
Given that TI educator competencies are an integration of multiple content domains representing a cross-collaboration between the educator and mental health professions, we utilize a few processes throughout this text to facilitate a fuller sense of the concepts you are seeking to metabolize. Each chapter or section will include many of the following elements:

  • Desired Outcomes: The perceptual, conceptual, executive, and professional skills an educator will be able to utilize as a result of applying the material.
  • Key Concepts: Theory constructs or conceptual domains of emphasis. This helps the educator continually see the weaving together of educator, social science, and behavioral science domains informing TI practice.
  • Chapter Overview: These overviews summarize how the current chapter builds on the material already presented.
  • Case Examples: We will use composite fictional case examples to illustrate concepts and model TI assessment and responses. And on occasion, such as in Chapter 3, we will invite readers to engage in activities as part of that case example.
  • Exercises: We present a variety of methods for further engagement with the concepts presented in each chapter. At the conclusion of various chapters, an Exercise box will denote a recommended activity, such as personal or group reflection questions, or a classroom, school, or administrative evaluation and response activity. Occasionally, the exercises focus on Person of the Educator reflections, as this work is the birth of trauma-informed educator dispositions. These exercises are also designed to help the educator learn the concept through self-application as we are often our best case examples!
  • Worksheets: Additional engagement activities include worksheets found in the text appendices. These activities often require expanded instructions, with each worksheet representing a part of a larger whole. Therefore, we group the worksheets together at the end of the text for easier tracking of your process.
  • Call-Out Boxes: Along the way, text boxes will expand on a topic in a variety of ways. For example, we may offer parallel applications or related thoughts, deepen concepts already presented, or highlight controversies or other topics of secondary interest.
  • Resources for Further Reading: At the end of each chapter we offer a few resources for further study, in addition to the references cited in this text. TI expertise cannot be mastered through any one textbook. It is a specialty that requires a deep dive into multiple sources over time as you also engage in the process of implementation and evaluation. In addition, TI educators are growing in numbers, and often use social media for encouragement and to share ideas as they engage in the process of developing this expertise. Throughout this text we will link you to open access resources that will take you deeper into concepts presented. At times, we will refer you to these resources to avoid repeating what is already accessible and required on your journey.


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Trauma-Informed School Practices Copyright © by Anna A. Berardi and Brenda M. Morton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.