Book Title: Transitioning
Subtitle: A Biblical Understanding of Transgenderism

Book Description: Are Christians prepared to answer the challenges that accompany transgender ideology? Can we clearly defend our beliefs? Do we understand what the transgender community believes? Transitioning introduces the reader to transgender ideology while providing a Biblical framework for evaluating it. Clear and concise, Transitioning is a must-read primer on the subject of transgenderism for every Christian.
Book Information
Book Description
Countries are aggressively incorporating transgenderism into their country’s official ideology. We find ourselves on the cusp of being legally required to accept an individual’s personal feelings over objective truth and scientific data. Already, failure to embrace such personal feelings can lead to social ostracism, loss of employment, and discrimination lawsuits. Corporations and political leaders around the world seem determined to impose a celebration of transgenderism upon the people regardless of their preferences. However, with this embrace of transgender ideology comes a host of unsettling questions. The logic undergirding transgender ideology is incompatible with the logic undergirding many societal laws and protections. A crisis of ideology is brewing.
Are we as Christians prepared to answer the challenges that accompany transgender ideology? Can we clearly defend our beliefs? Do we understand what the transgender community believes? Transitioning introduces the reader to transgender ideology while providing a Biblical framework for evaluating it. Clear and concise, Transitioning is a must-read primer on the subject of transgenderism for every Christian.
Transitioning Copyright © 2016 by Timothy Zebell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.