet Muhammad is their main teach with them with Quran he has.
Please know Hebrews know there is a law for them and they can’t produce out of wedlock like Islam tells them not to and we are continuation of mosaic dispensation on them and Islam is represented by Prophet Muhammad who is a prophet to them and messiah some as I say in my book that he was Messiah for Islam through the ages which is what Hebrew literature was to them in Moses time as they used to submit to Him, Yahweh there, like they do now in Hebrew Israelite clan currently prevailing in the black community of this land, and so it occurs there is a continuation of prophets they have but they should go by the Quran which is a testament there that law is complete with it and there is no prophet after him who is Muhammad, as the Quran tells them, and Jesus had elements of truth preserved there in Bible literature of the past and he was Messiah there to his people of the Jewish faith residing in Israel during his time and they should recognize him as a representative prophet they have, and Jews around the world need to understand these issues as cogent for them that the Quran is the continuation of the mosaic law they have and is the last Word in the law structure from Him, the Creator to them.
Please know Hebrew Israelites as a group are sane with us as yet and eschew Israel’s policy of hate to that man, Muhammad, they say.
Please know the Hebrew Israelites are closer to the Islamic faith than many of the Jews of Israel residing in their land as they recognize our Prophet as a prophet there in Arab lands who taught monotheism, like they did in Israel to them, and it is clear they are our brother faith as Moses predicted him who is Muhammad in his text to them and there you have it they should not be extruded from us in Islam of the West emerging where 1 God is inherent in our belief and they too should recognize the Quran as true, like the people of the West do, and they are sane if they understand a new world order emerged with the Quran coming forth and they should adopt its teachings in their lives as it is very similar to their law structure from the same Entity of worship we have in our faith of Abrahamic traditions to us.
Please know these are the Hebrew Israelites who recognize me and Muhammad to us.
The Jesuits to you are Catholics, are they, they follow the law of Bani-Israel closely and belief in Jesus’ spirit in things but it is so it is a Hebrew branch that developed close ties to Catholicism late but it occurred they were law abiding more and made their follower follow law, and the Jesuits of Ethiopia follow the law precepts of Jesus and Moses as well and recognize me as their rahber who brought them Prophet Muhammad’s Book, the Quran, and my teachings to them, and are with me in Heaven one day when they adopt formally our Book, the Quran I teach from, as they are hesitant about purity as yet.
please see drew and malcolm x were clean by us and had misgivings of their own but were true to the spirit of islam with them
please know drew ali was a white faith in the sense of being a pure man but it was so he couldnt muster islam in his follower as he was profligate in his youth and somewhat later as well when he became independent of us in islam of the west as he was ahmadi from mirza to us yet he taught differently from him who was mirza and muhammad ali and they sent farad muhammad to reform him but he couldnt muster either there were too many inconstancies in his teaching to be accepted by us in islam so he had to be relinquished and the nation of islam appeared which farad took over but they didnt trust him he was pakistani fitrat of long prayer structure so they relinquished him the blacks did and elected his protege elijah to lead so it occurred black Islam movement here with ahmadi literature and you became evasive to black men emerging here and jailed some including drew and marcus and then killed him who was drew
please see some history of the nation of islam
the nation of islam is a relatively small movement now but was a force in its time of ascendency in the 1930’s but it is there misconceptions arose and they called an ahmadiyya imam god in the incarnate sense and elijah muhammad a prophet of his but they do believe in allah the creator and prophet muhammad as a messenger of his but should be derided in concepts they have that take them out of mainstream islam the ahmadis propose for themselves in the future as a force now that they have become in the west from mirza myself and muhammad alis teach there but it is so they should not be extruded actually as they are an offshoot of the islam of fard muhammad who was a lahore ahmadi who was teaching correctly from the books of muhammad ali the scholar there of the lahore jamaat and it was elijah who changed his teachings around and called him god and all that they say
it was practically dissolved in 1975 by warith deen muhammed but unfortunately farrakhan gained ground and certain heretical elements resurfaced there but it is so they are getting better with my coming and are following mainstream islam of the ahmadiyya faith more in their teachings and so there you have it they teach from muhammad alis quran and their outlook is similar now
please see black america is my car as they come through and adopt the shahada and fatiha some
please see black america has come through for us in islam we serve you of 1 body if you serve the shahada to you and the nation of Islam now also pray there the shahada some and other prayers as well and they are our brethren faith but do take prophethood to be ongoing which is wrong so ahmadi principles are better for now where we believe prophethood has ended with muhammad as there is no need for them with the completion of faith we have as the quran tells us in its final verse there in maida entailed below
5:3 Forbidden to you is that which dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of swine, and that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, and the strangled (animal), and that beaten to death, and that killed by a fall, and that killed by goring with the horn, and that which wild beasts have eaten — except what you slaughter; and that which is sacrificed on stones set up (for idols), and that you seek to divide by arrows; that is a transgression. This day have those who disbelieve despaired of your religion, so fear them not, and fear Me. This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor to you and chosen for you Islam as a religion. But whoever is compelled by hunger, not inclining willfully to sin, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Please see the Jesuits are well intentioned but Israel won’t budge as yet and hate him who is Muhammad to them.
Please see I’m a Jesuit not but a Muslim mu like my Prophet was and the Jesuits are keen Israel follows their lead in recognizing Prophet Muhammad as their rahber there when he was teaching them in Madinah precepts, but they didn’t relent to him and were extruded to Khaibar where they stayed until they converted to Islam of monotheism, where they follow the Quran precepts instead of following their own whims like they do now where Torah is a watchword not but only an avenue of abuse on others and piety there is ignored, like taking care of your neighbor’s yard is not followed and rights are usurped there of others under their care, there you have it they don’t follow the spirit of the Book and are like the Bani-Israel of before who would relent not on Mary and called her a fornicatress and walked out, and Jesus was disregarded as a prophet of theirs and killed in their hearts intents.
Please know the Salafi movement had a credit with some there but it was interim in ideology until I could come forward with my pen to Muhammadi men like Omar and Mirza and Muhammad Ali as well.
This is Salafism of the 18th and 19th century, a backward movement to those in the West but still forward during those times when western influence was increasing and people were becoming apostates, and so they gained independence issues of Islam as well in the sense they did my teach but other issues they did create which I was not a party to and as they were subjected to rule from the West then they initiated jihad as well which Mirza abrogated on my behalf as they were too strong and I went on to teach with pen to my pious one, Mirza there, who they ostracized for removing a tenet of Islam, but it is so I removed it as it would have annihilated men which we did not want and we wanted Islam resurgence in these quarters here in the West rather than their backward style of relying on hadith as there were too many errors there, so I abrogated it, their Salafi move with the advent of Mirza’s teach there and saw it was outmode with jihad movement which I did not teach them, they thought it appropriate to war an occupying army and they had the tenet in Islam of defense warfare, which I did too, say I Muhammad here, and Wahabism also stemmed from Ibn Taymiyya teach but these Salafi movements relied on hadith and we abrogate hadith to you in the West for the most part but I know Wahabis are good Salafi and are willing to adjust to Ahmadi tenets as they make sense to them, a character of my son Wahab there who listened to me in my spirit do I come there, and now there you have it I am a lieu there until they come through with me and Mirza and Omar say I, the august one.
Omar not but Muhammad to you here.
Please see the mosque structure here is averse to my literature but they need not be here if they adopt and adapt not to truth of Ahmadism we teach of the West to them.
Please see Memphis mosques are upset I teach Ahmadi aqaid or principles on certain topics and make it law if they want to marry local girls that they insist on virtue topics on them as we insist on in Islam of Ahmadism, in men they marry, those of them that are on my Facebook page being an avenue of peace there as it is incumbent they must educate themselves on Islam emerging in the West if they want to stay here with them and it is incumbent on them to learn Islam again as much has been lost with hadith they create abrogating certain verses of the Quran which they did not like, henceforth the whole Quran is considered as sacred and congruous while hadith are abrogated by me say I Allah to them and if they don’t adapt piety we teach of Ahmadi aqaid then their car is parked in their lands not here. Omar not only here.
the imam in the mosque is not well with us in islam as he thinks his property in the sense of his religious belief is over and they are derided in islam there in their middle eastern values they have of making money unjust means and what else they teach them there
the imam at the mosque is angry with me over issues that i change religion they have from prophet muhammad to me but it is so i am quiet now as issues have occurred that will extrude me here if i continue to teach differently but it is so people trust me as i have no bone to fight with them as i used to pray with them before i was asked to separate and not pray behind imam structure who are averse to my teachings but it is so the imam of the islamic center here is sane and gives in to people and their requests for peace with us who are people of illihoon jamaat of ahmadism that emerges slowly now they say nay it has emerged and is rapidly becoming the law here as people comprehend it as sane and they in the imam people are not well in issues and people are nice now and help each other and child is brought up with nice etiquettes and it is all because of girl structure with us especially the one in 7th heaven with us eventual ways yes the girl who was in western state with us and taught that you had to be subversive in order to get your way with the government but it is true she held me there and taught i was kind to her and did not want things like sex from them girls in this land here in this country by us
please see i am harassed because of my success with you if i had been a little-known scholar they wouldnt have bothered me the way they are doing in public places where i eat and meet them who like my car
please see public places do this intimidation on a scholar of islam here that they harass him to teach him a lesson not to come to their restaurant and eat there and i could file discriminatory notices in court proceedings but i want to wait just yet and let them take a hint that people will leave their abode as i am their star who taught a nice faith there different from mainstream islam they have in middle eastern countries which they dont care for in this land of ours as they as a group there dont understand me or prophet they have as i write from him while you do in christian islam emerging in western lands of ahmadi aqaid or principles of brotherhood with them in the christian door they have and god knows they have come forth in fellowship to us in ahmadi lands here in the western hemisphere where jesus is taken as god not anymore and nature is his door in that he had a natural life and birth and death as well as a prophet of his grace to him
please see the ahmadi car is extant by you in this land and the west as well.
please know there are some in the muslim world who are me negatively and say i innovate things and things of that sort and deride ahmadi edicts about isa and other issues we have so dont associate with them they are not worthy for your culture and are similar to your church groups who deride me they are liars to you so stay away from such people and the pious one by you knows i am good for you and brought you tranquility and a quiet heart to you and are those who understand issues and learn as we go along and now you have it those who deride me are evil car as i do his bid the creator there who sends me prophet muhammad to teach things to you and me as well.
Please see they were a backward class and the ruling elite has to educate them there in piety principles Islam has for them.
Please see the Taliban infrastructure removed with time from my home town not but country of Pakistan some as there is no need for them now that Ahmadi aqaid are being followed and army is sane to start praying camps instructing populace to pray the shahada at least while they work, and to pray the other prayers with the Fatiha in them when they can, as it is incumbent in the land of having a structure of piety with regular prayer in it and the qom or country was wayward with Allah and the Prophet in that they were evil class who didn’t pray and made their money unjust means and now they must amend to Him if they want to have credit with Him and the world community as well, they were not going to make it to Heaven because of these issues we speak of here.
Please see traditional Islam likes to take the credit of converting people there in India to Islam but Ahmadism taught these principles of brotherhood with them in the 19th and early 20th century.
They are a erudite group, the IREA are, but wrong in issues there that their scholars of traditional Islam brought it out as Ahmadism brought out these facts that their scripture in the Hindu lore was from God as well, well over a century ago by an Ahmadi scholar named Vidyarthi who taught us in Islam that they were Muslim in India at the outset and they followed One God teachings as they were taught this by prophets and saints of their culture, it was a later innovation they had of idolatry that they ascribe godhead to them, purportedly to bring them closer to Him Who creates and now their culture in India is averse not to Ahmadism emerging as it is much better than the Islam there where they took advantage of them and killed many in the wars they had with them, and people like Modi and others like my candor and Mirza too before my time and Muhammad Ali is a scholar by them, immense in degree, and so it occurs they are ready to teach their people about One God principles we have here in the West and they don’t want to be left behind in this culture of alacrity the West inculcates as good there for them.