
Let’s open this Hub post with a tweet from afar. Amber participated in our Active Learning Daily Create (more about that below) in a mildly snarky way and who doesn’t like a little snark now and again! Enjoy!

communicate icon Chatter

We’ve temporarily relocated the Chatter section to the prime real estate at the top of the page for reasons that will become clear in the next run-on sentence. The chatter section is all about connecting and last week many of us chattered all together in person at The Fall Teaching & Learning Day and that chatter spilled onto the Internet in ways we can only begin to imagine. Okay, well, it spilled onto the Internet in one way that we’ll tell you about now.

It was all about active learning so we got everyone actively involved in creating a video about what active learning means to them. The open digital storytelling course ds106 dedicated their Daily Create to us for that day. Currently, there are 25 responses to that create, ten of those by Fleming folks and the rest by people from far away places like Denmark, Oregon, Washington and Virginia (including that silly bear at the top of the page). Below is a playlist of the videos that we created right there and then. Enjoy watching them. They are terrific! Thank you everyone!

If you follow the #FlemingLDS hashtag on twitter, here is some of the Chatter that happened  during the day! [View the story “Active Learning Day @FlemingCollege” on Storify]

Also, please read very carefully through the whole post for clues about door prize winners and how to give us feedback on the Teaching & Learning Day (hint, they are clearly stated in the More Information section at the end)

teac hing icon  Engaging Teaching

What do you think Open Education is? What would an open educational practice look like?
Most of us are familiar with MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). MOOCs  represent one side of the scale of openness, but there are lots of points/practices as you slide the scale over. When you think of the word ‘open’ it conjures up lots of images and ideas. These images and ideas contribute to the definition of  what open education is.

“Open education is a philosophy about the way people should produce, share, and build on knowledge.graphic-design

 Promoting collaboration is central to open education…. sharing is probably the most basic characteristic of education: education is sharing knowledge, insights and information with others, upon which new knowledge, skills, ideas and understanding can be built.” (What is Open Education, https://opensource.com/resources/what-open-education )
Teaching and learning in the open encourages you to build on your knowledge, gain a better understanding, and collaborate with other learners (who are possibly colleagues).
During Week 8 (also affectionately known as Break Week), there was a lot of sharing going on. This hub post is partially a testament to open learning AND open educational practices. Participants of the Teaching and Learning Day collaborated, produced, shared knowledge, and information that they created. We were very inspired by all of the openness!

tech icon pdiconLearning Technology & Professional Development

We have a twofer everybody! 2 for 1 deals are the future of education and we are providing that right now by combining the Learning Technology section with the Professional Development section. (Can you tell we’re tight for time?)

Here’s a tip: you can connect live to educational conferences that you’d otherwise not be able to attend. That is the service that Virtually Connecting provides, through the magic of Twitter and Live YouTube streams. A wonderful person named Maha Bali, along with others, organizes it by asking the people who are actually at the conference to get together in an empty room, turn on their computers and connect with offsite people. If you are not at the conference, you can sign up to be a virtual guest in which you will be involved in the live discussion, or you can simply tune in to the live feed (listed on their site) and watch. And next time you’re at a conference that VC is involved with, you can pay it forward and be on the other end! It’s great! Here’s a quote from their site:

The purpose of Virtually Connecting is to enliven virtual participation in academic conferences, widening access to a fuller conference experience for those who cannot be physically present at conferences. We are a team of volunteers and it is always free to participate.

Coincidentally, there is a conference next week in Richmond, Virginia called OpenEd16 and Terry Greene will be there, virtually connecting back to you!  Terry will be a Virtually Connecting ‘Onsite Guest’ for a session on Wednesday, November 2nd at 12:30. The sessions are simply conversations revolving around conference topics and issues that come up. Tune in then if you want to see him try to look smart with smarter-than-him people. It will probably be pretty funny to see.

dept icon College Departments

This week, for the 2nd time this semester, the Library won the Department of The Week competition. They won it by so much that we are actually dedicating three sections to them. We in the LDS Team are licking our wounds and wondering just how they dominated us so badly in the American Gladiators course that we set up in the lower cafeteria. They really took it to us.LOOINSTRA.gif
So please, see the spoils of their victory in the next two sections: Services for Students (ePortfolio help) and Policies & Procedures (copyright). They are a helpful bunch aren’t they? Don’t mess with them, though. They are feisty, too.

student service icon Services for Students

Did you know that a whole wack of students this year are starting blogs for their work in COMM 201? Did you know that maybe a collection of work in those blogs or even the blog itself could become thought of as an ePortfolio by said students? Cool, eh? Yes it is cool, thank you for mentioning that. What does that have to do with the Library? Well, obviously I’m going to tell you, geez! The library employs human workers who are programmed to help students with things. One of those things is the who, what, when, where, why and how of ePortfolios. To prove this to you, below is a quote from one of those library human workers:

The Library’s Request -a- Workshop Menu now includes ePortfolios, and we have delivered several, well-received workshops for a number of program areas.   This topic was a popular student choice for attendees of our new Information Literacy Certificate workshops.   We have also created an ePortfolio Resource Guide that lists a variety of platforms and digital tools, provides help and examples, and answers some basic questions about ePortfolios. Please get in touch to discuss any ways we can customize our support for your students in this area.

Carmen Gelette, Library Human

polci icon Policies & Procedures

In honour of the Library, we have foregone the written word to provide you with a video interview about copyright policy. Turn up your volume because the camera person who shot this video is a hack. And turn on the closed captioning. That helps.

See the Library’s dandy copyright libguide site by clicking those blue words from earlier in this sentence that say ‘copyright libguide’. Marcia is at extension 1356 or copyright@flemingcollege.ca

info icon More Information

Here’s the link to a feedback survey https://goo.gl/forms/dbnLNYIvQawJQeqL2 for The Teaching & Learning Day. If you were not able to attend, it would be wrong of you to go in and give us very, very positive feedback. Don’t do that. We will do that ourselves. Also, the door prize winners are:

Spa Gift Certificate – Suzanne Hooke

Google Cardboards:

And Kimberley Payne (@FitForFaith) won one as well! Congrats! Can I borrow it?

Looking for more information? Visit the LDS Team website, give us a call at extension 1216, follow us on Twitter @FlemingLDS or send us an email: LDSTeam@flemingcollege.ca!


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The Teaching Hub Copyright © by Fleming College Learning Design & Support Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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