
1 Chapter One





Please see the anwan or topic today is how we get there to heaven in one piece without going through hellfire extensively like my predecessor Jesus there did when he taught you the metaphor and so forth you became compliant but did he reach it, Paradise there, he did, and now he resides in Heaven with others but it is so he deterred things and let it occur that the metaphor took hold and you became trinity in views, something he did not envision but still it occurs to his detriment but it so occurs you were closer to Islam than pagan gods you have then and he was innocent in it by Allah and he had left the country when it took hold, the concept of him being son materially and then Paul did the rest, as I have shown you previously.

Please know it is clear I am published by you now so I say this that you have been kind to me to allow this format on Facebook to continue over the years where my views get air and now you succumb to One God the Quran has for you and most of you come forth willingly to Him, but keep me afloat as there are many adversaries here who don’t like my literature coming forth where you convert materially to me and what I teach here on Facebook book format here and my books to you as you will deter it some but I know kind is your name here so you deter not actually and give me statutes I need for my speech to be free and so forth I’m One God with you concept there, inshallah it will be so, so that Islam is 1 belief with you in this forum you have of world literature to follow. Omar.


please see the meaning of life here and my beauty is what you covet all of you and it is enough that your heart is at peace that eternal ways you will be with me and i will manifest myself to you so that your peace results with me in your personal journey with me and then you shall see it the utter joy of your creation there say i allah to you

please see the reason i create you is for heart to know your worth and your heart rests in peace at your hierarchy in things of the nature i teach you in that your following of me must be like the one coveted by you yes it is muhammad who is the best in submission to me and then others occur in their worth they know they are not he and so your peace results yes thats why i create you here so that your peace occur and rancor occurs no more in your heart

please see this verse and hadith on the subject of time that we have and i have to tell you time always existed and i was alone from always then i wanted to be known so i created mankind that they would recognize me and serve me in my needs you think nay i am self-sufficient but in my wish to be known and loved by others so thats why i created you in this world as a separate conscious being and gave you living and things you like and reserve my blessings for heaven for you where you will have all you wish yes i made you all my creation for you to worship not as i dont need that but in my creation of things i have hierarchy in ways and you must know the best of you is he who serves me the best to bring all of you to me and that person is muhammad and he has the quran to serve you and there is no other book like it but it is so i gave you a destiny or qadr in things that you may know my hierarchy exists but when you come to heaven you will all be equal to me but my grace is most on him who you call my beloved one and you will not be jealous there but all will know your place is not to be him but yet you will love us all humanity with peace from us but you have to get there before then everything falls into place and you know i am kind to tell you this there is no rancor there you will all be fulfilled in your need for love and joy will be there for you but remember my first creation was he who you call me not but muhammad there around 20 billion years ago when i decided to create but first i create your destiny with the pen i write there so you understand that how this thing came about but it is so you dont know it your destiny there so vie with one another with good deeds and show your worth to us and mary was the next i create 7 billion years before this time and from these two spring mankind in their gene there which was spirit from them and this spirit is you on earth as well and you evolve here while there you are static in your spirit you are then so there you have it time did not begin but was ongoing as long as i was there but you date it from my first creation dont i was always there and time is a dimension not but i am time from immemorial times and there you have it there is no beginning to it and it goes on unending like the way we are once i created you but it is so you are safe to understand it has no beginning it just exists like i do and i wished to be known to the lover of me and satisfy my urge to take care of you once you have shown your worth and know your hierarchy with me and so there you have it my history is here in my words say i allah there and there you have it i was a beauty and i was satisfied by what i am there but eventually i knew i would create you to know me but it was so i would create my perfect one to let humanity know about me and he would teach me as i would remain hidden from view but the heart i did create to comprehend me and it desires my company so it submits to me but it is so i create evil for people to do if they wished and so i would see which person succumbs to my teach through muhammads pen and my voice coming here and you have a choice always i give that to my creations to come willingly until i force you through hell in you so that it occurs when hell transpires you have shown your worth to humanity and me and you wont vie with me about the fact why did i give my favorite one the best position for you there you have it your hell is written by your own hands and i give you a term there depending upon how bad youve been and so you know my wisdom is consummate and there is a purpose for your create and eventually you will be in heaven with me but you must face your term in hell before you come to me and some i will forgive on the day i judge you and some i will send for reform to hell where the fire consumes you and you see your worth which you did not see before and now you have it i am your company forever after you know your evil in things you do there in your life before you enter my abode with me so be aware of me in what i ask you as it is my wish you obey me in my laws here and if you wish to do it evil in your life at the beck of yourself or the devil so be it i will punish you all together in it and i know you know it is over you have understood the meaning of life but know your creation is to keep me company in loving embrace i give you when you are like my muhammad to me who wouldnt dare me in things and so you know your hierarchy depends on that yes your submission to me in my law structure there through the ages ever since i created you

allah here to you personally on this page here


51:56 And I have not created the jinn and the men except that they should serve Me.

51:57 I desire no sustenance from them, nor do I desire that they should feed Me.

51:58 Surely Allah is the Bestower of sustenance, the Lord of Power, the Strong.

Hadith here

“We have come to ask you about this matter” He said, “First of all, there was nothing but Allah, and his throne was over the water, and He wrote everything in the Book (in the Heaven) and created the heavens and the earth…”

– Sahih Al Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Hadith 414.

Hadith also

Ubadah b. al Samit said to his son:

I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The first thing Allah created was the pen. He said to it: ‘Write.’ It asked: ‘What should I write, my Lord?’ He said: ‘Write what was decreed about everything till the Last Hour comes.’” Son! I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “He who dies on something other than this does not belong to me (on qadr).”

– Sunan Abu Dawud Book 41, Hadith 4683,

Hadith Qudsi

I was a hidden beauty and I wanted to be known so I created My creation so that they would know Me.


please see there is one god who taught this to me that the word can be understand with ease actually

why do i write like this so you can develop your acumen and decipher words without all these rules being applied by law they make and in a few generations you will like to write like this in languages you use and apostrophes need not be used as one can decipher the word without it and capitals are needed not either commas are useful but not required and so there you have it you apply your head to it and if people have difficulty they can use punctuations and other assets they want but it is true it is like the arabic language of prophet muhammads time and he wrote like this in language he use but enough they think you are making too many changes and our children are getting affected but it is good fun for them to learn this dictum style we have then and in a few generations it wont be a problem to decipher languages like this and allah and the prophet know love occurs this way as rules make you stilted in things you do and ideas float freely this way with you and you develop your intellect as well



see the universe is a fragment here and allah is there giving you his impression that you are small actually even though you want to be my size but no one is me so rest assured you will never be gods like i am to you and mine body is a delight to you more than the seven heavens combined

see the universe is flat not but sphere-like and there is no end to space as it is the dimension we live in and other heavens exist which we can warp into as spirits and not in our body format and it is true the universe is expanding in this dimension we live in as it was created in it by force of nature allah has there around 20 billion light years not but years of your reckoning when he decided to make me human being not but muhammad who would know him and teach me here omar here as i teach others and i learn as you learn from my pen from him allah there and now you know it is a dimension we live in as space is empty and the suns are created in it from allahs body not but his spirit which is a form of matter which is pure energy units and his body is his spirit and soul thats all for now you already know his spirit created us and all matter

please see the universe is a fragment here in this dimension of the lower dimension of the material essence i create says i to you the creator here and the next dimension is oblique and covers this one and so forth with all seven of them each one a grain of sand compared to the one above it and i reside above my creation in unend i am and infinite in length and breadth we are not but i allah am and my energy is unend as well i have no limits and my book is the quran of muhammad which entails all the laws to get you there to the 7th heaven not only but to reach my grace to you in that it is grace i give you with me so obey me in it and we will be happy to meet there where i will greet my beloved with grace of myself and gift heaven to her and him who loves to meet me in person

please see know your worth is to sin to get this to your comprehension but if you are sinful i will punish you and know yourself as a child who serves me your creator as a child who is my servant who i will bless in this world with things mundane to you but valuable too as peace in this world has no price attached and in heaven there is unend i give of things you wish but your fruits are your good deeds here and there you will see love from people and marriage to them and sex with children born to you and travel with knowledge from me and so forth houses of gold and silver if you wish them and embroidered cloth for you of silken brocade and it goes on from my reservoir of unend i have for you but you must be good and obey my word in my book to you yes muhammad to me as it has the ingredient for the potion of joy you have now in your life and bear my trial here with patience yes this material world is a trial for you but gain strength and wisdom and your fruits will come to light in paradise i create for you as you were good here and becoming space is for you there for all eternity a gift never to be cut off

omar and muhammad here and allah as well yes we wrote this


11:108 And as for those who are made happy, they will be in the Garden abiding therein so long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as thy Lord please — a gift never to be cut off.


an atheists asks what is the purpose of religion when we can live with the laws of society with us but i ask you what is the purpose of life if you want to live that way without him your creator there

please know religion gives us peace there is creator of us who will take care of us and when we die will give us another life where the meaning of life comes to our comprehension and that we will eventually go to paradise which he has prepared for us when we are clean with you and him as well

please see you have understood he exists as the one cell dna code is perfect for us to exist and you see the immense structure of the universe we study at enormous distance from us of billions of light years and you know there has to be a creator there and you see the perfection of this world in order for us to live in it with its oxygen in due proportion so that our body lives with no toxicity in it and the inert nitrogen that sustains us and so forth our chemical milieu that the earth has and the plants that produce oxygen and scrub out the toxins of other gases and the alternation of the day and night and the perfect distance of the sun to us and you know this universe is perfect to us earthlings and so you know he exists to create this perfect world for us and so you succumb to his existence and you know the law he has sent to us is perfect through the times and most of you believe the quran is his book as well with the law in it for us to submit to and with this submission to his will we find peace here in us and without as well so you know religion is meant to be obeyed and there is a purpose for this submission and to see who is the best in it and when we face hardships in life who submits better than others and so forth who is patient and does not lose faith in him no matter the consequences of hardship on us yes the world is a test for us as to see who submits better and therefore has a higher heaven than you who berate him for hardships and sufferings you face yes each moment he is test on us and now you know the atheists question is answer to it why is there suffering and death and so forth misery here yes it is to test you but he gives you respite too where you have fun and gaity but he expects you to follow his law to you now you know he exists there the creator of this perfect place a speck in the universe we know and thus you know our creation too is perfect to understand him in the frontal lobe he gave us to understand concepts about him and thus if you deny him after this it is your evil you wish that you dont want to be answerable to him your creator and your denial of truth is a punishable offense by him and there let the matter rest that you see squalor in this life when you dont obey him and death of yourself in spirit in the world to come as well



3:190 In the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day, there are surely signs for people of understanding.

3:191 Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and (lying) on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: Our Lord, Thou hast not created this in vain! Glory be to Thee! Save us from the chastisement of the Fire.


please see the difference between me and omar here say i muhammad there as i am the emissary of allah and he represents us in his views to you

please see this verse that signifies prophethood has come to an end and that we are saints who have communication from him who creates us to be servants of his grace and i know it is complicated but a prophet is an emissary of him allah who has sovereignty over us and a saint is not a prophet in that sense of having authority over you from him who is the creator there

please see the communication of a saint is also different in that it is his message that comes to his or her mind while the prophet is given a message through the agency of an angel though thought form of message do occur as well to them but it is concrete their role over you and they must be obeyed if you want him your creator to do you good and let you enter paradise with him your savior on earth

please know communication from the prophets do exist to saints and in that context they can be said to be their representative and it is so it a metaphor association we have with him the prophet but it appears we are the prophet as the message is from him but we dont have authority and his teachings coming to us through our pen and tongue have to be adapt to our culture if it makes sense to people and even if we say this is from him the prophet it does not carry weight like a prophets word does and there you have it that role as an emissary from him the creator is no longer seen in the world and things have to be taken in the context of the book of the prophet and we believe muhammad is the last one and no one will appear now so take my words in reference to the quran and if i adjust religious edicts it is from him the prophet on his behalf the creator there and it is temporary as the words of the quran cannot be altered when they were revealed in their original words so you see i am a lieu only and the quran is permanent there so there you have it jesus was similar in that he was a prophet like me say i muhammad here and his words had to be obeyed for his people otherwise they were not going to make it and thats what occurred to the bani-israel tribe of his land yes they did not make it with their creator and have to go for rehab in hell in the hereafter for them and there it is in your book that he was the way and his follower did have life from his teach and was carried to life in the hereafter if he or she stayed true to his teach there and later christianity with polytheism in it did not have life and they went for rehab in the hereafter as they followed another other than jesus christ your savior there

omar and muhammad here


33:40 Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the prophets. And Allah is ever Knower of all things.

John 14

6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


please see your defiance is your death on you and if you don’t submit here it will be a long while before i let you enter heaven in submission to me say i allah there

please see there is observable area of the universe and there is area that we cannot perceive as it is too far away and its light cannot be seen here but it is so you can travel there after you die so rest assured your sight will see it but do use your telescopes and search the cosmos as it will give you awe of me your creator as i am big more than it the observable sight not but the cosmos and you are a speck to me yet you rise in defiance to me why because you are incomplete and dont appreciate my nature to let you grow through trial and error for some until you come to me after your death then you will succumb more but i know its late for some that they succumb there as well why because you hate to give into my grandeur and people will be there in barzakh who will not succumb even though they know its true that my universe is vast and i am even more so why this attitude to me yes i wish it if they didnt succumb on earth then i will delay them there by taking their soul from them as that is how you evolve enough of you i say there now pray and see if you can recover your peace yes it will occur after you are judged say i as then the soul recurs and you can fast and pray like some of you did not on earth life you live

allah here and over to you man and wife and child to do your bid and see consequences for you


please see your soul is the seat of your learning and if you diminish it or bury it it causes your death of intellect in you and intelligence is remote as well

please see allah is the soul to you and he communicates with you if your soul grows and comes in sync with your conscious state and then if you follow his bid on you you become one with him like isa and myself were and muhammad was perfect in it but did adjust allahs beckoning on him for the will of the people as can be seen in hadith law that he circumvent his opinion for their sake when they couldnt do something he asked them to but he was wise more and as the lead for men he knew their limits so he would adjust law in some issues but not the quran if at all possible for him but it is so he is our lead and he may adjust the law later again to please him who is the creator there who likes it that his word is followed through with

please see the soul is our ruh that is breathed into us at inception and conception and stays with us always not but when we sleep it goes to him the creat for repair in things as many turmoils occur some with man and women during their day but it is true the soul communicates with us from allah to our mind as then we see and understand his knowledge and it adds knowledge to us in our mind and heart as well

please see allah is one but he is in us as well as the quran says

please know it is complex not as his spirit is everywhere

please see our spirit is from him as well but he communicates through his soul and if we diminish it we dont see or understand things we read or see or hear as it doesnt reach our soul which is the seat of our understanding of things and if we dont understand issues our mind and heart do not learn and some wander on blindly not seeing reality of truth to us

please see the minds eye is your seat of seeing which is your soul and if you cause it to grow your mind sees clearly

please see when you break your spirit your soul diminishes and you dont see clear ways which is what sex does

please see other sins like abort kills your spirit and your soul doesnt communicate with your mind and your heart doesnt learn things and you become animal-like not knowing stuff your creator creates you for so there you have it your soul leaves you in essence and you dont learn what life is about

please cause it to grow with repentance so that he can forgive you and your soul becomes the seat of learning again like when you were a child yes you become living when he forgives you and your soul fills your spirit again

please know regular prayer causes your soul to replenish you and your understanding of things occur and you can read literature such as mine and the quran as well which makes sense to you then

please know great minds know they repent their evil constantly as minor or major qualms are allayed and they develop peace in them

please see to inhibit evil in you as this breaks the spirit and your mind becomes confused in issues it faces

please see a confused mind is the devils car in that it drives the wrong path to him your god and its destination is hellfire



15:28 And when thy Lord said to the angels: I am going to create a mortal of sounding clay, of black mud fashioned into shape.

15:29 So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down making obeisance to him.


32:7 Who made beautiful everything that He created, and He began the creation of man from dust.

32:8 Then He made his progeny of an extract, of worthless water.

32:9 Then He made him complete and breathed into him of His spirit, and gave you ears and eyes and hearts; little it is that you give thanks!


50:16 And certainly We created man, and We know what his mind suggests to him — and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein.


6:71 Say: Shall we call, besides Allah, on that which profits us not nor harms us, and shall we be turned back on our heels after Allah has guided us? Like one whom the devils cause to follow his low desires, in bewilderment in the earth — …


91:7 And the soul and its perfection!

91:8 So He reveals to it its way of evil and its way of good;

91:9 He is indeed successful who causes it to grow,

91:10 And he indeed fails who buries it.


please see the soul beckons you to do good and forbids evil on you as it is from your god as a guide to you so let it flourish with regular prayer and charity in you and if you cause it to diminish by ignoring its edicts on you you will have nature worse than animals who dont sin by nature they have

please see this verse that we have a nature and that is upright in piety we are and i know you think you are upright when you dont lie or cheat others but upright is law-abiding in us as the verse says here that you have a duty to keep so you know the law he allah to you enacts is sane for you in that your soul rejects it if you break your spirit-law you have and diminishes in light it has thereby limiting your sight in issues you have there you have it when you break your spirit-law you lose your soul and thats why we say all religions taught the same law as taught by the prophets there and homosexual law was never condoned in any law structure i had says i allah there there you have it i would never allow it and when you follow secularism that allows this freedom to men and womenkind they break them in it and they suffer in their life so ban it for their repose that it is abnormal act and it should never be accepted by man or child he has

please know other laws entailed in the quran are there for your review if you break any of them your fiber will break and your spirit will be lost in that its fiber will break and its mettle will be weak and you wont be able to accomplish much and you will lose faith in yourself and allah as well and that will remain until you are judged as guilt with you unless you relent to forgive you by repent you do

please know fornication and adultery and homosexual acts are major sins by which you will lose faith as your spirit will break and you will lose sight as your soul diminishes and your soul is my tool that i give you in order for you to discern between right and wrong you have it in this world after you die i take it from you and your trial is end and you await judge on you on how you lived your life say i omar not but allah there so there occurs omar is sane to learn the reason the soul is given to man and mankind on earth so they know through pangs of conscience when they err and that is my soul beckon you to correct itself your heart to you in sin you live except some who follow my law perfectly which are few as yet

allah here


30:30 So set thy face for religion, being upright, the nature made by Allah in which He has created men. There is no altering Allah’s creation. That is the right religion — but most people know not—

30:31 Turning to Him; and keep your duty to Him, and keep up prayer and be not of the polytheists,


please see the unitarians are one body with us of islam and that the country is founded on unitarian principles by their founding fathers

please see sanity emerge here that the unitarians were an offshoot of islam emerging in christianity in the 16th century and adopted jesus as a man incarnate not of him who creates and many great minds have emerged with them but now the time has come for the quran to dominate you and illihoon quran is what you adopt but it is true when the west saw the truth of islam they adopt it in the form of this church and it was good move on their part

please see the views of the unitarians in that they align to those of islam for the most part and now you know america was based on unitarian principles you will succumb more to me in islam of illihoon to you with the prayer we have and us being one body under him our creat and many great minds did it beget like isaac newton george washington thomas jefferson quincy adams amongst many other american and european nationals who were against monotheism not they produced in its edicts in the christian church and many united states presidents were also from this church and they knew the truth of islam but couldnt muster more until it is now apparent the quran is the book preserved mainly intact by him your creat and thats why your race considers its motto to be one nation under god

Extract from Wikipedia page on Unitarian church

Although there is no specific authority on convictions of Unitarian belief aside from rejection of the Trinity, the following beliefs are generally accepted:

One God and the oneness or unity of God.

The life and teachings of Jesus Christ constitute the exemplar model for living one’s own life.

Reason, rational thought, science, and philosophy coexist with faith in God.

Humans have the ability to exercise free will in a responsible, constructive and ethical manner with the assistance of religion.

Human nature in its present condition is neither inherently corrupt nor depraved (see original Sin) but capable of both good and evil, as God intended.

No religion can claim an absolute monopoly on the Holy Spirit or theological truth.

Though the authors of the Bible were inspired by God, they were humans and therefore subject to human error.

The traditional doctrines of predestination, eternal damnation, and the vicarious sacrifice and satisfaction theories of the Atonement are invalid because they malign God’s character and veil the true nature and mission of Jesus Christ.

End of section

please see this verse this applies to the followers of christ in the unitarian church as they are true to his word and we consider them muslims like the apostles were considered so in the vernacular of god in the quran and there you have it early christians were muslims by us and the ebionites were a muslim sect that followed christs disciples in things so we are one body with them



3:50 And (I am) a verifier of that which is before me of the Torah, and I allow you part of that which was forbidden to you; and I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so keep your duty to Allah and obey me.

3:51 Surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him. This is the right path.

3:52 But when Jesus perceived disbelief on their part, he said: Who will be my helpers in Allah’s way? The disciples said: We are Allah’s helpers: we believe in Allah, and bear thou witness that we are submitting ones (Muslims).


please see this note from your president who didnt make it but had some piety with him in that he liked one god concepts the quran had and adopted it for his country

i had many flaws and killed many men of indian descent but i know muhammad was right in issues and we joined the unitarian movement thomas and myself and taught one god principle to people we talked to and the quran was available to us and we read it but more importantly it was translations of the quran by muslim hands that we saw correct as these people who gave us the quran were vicious in it about our man muhammad there but we knew he was a saint at least as he had a book and so it occur many of us in the movement of independence were unitarians and we knew one god principles apply but i was bad in many ways and suffered hell in my hereafter but it is so we brought unitarianism to you here and we are forgiven for our sins quincy made it but thomas and myself were immured in debt to others but it is so there was a black slave who was saint who told us we would be unitarianism as a nation one day thats why we stuck to the principle of one god for us as a nation to us

omar not but his pen as george washington here


please see the american indians were sad at your arrival though they welcomed you initially but it is so you broke pacts with them and fought them rather than assimilating them in your culture

please see the american indian race was massacred by you and they lost heart when you did abysmal things by me to subjugate them to rule you had yes you raped their child in front of her and him and took their body parts for booty ornaments you had and people like geronimo lost heart yes he was a believer in me his creator and he died a broken man thats what you did to the spirit of them

geronimo was a stalwart believer in me but it is so they made captives of most indians who survived the deluge they did when they massacred them in these states but it is so they were sad living in camps in their forts after their captivity occurred and it is sad to see a race gone away by you but you are better now and protect their gene from expiry in this land of illihoon people you are but do compensate them with riches and lifestyle adequate for their needs and i will come forth with you in forgiveness for your race as there was some good in you you did adopt me your creator in your prayers you do and teach them as well what they lost when you taught trinity there instead of their god allah there

omar not but allah to you here


isaac newtons note here for your perusal

please see this comment from this esteemed colleague of ours where he says we were exposed to excerpts of the quran in our literature and i was a young man when that occur and we saw the truth of what the unitarians or monotheists were saying so i adopt it and researched our book the bible and saw what omar writes about and i saw ikhlas in the quran excerpts i had and so became a believer in it the teachings of this man who they call muhammad there and i taught arianism was sane but i was a true muslim and said so they were a good race in my literature there but it is so thats all i could muster say i isaac here

isaac newton here from omars pen


please see atheism is the bane for your society as you attempt to bring god back into your life

please see atheism has reigned here

please know your founding fathers founded this land in the worship of god and not atheistic principles it adopt in its course

please see they looked down on the worship of a man and did not want the church to interfere with government of the country even if it was a christian land but the minds that formulated the country were not as they were muslim bent and called themselves unitarians and they worshipped him who create them

please see they did not want the worship of jesus in government offices so they relinquished it the church there but they did keep the worship of god intact and so you have become atheists where you dont allow islam of worship of him who you call god in your vernacular publicly in government offices and schools at large and this is evil car you have

please see islam is served here by my telling you you do have islam if you take out the worship of man out of the building of religion you adopt

please know the church has to succumb to you as it is your country and you dont want this base instinct that you would call him who you call jesus as your god to you while he did not create you in your dna car you have and so the quranic verse rings true that your founding father and others thought that god was omniscient and all-powerful and prayed there for this day that you would institutionalize prayer there for him in your public arena and you would allow prayer for your kids in school they have and there you have it supreme court is outcast for adopting atheism in your culture where god used to be centerpiece of your life

please see constitutional amendments are required to allow you god in your life where you work where he can be discussed freely and that you allow prayer for him there as well



2:163 And your God is one God; there is no God but He! He is the Beneficent, the Merciful.


3:29 Say: Whether you hide what is in your hearts or manifest it, Allah knows it. And He knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And Allah is Possessor of power over all things.


please see these words are solace here as you lost ground in the last century when you became atheists in things and left god in your prayers you had not with you

please see thomas was a unitarian no he was me a muslim of ahmadiyya bent and thats why your country adopts me as we believe like thomas jefferson in normal births in all humans and also god is omniscient and worthy of taking care of us in all respects of life yes he was a muslim like me says george washington and there were many like us who hated church structure and beliefs and so there you have it we separated church from us in the government of man and wife but that doesnt mean we were areligious we prayed too but like i said before our sins were many with the christians not as we let them be but with the american indian man and woman and their child so we didnt make it to heaven but we were all influenced by church not but by muslim literature and adopt universalism and unity concepts for our government not allowing jesus worship in it and so there you have it we were monotheists and submitting to the one god in his teachings to us and quincy adams and john adams made it with universalist ideology but thomas was wrong and universalism did not catch on the mainstream as he wished and now it has in the mainstream of american fabric and i support here this move of ahmadiyya religion as it is sane for us and stay away from the miracles islam has i say but you have accepted him omar here thats why i say it now otherwise he would be mischief to write from us for his betterment to occur but yes we are deists in the american government there so let it rest with you we are one body with islam worldwide now and it is over our war there which subsequent governments did in their ignorance of our religion yes the founding fathers were us in islam of monotheism and thats the best we could muster yes the unitarian principles islam has of our country

omar not but george here


please see repentance in your heart is key to your survival after you say the shahada

please see the shahada means repentance in it and it means you are going to forge for yourself a new life and it entails forgiveness from your creator but the intent is that you will turn over a new leaf to you and you will not commit misdeeds otherwise you are not forgiven in that sense and only when it is associated with repentance in your heart is it accepted as peace for you as to become a muslim means that you have the car to be upright now

please see we all commit sins in our lives and sometimes mistakes occur even after we say the shahada but as hud here says turn back not in wrongs you do before after accepting me your creator as your god and as al-zumar says i forgive you all sins if i feel you are sincere to me in repentance act you have and i ask you continue to live your life in forbearing to others and things i do to you say i the august one to you allah there and there you have it you will be forgiven if i see you are pure in yourself and the intent is there not to do it again the sin you did

omar not only


39:53 Say: O My servants who have been prodigal regarding their souls, despair not of the mercy of Allah; surely Allah forgives sins altogether. He is indeed the Forgiving, the Merciful.


3:132 And obey Allah and the Messenger, that you may be shown mercy.

3:133 And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden, as wide as the heavens and the earth; it is prepared for those who keep their duty:


11:51 O my people, I ask of you no reward for it. My reward is only with Him Who created me. Do you not then understand?

11:52 And, O my people, ask forgiveness of your Lord, then turn to Him, He will send on you clouds pouring down abundance of rain and add strength to your strength, and turn not back, guilty.


please see this chapter ya sin which has the concept that you will be raised one day even if you are an open disputant here

please see the concepts in the quran about me your creator are safe to be with and also the law structure i give you is safe for your culture wherever in the world you are and i know its late for some lands that you adopt me formally in my book to you but it is so there is much good in it and when comprehension occurs it is sane in its entirety for you to adopt then you will be safe from my wrath say i allah there as i will exact punishment on those communities who lag behind in my edicts to you thinking your culture is superior while it is not only illihoon is safe for you and there are many inconstancies in you which are not sane by you and if you adopt the illihoon quran you will be sane in issues like the west has become and 1 god is their watchword as to how they became pliant to my pen here and i know your culture worldwide recognizes me as your god but rest assured i am not willing to relent on piety principles i enact for you in illihoon you are and my word in the quran is extant see here how i give life to the earth in the form of a green tree that you use for yourself and i am complete in knowledge as your creator and i know whats best for you and you dont so submit to me in the quran i teach and with clarity of intellect you realize which is in muhammad alis translation and not in other qurans where they carry the baggage of some imbecile concepts they have so use only muhammad alis version and his notes are sane for you but amend them with my teach from omars pen and tongue as he teaches daily the quran there and there you have it my word is from muhammad the prophet there in this quran i teach to you so adopt it and no else and it is my humble request to man to do so why humble because i enact it though i am explicit and can order but i want you to come through in illihoon yourself

omar not at all here but his pen as me allah there


57:1 Whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares the glory of Allah, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

57:2 His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He gives life and causes death; and He is Possessor of power over all things.

57:3 He is the First and the Last and the Manifest and the Hidden, and He is Knower of all things.

57:4 He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods, and He is established on the Throne of Power. He knows that which goes down into the earth and that which comes forth out of it, and that which comes down from heaven and that which goes up to it. And He is with you wherever you are. And Allah is Seer of what you do.

57:5 His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; and to Allah are (all) affairs returned.

Ya Sin

36:77 Does not man see that We have created him from the small life-germ? Then lo! he is an open disputant.

36:78 And he strikes out a likeness for Us and forgets his own creation. Says he: Who will give life to the bones, when they are rotten?

36:79 Say: He will give life to them, Who brought them into existence at first, and He is Knower of all creation,

36:80 Who produced fire for you out of the green tree, so that with it you kindle.

36:81 Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like of them? Yea! And He is the Creator (of all), the Knower.


Please see the abort of a child is heinous crime but to single out girls is detrimental to society there.

Please see this verse from Nahl where it says that the man would bury his daughter alive for shame that it caused him.

Please know it is true in present day India it is the same in that they abort the female and carry the male pregnancy till term.

Please know this is abominable to do.

Please know Islam does not allow this and when it came to Arabia this practice of burial of their daughters passed away in the dust of time and was never practiced again in that land.

Please know we cherish our womenfolk and give them respect and honor in Islam.

Please know my daughter knows the respect she has in the religion and is grateful for it, Islam I mean here.

Please know it is clear India is a problem state.

Please know it is actually illegal to do this abortion there yet it is widely practiced.

Please know it is culture they have that a daughter is a burden.

Please know it is rampant there.

Please know it is practiced somewhat in other countries as well but Muslim lands are immune from this evil practice due to this verse here. Omar.

The Bee.

16:57  And they ascribe daughters to Allah. Glory be to Him! And for themselves is what they desire!

16:58  And when the birth of a daughter is announced to one of them, his face becomes black and he is full of wrath.

16:59  He hides himself from the people because of the evil of what is announced to him. Shall he keep it with disgrace or bury it (alive) in the dust? Now surely evil is what they judge!


please see there is one god and he has one law on us from forever and there are certain deviances in it that creep into it when man interferes with it his law-bearing on us

please see anum here where it says there is no changing allahs words in that the law entailed there is unchanged from the beginning of mankinds creation and we cannot disregard the law in its entirety as it is our nature these laws are

please see from the beginning even when we were spirits these laws were in place but we werent coming through and disregarded him except a few like muhammad and some with him why it was because there was no punishment enact then

please see eventually we were created here where he gave instructs for our punishment if we broke the law of significance which fornication is then and he said we would be punished in the hereafter if we did it here so there was no escape from his law there

please see it was here that i showed you the prophets always told them his people not to disregard the law and punishment was enact by the people on the errant one who disobeyed the law of significance and there you have it there is no altering his word on us till we are judged

please see it is our nature though yes this law on us and we know we break our fiber in that our spirit goes from us when we sin

please see from time immemorable people have tried to circumvent gods law on them and buddhist took god away from their scriptures and so did the chinese who followed law not by confucius and kept it as wisdom as they did not want law from him the creator where they will be obliged to follow through in obedience and they would have to have law of fornication not there with them so it occurred to make excuses in culture to make it occur that sex was permitted to them

please know paul abrogated law similarly when he said what he did that jesus took away your sins and you would enter paradise while jesus never indicated that in his teachings to them and asked them to ask forgiveness from him his creator as was jewish custom then so he abrogated law this way and he also said there was no law there

please see you know what hardship follows when you have sex outside the marriage realm and that is gods punishment there that you abhor now but it is so his word will not change and all religions have similar laws as given by prophet there at the outset and jesus was no exception he upheld it the law on fornication not and sex not outside marriage clan you have now so there you have it god is not going to change nature and his law as long as mankind is on earth and there are no exceptions in any culture and the quran is the final word in that it enacts punishment for it

please see the reward is immense if you follow through with islamic custom of punish the act by law-making of it in a public setting as god requests you there and if your culture does so it will raise itself to heights where intellect reigns and in heaven you will have pleasures where he will permit relationships in marriage you will be for all eternity when you get there so ive done my bid and shown you rewards and punishments he has and now it is up to your culture to adapt to it and make law enact by you in humble poise to his greatness there the creator i mean who is above us in peace one day in heaven abode when we make it there for ourselves



6:114 Shall I then seek a judge other than Allah, when He it is Who has sent down to you the Book fully explained. And those whom We have given the Book know that it is revealed by thy Lord with truth, so be not thou of the disputers.

6:115 And the word of thy Lord has been accomplished truly and justly. There is none who can change His words; and He is the Hearer, the Knower.

6:116 And if thou obey most of those in the earth, they will lead thee astray from Allah’s way. They follow naught but conjecture, and they only lie.

6:117 Surely thy Lord — He knows best who goes astray from His way, and He knows best the guided ones.


please see it is the worship of me that i create you and you are pleased in it as it is your peace that you worship the one who created you from himself and gave you a conscious mind to think for yourself from him to me you say

please see this verse that you flee to me your creator and that i created you but to serve me in worship i do you say but it is so you succumb to me now and you fear consequences if you dont serve me in worship

please see i admonish but am loving if you come through in your escape to me in my command to you do i ask you to be but it is so there are some who escape not this culture and break my edict and i am severe in it

please know i ask you to worship me why it is because when you do you become me in repose and i am your thoughts in worship mode you have and your need is addressed by me eventually i do take care of you if you worship me your creat to you if you do so with no pride and i know you do otherwise but it is so you come through with one god in you now you know your fiber is me and that you are meant to be holy personages not ones doing your bid in things which is unholy for the most part and rebellious of you say i omar not but allah to you

allah here


51:47 And the heaven, We raised it high with power, and We are Makers of the vast extent.

51:48 And the earth, We have spread it out. How well We prepared it!

51:49 And of everything We have created pairs that you may be mindful.

51:50 So flee to Allah. Surely I am a plain warner to you from Him.

51:51 And do not set up with Allah another god. Surely I am a plain warner to you from Him.

51:52 Thus there came not a messenger to those before them but they said: An enchanter or a madman!

51:53 Have they charged each other with this? Nay, they are an inordinate people.

51:54 So turn away from them, for thou art not to blame;

51:55 And remind, for reminding profits the believers.

51:56 And I have not created the jinn and the men except that they should serve Me.

51:57 I desire no sustenance from them, nor do I desire that they should feed Me.

51:58 Surely Allah is the Bestower of sustenance, the Lord of Power, the Strong.


please see to be holy in your dealings with me your creator and others in islam who beckon you to persevere in good behavior to them and others

please see rum here where he talks about the nature of man and child

please see upright is holy to us in our vernacular and you know its clear such people are not polytheists and thats a part of being a hanif or upright person like abraham and muhammad and others in islam like myself and jesus as well

please see upright is holy when you speak the truth about him your creator and in other matters being upright as well

please see those who disbelieve are called unholy or the worst of creatures

please see this includes the animals as creatures are mentioned here in this verse from bayyinah so raise yourself up in holiness to be upright and testify your god is one god like the quran says here

please know being holy or upright is a muslim creed and by nature man is supposed to be holy

please see according to hadith a child is a muslim or upright and it is with the passage of time his or her parents change their views and some become polytheists and lose their upright state

please see those who follow their low desires are not holy and it is the nature of man to be upright so succumb to it in the laws he has the creator there

please see it is over and you cant be holy if you profess polytheism or call jesus your god or bow down to idols

please observe the law which is your nature in you

please see there is no changing allahs law or his nature in us

please see your soul is allahs essence in you and is holy and if you are holy in your deeds and words then you are in sync with him your creat and your essence emerges in you and you are happy with peace and joy in your life as well

please see when you sync yourself with him your creator with your actions and words of truth you say you become him as well becoming ‘we’ people as allah uses the word ‘we’ in the quran for himself and others with him and the metaphor applies if we are allah in essence in our nature we become him and our attributes are his then

please know it is over and you have understood you cannot sin if you want nature of upright with you so observe the law as a community being upright in testimony about him your creator and so forth testimony in court settings where you are asked things and commit not sins of the nature we talk about on this page of mine which are low desires in you or in other words do not take your low desires to be your god to you beckoning to them rather than him your creator to you and there you have it in a nutshell what it means to be holy in your life



30:29 Nay, those who are unjust follow their low desires without any knowledge; so who can guide him whom Allah leaves in error? And they shall have no helpers.

30:30 So set thy face for religion, being upright, the nature made by Allah in which He has created men. There is no altering Allah’s creation. That is the right religion — but most people know not—

30:31 Turning to Him; and keep your duty to Him, and keep up prayer and be not of the polytheists,


3:67 Abraham was not a Jew nor a Christian, but he was (an) upright (man), a Muslim; and he was not one of the polytheists.


3:95 Say: Allah speaks the truth; so follow the religion of Abraham, the upright one. And he was not one of the polytheists.


98:4 Nor did those to whom the Book was given become divided till clear evidence came to them.

98:5 And they are enjoined naught but to serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience, upright, and to keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, and that is the right religion.

98:6 Those who disbelieve from among the People of the Book and the idolaters will be in the Fire of hell, abiding therein. They are the worst of creatures.

98:7 Those who believe and do good, they are the best of creatures.

98:8 Their reward is with their Lord: Gardens of perpetuity wherein flow rivers, abiding therein forever. Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him. That is for him who fears his Lord.


25:43 Hast thou seen him who takes his low desires for his god? Wilt thou be a guardian over him?

25:44 Or thinkest thou that most of them hear or understand? They are but as the cattle; nay, they are farther astray from the path.


please see the first command of his to obey him in worship alone for all major revealed religions though the matter has been made obscure in some of their books by changing words they have

shall we call on any besides our creator allah there they say nay we are asked to call on him alone and that is the nature of our submission to him in that he asks us to do this and not pray to any vestige you have in your minds or heart not as the heart knows the truth of this affair that we should pray to him alone and no one else and it is the devil who gives you this faith that you call on another entity besides him the creat and in bewilderment do you wander on

please know it is not just the christians or any religion that has monopoly in the matter of worship but any one who submits to him is who is counted as one going to heaven and now you know any monotheist can make it there

please see early christians and jews made it to allah when they performed virtue with them and so it is with any nation now that recognizes their creator as one god to them and keep the law with them as being successful in achieving their end with him and now you know submission means belief in him being one and the law is separate and prayer and alms are separate and these verses show you that is the essence of being a muslim in that you submit that way to him alone though submission is also used in the sense of his commands on you and the first commandment is you take him to be your creator alone and have no one besides him who you call on

please see the character of being a muslim is being a unitarian in your culture and with it you achieve love in your life if you are a good person and pray to him as he asks you to do this and follow his commandments he has given in his book there you have it you will achieve felicity in this world and heaven will be yours in the next life

please see it is an honor to be called a muslim or submitter to him so dont backtrack on being one and keep your faith till the day you are raised for life again as to leave your religion of monotheism is death on you now that you in your hearts repose are sure of the issue of one god with you and your destination will be hellfire for you so keep your creator as one for you as no one but him wrote your dna code by which you were created and given characteristics you have yes he created everything about you when your dna was formed

please see if you can think of any other entity who wrote your dna code?



2:111 And they say: None shall enter the Garden except he who is a Jew, or the Christians. These are their vain desires. Say: Bring your proof if you are truthful.

2:112 Nay, whoever submits himself entirely to Allah and he is the doer of good (to others), he has his reward from his Lord, and there is no fear for such nor shall they grieve.


6:71 Say: Shall we call, besides Allah, on that which profits us not nor harms us, and shall we be turned back on our heels after Allah has guided us? Like one whom the devils cause to follow his low desires, in bewilderment in the earth — he has companions who call him to the right way (saying), Come to us. Say: Surely the guidance of Allah, that is the (true) guidance. And we are commanded to submit to the Lord of the worlds:

6:72 And that you should keep up prayer and keep your duty to Him. And He it is to Whom you shall be gathered.


3:102 O you who believe, keep your duty to Allah, as it ought to be kept, and die not unless you are Muslims.


please see we are weak and sin some but it is important to avoid major ones that take you to hell and if you improve with time with prayer in you you will achieve felicity with him your creator to you

please see what it is to be a god you are

please know it is when you know my law and you sin in it by your sanity you think

please know muslims are akin to it as they have the quran injunctions by them yet they are disobedient to it and they do their bid

please know this is what godhead is in a negative sense of the word and a kid who underdresses is admonished for this godhead in her where she attracts to men to sex with her body on her

please know when you know the law on homosexuality being illegal with me your creator and you approach him for it you are gods in perversity to you and i punish gods like you

please know when women go out for dates with sex planned they are similar in perversity and i make their nature perverse in things

please know you have the quran with you and it allows you no leeway in sin and if you ignore it like many muslims do you are in charge you say and i am not your god to you you are it the god is you as you take decisions independently of me your creator who knows better than you what your needs are

please see there is godhead in most of you as you are imperfect and cant submit perfectly to me at first but if you pray for yourself regular ways i will give you peace and forgive you as well if you mature to be law-abiding to me your creator but you must be regular in it in order to achieve felicity with me and your soul becomes one at rest as you mature or the nafs that is mutmainna

please know to ask forgiveness regular ways with your prayers and avoid major crimes by me which are listed in my books from time immemorial and the quran is the validation of the books from before so keep it and consult it regular ways

omar not but allah there gave you this concept of godhead in you


Please see My nature is carried forth in you and you like One God with you by your essence in you.

Please see the following hadith and the accompanying text from the Quran where it says the nature of mankind is one of Islam being upright in everything and to worship One God in its essence and all that.

Please know we are asked to be upright in things by Him and the Prophet of Islam in that it is the true religion in things.

Please know it is one in which one is not a polytheist and one takes care of one’s fellow beings and prayer to Him is necessary as well.

Please know the hadith is clear that just as we are perfect in our form, so too is our nature at birth and we are essentially Muslim-kinds, as we are believers though we don’t know it then and a child is akin to Me say I Allah there, there you have it they sense the truth from Me and tell you, their parents, what is right and wrong in their upright stance on you.

Please know it is clear our religion is embedded in us in that we are upright and all that in our creation of us and that by nature we are not polytheists.

Please know the child is happy when you tell him or her God created them and it is true they like One God with them in the concepts they have and that’s why they support me by their very nature on them.

Please know that is the true religion, being upright in things and to testify to the Oneness of My Being says I Allah the Creator of you all, My children to Me, in love do I beget you in the sense of your creation from your DNA code, each one here. Omar not only but Allah too.

The Romans

30:30 So set thy face for religion, being upright, the nature made by Allah in which He has created men. There is no altering Allah’s creation. That is the right religion — but most people know not—

30:31 Turning to Him; and keep your duty to Him, and keep up prayer and be not of the polytheists,


“Every child that is born conforms to the true religion (literally, human nature), then his parents make him a Jew or a Christian or a Magian, as a beast is born entire in all its limbs (or without a defect); do you see one born maimed and mutilated?” Then he repeated (i.e., in support of what he said): “The nature made by Allah in which He has created men; there is no altering Allah’s creation. That is the right religion” (B. 23:93).


Please see these verses in Jonah where it says that the Quran could only have been forged by Allah and challenges those who disbelieve in it to forge a chapter like it.

Please see it is a challenge to mankind but why they say, it is because they say he has forged it about him, Muhammad there, but it is so it is a unique Book in that it has perfect rhythm and cadence is surreal, the message is emphatic and so forth dogma occurs in it that God is the speaker there and so forth it is unique to you in its message in that One God speaks to you, there is no other Book like it, my page is nothing like it though it contains uniqueness you like but so forth it is not the Quran in its cadence and qirat to you.

Please see it occur that the Quran is certain by you.

Please know it has occurred as I speak that the Quran is a Book by you in this land and thereby you judge your acts.

Please know it is complementary to your Book, the Bible or the Injeel as we call it.

Please know it has occurred that your God is One and you worship Him for the most part now.

Please see it occur that Islam is one entity now with the Christian land owners.

Please know they see it as one.

Please know I know because I am told so in dreams that it has occurred.

Please know the effort is by many, myself included, and it so transpires that your God is One with you.

Please know it has transpired that there is a genuine interest in the Quran and the Revealer of it.

Please know it is easy for Allah to do.

Please know the time is ripe for the picking as they say so make an effort.

Please see it occur we are one entity in the future you say but it has occurred in tangible ways. Omar.


10:37  And this Qur’an is not such as could be forged by those besides Allah, but it is a verification of that which is before it and a clear explanation of the Book, there is no doubt in it, from the Lord of the worlds.

10:38  Or say they: He has forged it? Say: Then bring a chapter like it, and invite whom you can besides Allah, if you are truthful.


Please see many vices and illnesses occur when you fail to follow your prophet to you.

Please see this post has relevance there where they uproot me if they could as it is clear that the message has been coming to you from time immemorial and you realize things got muddied with the passage of time but it is so the Quran is intact in its message and so forth results and you all succumb to it in its edicts and so forth we are one body now as a result.

Please see the following verse from Jonah and the verse that corroborates it from Al-Fatir where it says a Messenger or Warner has come to all the nations, with no exception to it.

Please see it occur that there is a warner for this nation as well where the Prophet’s teachings reach all the people and the Quran teaches them.

Please see it occur we are one nation now as we recognize God as our savior and we pray to Him in our thoughts and words as well.

Please know there is a move now to remove oneself from the church premises and exclusively devote oneself to God in your prayers to Him.

Please see it occur that the church is intact though as they measure the response of people who wish to pray to God exclusively in their prayers to Him in church premises and without as well.

Please know it has occurred that Trinity concepts are outmode now and people want to respond to One God in their prayer to Him.

Please see it occur there is One God with you and He beckons you to do good to him and her, who is your child.

Please know sexual promiscuity leads to cancer and other diseases and you should abstain from it in your living here on earth.

Please know ADD and autism are the product of sexually transmitted vices in us as well.

Please see it occur that these vices are uproot when true comprehension takes place as when Islam appears to you as correct for you.

Please know that modern science now confirms these findings in one.

Please see it occur that the message comes to you.

Please know these vices are uproot because Allah in the Quran directs us to stop.

Please see it occur that One God appears to you as correct for you as He directs the affair from His throne in Heaven above us.

Please know there is One God here in your hearts.

Please know you will succumb gradually you say, true, but you have already developed the basis of truth which is One God with you in your prayers.

Please see it occur that original scriptures contain references to monotheism as their prophet God sense tells them that in their books of yore. Omar.


10:47  And for every nation there is a messenger. So when their messenger comes, the matter is decided between them with justice, and they are not wronged.

The Originator or Al-Fatir

35:24  Surely We have sent thee with the Truth as a bearer of good news and a warner. And there is not a people but a warner has gone among them.


Please see you know now you were not created without a purpose.

Please see this is correct in that He will test you and perfect His light and we are not created in vain. He wants us with Him in Heaven but first He will purify you so that you are fit to be there and He will make sure you are perfect-like with no evil in you before you enter with Him. Some people will make it unscathed and those that don’t heed Him and His law for you will undergo reformation in a place they don’t belong but will stay there until they are ready for a Heavenly abode, and I mean Hell here. Omar.

Please see this verse from Al-Muminun in the Quran that shows mankind has a purpose there.

23:115 Do you then think that We have created you in vain, and that you will not be returned to Us?

23:116 So exalted be Allah, the True King! No God is there but He, the Lord of the Throne of Grace.

Please also see the verse that follows where it is said by the believer that there is a purpose for the creation of mankind in that the heavens and earth were not created in vain.


3:191 Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and (lying) on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: Our Lord, Thou hast not created this in vain! Glory be to Thee! Save us from the chastisement of the Fire.


Please see the lesson is safe with us that this life is transitory and the Hereafter is lasting for us so prepare your way there.

Please see this verses from Al-Ala where it says the life of this world is transitory and the Hereafter is lasting and better for you.

Please know it says these were your teachings from before when you had the Book of Abraham and Moses but so what occurs you can’t wait to think about the Hereafter while this life is so hard and tremendous in nature.

Please know it doesn’t need to be so, you can have peace in it and so forth but it is true life is tumultuous unless you have faith in Him Who creates you for it.

Please know life is transitory but it is permanent in the Hereafter where we will be judged and our deeds will be counted and so forth occurs, you all know what Judgment Day is, but the problem is you don’t heed here so the punishment is written for some and some are guided there.

Please know it is clear we are one entity in that we have similar aspirations and goals,

Please know some will make it well here but the majority are poor in it, their goals, but Allah’s faith is more important and if you are poor in material ways it doesn’t matter if you have faith with it. Omar.


87:9 So remind, reminding indeed profits.

87:10 He who fears will mind,

87:11 And the most unfortunate one will avoid it,

87:12 Who will burn in the great Fire.

87:13 Then therein he will neither live nor die.

87:14 He indeed is successful who purifies himself,

87:15 And remembers the name of his Lord, then prays.

87:16 But, you prefer the life of this world,

87:17 While the Hereafter is better and more lasting.

87:18 Surely this is in the earlier scriptures,

87:19 The scriptures of Abraham and Moses.


Please see our good deeds are like fruits that we reap benefit from for eternity to us.

Please see this verse from Ibrahim where the parable of a tree is used.

Please see it occur we speak good words here and reap the fruits in this world and the Hereafter.

Please know it is clear when we teach the Quran it has a benefit here.

Please know it makes a difference to the person listening and may alter his life works.

Please know similarly an evil word can be uttered but will never bear fruit.

Please know it is lost and decay results.

Please see it is clear that a good word will bear fruit for us in heaven where it will be palpable to us.

Please know it will benefit us indefinitely.

Please see the parable is clear that evil is not rewarded.

Please know it will not benefit anyone and will die out.

Please know to speak good words or keep silent is what the Prophet said.

Please know to prepare for the Hereafter is sane and to plant trees in Paradise is our aim in this life. Omar.


14:24 Seest thou not how Allah sets forth a parable of a good word as a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches are high,

14:25 Yielding its fruit in every season by the permission of its Lord? And Allah sets forth parables for men that they may be mindful.

14:26 And the parable of an evil word is as an evil tree pulled up from the earth’s surface; it has no stability.


Please see the Quran says no one knows the delights that are stored there for the believer in Him, their Creat, if they do good deeds here.

Please see this verse from Rad where it says that heaven is described as a parable here.

Please know the dimension of it cannot be known.

Please see it occur we are pleased though.

Please know in chapter of Muhammad it is clear that wine and honey are mentioned as a parable, the true nature of these foods is not known to us.

Please see it occur that it is better than what we see here.

Please know the description of Heaven is sensuous in places.

Please know it is clear from hadith and the Book that a sensuous heaven is prepared for those who believe.

Please know there are many hadith of this nature they say, it is true, but it is clear also that these are reserved for those who believe in Allah and follow His Book letter.

Please know you can have sensuality in this life and if a believer abstains here he will be rewarded with better in the Hereafter.

Please know children are born in the Hereafter according to hadith we have, so sexual relations will continue.

Please see it is not like what Christians and other religions say.

Please know also fruits could mean sexual delights or other pleasures as well.

Please know there is nutrition there and I don’t mean that we won’t be fed.

Please know these are only depictions in the Quran and hadith somewhat and the truth is no one knows what is in store for one there but it will be peace for us. Omar.


13:35 A parable of the Garden which is promised to those who keep their duty: Therein flow rivers. Its fruits are perpetual and its plenty. Such is the end for those who keep their duty; and the end for the disbelievers is the Fire.


47:15 A parable of the Garden which the dutiful are promised: Therein are rivers of water not altering for the worse, and rivers of milk whereof the taste changes not, and rivers of wine delicious to the drinkers, and rivers of honey clarified; and for them therein are all fruits and protection from their Lord. (Are these) like those who abide in the Fire and who are made to drink boiling water, so it rends their bowels asunder?

Hadith from Bukhari.

The blessings of paradise are such as no eye has seen, nor has ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man to conceive of them (B. 59:8).


Please see this verse from Jonah from the Quran which says we are essentially one nation then some people agree to disagree with others and enmity occurs between them and they die disbelievers.

Please know it is essential to know there is no gene that causes disbelief in you.

Please see it occur we are one under Him Who creates us to be beneficial to others and we are one with Him as we teach His word to you in that you become disbelievers not but actual belief enters your heart in that you are one with Him in belief in you.

Please see it occur we are One God in us in that we pray to Him alone and we discuss things with each other taking the Book into consideration where we learn edicts and forge plans of oneness with Him.

Please see it occur we are one entity, as before division occurred it was so.

Please know that God is to be believed if you want peace in your life.

Please know the essentials of religious faith have to be adhered to if we want to enter Paradise and we cannot say we did not know as these edicts are well known there where they are taught to us in our youth and other ways of life with us.

Please see it occur we are one entity again in that we are pious not you say but it is true we are pious in it and we succumb to Him Who creates us to be pious not you say but it is true we are pious in it.

Please see it occur we are pious and fornicate not in things as the devil leads us to believe there is no accountability and he sees us and is satisfied that we will make it not to Heaven.

Please know there is One God Who loves us and wants us to be in Paradise with Him but He has written law to be followed, not ignored, and He wants us to be worthy of it, Paradise I mean, as we were not in our original make on earth when we commit sin without the thought of reckoning from Him and we pay no heed to His edicts on us.

Please make it occur we are one entity in that we follow edicts from Him and know that there is a reckoning coming as envisaged by Him in the Judgment Day where our sins will be sorted out and we will be punished or rewarded as indicated in the scriptures of before and now, as we say the Quran is. Omar.


10:18 And they serve besides Allah that which can neither harm them nor profit them, and they say: These are our intercessors with Allah. Say: Would you inform Allah of what He knows not in the heavens and the earth? Glory be to Him, and supremely exalted is He above what they set up (with Him)!

10:19  And (all) people are but a single nation, then they disagree. And had not a word already gone forth from thy Lord, the matter would have certainly been decided between them in respect of that wherein they disagree.


Please see taqiya and apostacy are topics dear to you here and are adequately explained in my note here.

Please see this post on taqiya which was posted early on in my career as a teacher in which I explain it is normal to lie when your life is threatened and not die as a result of an unjust rule that may be present. Further, it is clear apostasy is not permitted under Islamic law and injunctions that rule punishment for it are unjust and obscure in origin.

Please understand that I am sorry for you that many of you can’t be awakened to the truth of the Quran.

Please understand that your understanding of taqiya is incorrect and invalid in my view as it is only a communication that is permitted in extreme circumstances like when your life is at threat.

Please understand that it is likely that you would miscommunicate facts as well if you were being killed in an unjust manner. The truth of the matter is that under duress people alter their stories for the sake of their peace. I hope you understand there are no hard feelings to you if you do not agree that these events of changing facts are commonplace in the land you reside, and our Creator does not consider it worthwhile to lose our lives by telling the truth when the other person is willing to kill in an unjust manner due to a lack of understanding similar to what you display here.

Please know the truth of the Quran is evident, so the next time you open the Book, try to see its beauty and not cherry pick verses in an out of context manner as this is the mistake the detractors of the Bible make, while there are many beautiful things to read there as well. In the future, try to be a little dispassionate about views in Islam that you do not understand well like the law of apostasy as it was not the conduct of our Prophet Muhammad on him be peace to kill people for their religious beliefs, whether they left the religion of Islam or refused to enter it when invited. Omar.


please see that your abundance in intellect depends upon your piety here

please see abundance diverts you but abundance of good occurs if you follow me in your law-bearing to humanity at large to you

please see muhammads acclaim as the most knowledgeable man the world has known and you can prove that in history in that his book is the most impressive of all of the books of mine says allah there

please see his wisdom is immense in his teachings as well but it is so much has been lost but there are facets we preserve of his word there

please know he was kind and felt deeply for humanity and it was because he had a flaw i forgave him in that he would grieve excessively for their sins and i didnt want him to do so but he was tender-hearted and felt bad for them as they would be punished by me but they choose their destiny i told him

please know because of these qualities i gave him abundance and asked him to pray and continue to sacrifice his life for them

please see eventually he gave in and let them be and let them enter paradise of their choice but it so occurred i saved most of them as he prayed long hours for their survival and entry into paradise proper

please know this is how you get abundance of things and your intellect occurs not by following your whims and sex crimes in you which lead you to poverty the devil gives you

please see the arabs rose as a nation when islam came to them but later they fell apart as they were involved in vice which i gave them you think nay it was the devil they followed and allowed it to occur their fall from grace i gave them before when they followed me but it is true they had an intellect early on as they were following my commands to them

please try to be an intelligent race as your masses were going astray and poverty was occurring in them because of sex they had in them and as the prophet said poverty occurs there if fornication occurs in you and it is the same for your country you were losing wealth and industry in you was also going and you were a weak nation actually so gather your intellect with the law-bearing in you now and dont fall again as a nation or otherwise as a person

omar not but allah to you here


108:1 Surely We have given thee abundance of good

108:2 So pray to thy Lord and sacrifice.

108:3 Surely thy enemy is cut off (from good).


2:268 The devil threatens you with poverty and enjoins you to be niggardly, and Allah promises you forgiveness from Himself and abundance. And Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing:


Please see Allah was pleased with you that’s why He made you believers in Him.

Please know it has occurred as I speak that we all look to the Quran for direction, Muhammad Ali’s Quran in particular, but it is so many deter wanting life to go on as previous ways they had but they are scared now of Him as He is strict to us in the scriptures and He deters not His threats to us knowing we will come through with it, just like children do with their parents and so forth we are believers even if we deter some.

Please see these verses from Jonah from the Quran where it says that you have to have permission from Allah before you can become a believer in Him and His Quran.

Please know that Allah does not raise a people until they raise themselves.

Please know your Creator is benevolent and caring and wishes you to come into Islam so that you can avert punishment in the Hereafter and benefit yourselves of good in this life as well. It is your choice though if you come through, you have to prove your worth, then He accepts you there.

Please know all good comes from Him and belief in His Book to you occurs too yet you deter some, why, because you want life of this world previous ways to continue yet you know there is Judgment Day there and you will be forgiven not your sins unless you are pious there in the Hereafter you say but no it is in this life you have to prove your worth, there it is over as your hellfire occurs then and you are squalor in things of the sort that you prevent if you could, as the Quran says..

Please see it occur we are one entity now as the Book establishes us as one nation with Him in our life.

Please see it has occurred as I speak.

Please see it occur you recognize the Quran as a Book from Him.

Please know we come from one entity in spirit we have but we are not Him and He wishes us to be united as one body.

Please see it occur we are one body and wars between us are decreased.

Please see it occur we tolerate our differences in things.

Please know that there is a God out there for most people now. Omar.


10:99  And if thy Lord had pleased, all those who are in the earth would have believed, all of them. Wilt thou then force men till they are believers?

10:100  And it is not for any soul to believe except by Allah’s permission. And He casts uncleanness on those who will not understand.


Please see my notes and this section from Maulana Muhammad Ali’s translation of the Quran where we say Hell is not everlasting and provides data to support his view.

Please know this section is safe but I provide some additional comments to support my view that Allah’s mercy takes precedence over his anger as indicated in Bukhari where He says that He will have mercy on mankind.

Please know in an additional hadith He states His mercy is Paradise and His punishment is Hell.

Please see the mercy of Allah is all-encompassing as indicated in the Quran.

Please know the hadith in which He takes out a handful of inhabitants of Hell after intercessions have taken place include those who have not done anything worthy of it.

Please know Allah’s mercy takes precedence over His punishment and eventually all will exit Hellfire, as indicated by the hadith in Kanz Ul Ammal where in two places the Prophet indicates Hell is not everlasting.

Please know I would like to say that the Quran calls Hell or Abyss to be a mother to them, the inmates, and just as a mother nurtures a child so does Hell. Further, it indicates that reform is suggested there as punishment without an end is not a mother’s domain or your patron or Maula.

Please see similarly He calls Hell a maula or place where He takes care of you as He is caretaker there as well, in fact is a sort of heaven where punishment occurs as we revel in clean in us as a result of being there.

Please know Hell is everlasting to some but the word abad is followed sometimes with hatta or ‘until’ in the Quran which signifies that reform occurs there and so forth it is conditional until your hatta occurs.

Please know just as God is Maula for man so is Hell the caretaker of it, inmate there, and it is clear the term is used to signify rearing or nurturing sense of the word.

Please know in the final analysis the all-encompassing mercy of Allah takes precedence and His mercy extends to all His creations including those not worthy of it and if He can take out a people not worthy or who have not done good in life, so His mercy encompasses those of other faiths as well.

Please know those who do good in life may go to Hell for association with God other beings and they will reform there, just as a person can reform on earth.

Please know we know that sins are forgiven completely when we are guided to the path of Allah’s religion as it occurs in this life when we are guided to the truth so we understand that reform can take place in the Hereafter after we return to our bodies and before that in Barzakh or the purgatory to some, as He guides some there before they are judged according to the hadith structure there and in the Quran words. Omar.

Punishment of hell not everlasting by Maulana Muhammad Ali in his notes there.

It is in consonance with its remedial nature that we find it stated that the sinners shall ultimately be taken out of hell. It is true that the word abad is thrice used in the Holy Qur’an in connection with the abiding in hell (4:169; 33:65; 72:23), but abad indicates eternity as well as long time, and that the latter significance must be taken in this case is made clear by the use, in the same connection, of the word ahqab (78:23), meaning years or long years. Besides this, a limitation is placed on the abiding in hell by the addition of the words except as thy Lord please, the exception clearly indicating the ultimate deliverance of those in hell. The following two verses may be noted in this connection:

“He will say: The Fire is your abode — you shall abide therein, except as Allah please. Surely thy Lord is Wise, Knowing” (6:128).

“Then as for those who are unhappy, they will be in the Fire; for them therein will be sighing and groaning — abiding therein so long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as thy Lord please. Surely thy Lord is Doer of what He intends” (11:106, 107).

Both these verses show clearly that the punishment of hell is not everlasting. To make this conclusion clearer still, the latter of these occasions may be compared with the next verse which describes the abiding in paradise:

“And as for those who are made happy, they will be in the Garden, abiding therein so long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as thy Lord please — a gift never to be cut off” (11:108).

The two expressions are similar: those in hell and those in paradise abide in it as long as the heavens and the earth endure, with an exception added in each case showing that they may be taken out of it. The concluding statements are, however, different. In the case of paradise, the idea that those in it may be taken out of it, if God pleases, is immediately followed by the statement that it is a gift which shall never be cut off, showing that they shall never be taken out of paradise; while, in the case of hell, the idea of those in it being taken out of it is confirmed by the concluding statement — “Surely thy Lord is Doer of what He intends”.

The conclusion drawn above is corroborated by the sayings of the Holy Prophet. Thus a saying reported in the Muslim concludes:

“Then will Allah say, The angels and the prophets and the faithful have all in their turn interceded for the sinners and now there remains none to intercede for them except the Most Merciful of all merciful ones. So He will take out a handful from the Fire and bring out a people who never worked any good” (Ms. 1:72).

Further, Bukhari records a saying to the effect that, when the sinners are taken out from hell, they shall be thrown into “the river of life, and they will grow as grows a seed by the side of a river” (B. 2:15), which clearly indicates that they shall be made fit for a higher life. The Kanz al-‘Ummal records the following: “Surely a day will come over hell when it will be like a field of corn that has dried up, after flourishing for a while” (KU, vol. vii, p. 245); “Surely a day will come over hell when there shall not be a single human being in it” (Ibid). A saying of ‘Umar is recorded as follows: “Even if the dwellers in hell may be numberless as the sands of the desert, a day will come when they will be taken out of it” (Fath al-Bayan).

Verses that follow are my literature.


7:156 And ordain for us good in this world’s life and in the Hereafter, for surely we turn to Thee. He said: I afflict with My chastisement whom I please, and My mercy encompasses all things. So I ordain it for those who keep their duty and pay the poor-rate, and those who believe in Our messages—


6:147 But if they give thee the lie, then say: Your Lord is the Lord of all-encompassing mercy; and His punishment cannot be averted from the guilty people.


12:58 Say: In the grace of Allah and in His mercy, in that they should rejoice. It is better than that which they hoard.


101:6 Then as for him whose measure (of good deeds) is heavy,

101:7 He will live a pleasant life.

101:8 And as for him whose measure (of good deeds) is light,

101:9 The abyss is a mother to him.


57:14 They will cry out to them: Were we not with you? They will say: Yea, but you caused yourselves to fall into temptation, and you waited and doubted, and vain desires deceived you, till the threatened punishment of Allah came, and the arch-deceiver deceived you about Allah.

57:15 So this day no ransom will be accepted from you, nor from those who disbelieved. Your abode is the Fire; it is your patron (Maula).

Al Mumtahanah or The Woman Who Is Examined.

60:3 Your relationships and your children would not profit you, on the day of Resurrection — He will decide between you. And Allah is Seer of what you do.

60:4 Indeed, there is for you a good example in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people: We are clear of you and of that which you serve besides Allah. We disbelieve in you and there has arisen enmity and hatred between us and you forever until (hatta) you believe in Allah alone — except Abraham’s saying to his sire: I would ask forgiveness for thee, and I control naught for thee from Allah. Our Lord, on Thee do we rely, and to Thee do we turn, and to Thee is the eventual coming.


Please know fornication is a punishable offence in Islam.

Please know the law is severe there for those who do it as we know in our hearts that God does not permit it to us.

Please see these verses from the Quran where it says sexual relationships are not permitted outside the marriage tie and further it is clear that the sexes have to be kept apart if possible, which is the way in Muslim countries by and large, and that in this land they are to stay apart sexually oriented way they have here.

Please know it is clear there is a punishment prescribed there in our lands for fornication and adultery as children can result which leads to abortions on many occasions.

Please know it is an obscenity with Him Who creates us for it, piety there, and He does not permit in the least and it is clear that we cannot allow it in culture we have.

Please know it is commonplace nowadays but is not permitted by Him Who creates as it causes vice in us and we die a dastardly way, in spirit at least.

Please know it is the king of evil as it causes murders to occur in us and we don’t care it, child with us in it.

Please see it occur it is outlawed eventually as it causes vice in the community and it leads to other crimes in that it is the root of evil in a community.

Please know God does not permit it to us no matter what you say and this is not just Islam but other religions as well.

Please see it occur that those who do it know it is wrong so their punishment is due from Him in that He will punish the fornicator and fornicatress, as this is His law that it can’t be done here on earth.

Please know sexual relationships exist in the Hereafter after forgiveness occurs you say but it is an eon before it occur if you permit it to yourself here on earth.

Please know the Muslim knows he has to abstain and if he or she does not their punishment is due as is customary for Him in regards to all humans, the law is the same, unless they are forgiven by Him or their charity or Hajj occurs.

Please know it is a crime to abort an out of wedlock child for your convenience or otherwise, and the punishment is severe if you do so in your error ways you had there.

Please know in Islam generally speaking if you get someone pregnant then the man has to marry her to create the child in wedlock vows and this law is sane for you in this custom you have here,

Please know this is my post for you in that we must ascribe to the truth in it and we cannot dally in it in the least from now on now you know the truth in law of it from Him Who creates us to be steadfast in issues of law here and there your reward is written if you abstain. Omar.


5:104 And when it is said to them, Come to that which Allah has revealed and to the Messenger, they say: Sufficient for us is that wherein we found our fathers. What! even though their fathers knew nothing and had no guidance!

5:105 O you who believe, take care of your souls — he who errs cannot harm you when you are on the right way. To Allah you will all return, so He will inform you of what you did.


17:32 And go not nigh to fornication: surely it is an obscenity. And evil is the way.


24:2 The fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each of them (with) a hundred stripes, and let not pity for them detain you from obedience to Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day, and let a party of believers witness their chastisement.


17:31 And kill not your children for fear of poverty — We provide for them and for you. Surely the killing of them is a great wrong.


please see your self-worth is important to you in that you think highly of yourself in your eyes and allahs too and humanity will agree with you as piety is rewarded that way

please see here this verse that says descend into complete peace with me or submission to my will and i will take you to paradise say i in the quran elsewhere yes your complete submit to me is how you are raised to a high pedestal and then you will come forth with peace in you but if you mix peace with evil then i may forgive you or may punish you depending upon your deeds there

please see the footsteps of the devil are spoke about and you know what that means it is the antithesis of what i teach there in my book for you and you must submit to me for peace to occur otherwise you will be distraught and evil there

please know i forgive some things but i am might on you so dont take my message lightly about complete submission to me and make that an avenue of peace to you in that you enter paradise here with it and your love results to you for me and others yes when you have peace you love me and i give you self-worth in your eyes and you start loving yourself so keep me happy and i will give you happy life you wish for now full of self-worth and friendship to those who befriend you in that you love them and they too love their creator in mutually harmony you do live by my love you foster in them say i allah to you here

please see you were on a brink of fire not but were in it until i come to you in peace so adopt me and bring reform to your country by doing good deeds and forbid evil ways the devil cajoles you in and this coming in submission to me by your hold fast to this law i give you in this book of mine say allah the great benefactor of mankind you cant realize how great the peace is you adopt by holding my book firm with you say allah there to you

allah there in heaven with this pen of mine


2:207 And of men is he who sells himself to seek the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is Compassionate to the servants.

2:208 O you who believe, enter into complete peace and follow not the footsteps of the devil. Surely he is your open enemy.

2:209 But if you slip after clear arguments have come to you, then know that Allah is Mighty, Wise.


3:103 And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited. And remember Allah’s favor to you when you were enemies, then He united your hearts so by His favor you became brethren. And you were on the brink of a pit of fire, then He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes clear to you His messages that you may be guided.

3:104 And from among you there should be a party who invite to good and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong. And these are they who are successful.


Please see world dominion was their forte but they were brutal in it, Christ people from before.

Please see this verse from Kahf where it says the Christian nations will produce and manufacture material and it will become their religious belief in it.

Please know it is clear the Christians are meant here as there is mention of Jesus before it in a verse.

Please know they take him for their friend besides Him Who creates.

Please see it occur we learn religion is more important than goods that we manufacture and that it is the epitome of our life to manufacture it, goods, I mean here they think.

Please see it occur Christian nations have become the Antichrist and the teachings of Christ are lost to them.

Please see the hadith that they will be a giant with one eye blind and the other shining forth.

Please see it is the right eye that is blind according to literature we have and it becomes us here to inform you that America and Britain are the nations of Antichrist as they have left the messages of their book and are engrossed in world domination to control other tribes or nations to do their bid that it becomes them in their dominion.

Please see they manufacture incessantly.

Please know the bottom line is money coming in.

Please know they have regard for the poor you say but it is little they care for the poorer people around the world. Omar.


18:102 Do those who disbelieve think that they can take My servants to be friends besides Me? Surely We have prepared hell as an entertainment for the disbelievers.

18:103 Say: Shall We inform you who are the greatest losers in respect of deeds?

18:104 Those whose effort goes astray in this world’s life, and they think that they are making good manufactures.

18:105 Those are they who disbelieve in the messages of their Lord and meeting with Him, so their works are vain. Nor shall We set up a balance for them on the day of Resurrection.

18:106 That is their reward — hell, because they disbelieved and held My messages and My messengers in mockery.

18:107 As for those who believe and do good deeds, for them are Gardens of Paradise, an entertainment,

18:108 To abide therein; they will not desire removal therefrom.

18:109 Say: If the sea were ink for the words of my Lord, the sea would surely be exhausted before the words of my Lord were exhausted, though We brought the like of it to add (thereto).

18:110 Say: I am only a mortal like you — it is revealed to me that your God is one God. So whoever hopes to meet his Lord, he should do good deeds, and join no one in the service of his Lord.


Please see some meanings from these verses in the Quran are in order here by us to you.

Please see this verse in this chapter that tells you earth and the heavens have a will with you but you think them inanimate but it is so their nature is there that they resist change and Allah wishes to evolve them with life here.

Please know Muhammad Ali describes it as law of nature but that is not correct.

Please know He will continue to evolve everything He creates and one day the earth will be no more but by then the spirits would have occurred sufficient for us and we wouldn’t want to be tested here.

Please know the time frame is left open for discussion but it may be many millions of years late.

Please know days means an eon and it is in the knowledge of Him how many billions of years it took to create the lower heaven with earth on it and so it occurs some eons are short with Him and some are taweel or lengthy by us but we know that the heavens and the earth were created in 6 days and lets leave it at that, this describes a different time frame for us.

Please know we must evolve as well as a nation of humans and experience space travel as we exist in spirit now as well as body form and after we die our spirit will be the only thing we have but it will form a body from it but it will be a different body where we can change shape and travel forth in the universe to examine it, enough for now, let’s try to understand the words of the Quran may not be straightforward always and some revealed thought is required there by us as we see the Prophet also used to explain the verses of his Book to his companions, who were eager to know as you are in this realm.


Ha Mim.

41:9 Say: Do you indeed disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two days, and do you set up equals with Him? That is the Lord of the worlds.

41:10 And He made in it mountains above its surface, and He blessed therein and ordained therein its foods, in four days; alike for (all) seekers.

41:11 Then He directed Himself to the heaven and it was a vapor, so He said to it and to the earth: Come both, willingly or unwillingly. They both said: We come willingly.

41:12 So He ordained them seven heavens in two days, and revealed in every heaven its affair. And We adorned the lower heaven with lights, and (made it) to guard. That is the decree of the Mighty, the Knowing.


please see the quran is the final message of islam through the ages and completes faith for one so adopt it as your book here

please see these verses are muhkimat or categorical in that issues can be raised about one religion to the exclusion of others but it is not so the hawwaroon or disciples of jesus have been called muslims in the quran so there occurs any religion that submits to their creator in that his laws are followed is a true religion and all the prophets have been considered muslims in the quran as they submitted to him and they taught their followers to submit to him and take him to be one god yes these words are in the quran about the prophets so its up to you if you want to disregard the first command in the bible to you by denying him you wont have islam in the true sense of the word and the religion of islam found itself complete with prophet muhammad as the verse from fath shows and it is this religion he prevails over others as it is in its purest form here in the quran with you and other books have been altered some to give a different context in things while islam of muhammad is intact apart from some hadith structure that i am abrogating with the passage of time and you know the quran in its essence is sane for you to follow as illihoon quran is now with us and the changes are of minor significance as they have been deciphered by scholars and lay as well

please know all the arab qurans have some minor issues of difference but the message is intact here and this verse is verified as safe yes the one in chapter 48 where he says that the deen of muhammad will prevail over other faiths so dont be jealous of the quran as it validates your book and it completes faith for you that being said all faiths as taught by the prophets are safe in that they had elements of Islam and as baqarah says those who do good in submission to him the creat will find paradise waiting for them but sadly most of the knowledge they had has been lost or altered thats why we say keep the quran injunctions with you as you seek heaven in earth and also in the hereafter after your death occurs



48:28 He it is Who has sent His Messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth that He may make it prevail over all religions. And Allah is enough for a witness.


3:51 Surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him. This is the right path.

3:52 But when Jesus perceived disbelief on their part, he said: Who will be my helpers in Allah’s way? The disciples said: We are Allah’s helpers: we believe in Allah, and bear thou witness that we are submitting ones (Muslims).


3:19 Surely the (true) religion with Allah is Islam. And those who were given the Book differed only after knowledge had come to them, out of envy among themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the messages of Allah — Allah indeed is Quick at reckoning.


2:111 And they say: None shall enter the Garden except he who is a Jew, or the Christians. These are their vain desires. Say: Bring your proof if you are truthful.

2:112 Nay, whoever submits himself entirely to Allah and he is the doer of good (to others), he has his reward from his Lord, and there is no fear for such nor shall they grieve.




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