2. Building B2B Customer Insight

2.2 Video Lecture: Building Insight into Customer Decision-Making

Customer decision-making is complex, even more so when decisions are being made by multiple people in a buying center. This video lecture discusses some core tools in our customer insight toolkit, four broad types of factors that influence organizational buying decisions, and some broad research findings that we can draw on when building hypotheses about customer decision-making.

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  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 0:17 Core tools for building customer insight
  • 2:07 Influences on individuals in buying decisions
  • 4:39 Demographics as proxies
  • 5:56 Additional influences on B2B buying decisions


Comprehension Questions

  • What are some core tools marketers use to build customer insight?
  • What are two key groups of factors influencing individual customer decision-making. What are some factors within these groups?
  • What are three broad research findings that can guide us in building customer insight?
  • What is the best way for marketers to use demographics when building customer insight?
  • How we interpret social pressures in the environment differently when thinking about organizational decision-making?
  • What other two key groups of factors also influence organizational decision-making.  What are some factors within these groups?

Application Questions

  • Given a description of a B2B buying situation, could you hypothesize potential factors affecting the decision-making process, organized into the four broad groups discussed in this lecture?


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