
2. Building B2B Customer Insight

2.6 Video Lecture: Modeling the B2B Buying Journey

This ten minute video integrates the buying decision models from Kotler & Armstrong, Hubspot and Challenger into the general conceptual model for the buying journey that will be used in this course.  Here is the that model:

graphic illustrating the four stages of the general model of the B2B buying journal. The fours stages are 1. awareness of dissatisfaction, 2. solution definition, 3. supplier choice and 4. evaluation of satisfaction. The active portion of the model includes phases 2 and 3. It is triggered when a need is realized and ends when a purchase is finalized


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  • 0:18 Many models of buying journeys
  • 1:44 A four-stage general model for the B2B buying journey
  • 2:18 Before the active buying journey
  • 4:14 After the active buying journey
  • 5:43 Two stages during the active buying journey
  • 6:45 Testing how the model fits with observed buying situations
  • 8:41 Why I didn’t just give you this model in the first place

Comprehension Questions

  • What are the four stages in a general conceptual model that integrates the four models you read about?
  • What is the “active buying journey” portion of the general four-stage model? What triggers an active buying journey?
  • How does satisfaction with an active buying journey affect what happens the next time it is triggered?
  • What happens during the first stage of the active buying journey? How does it end?
  • What happens during the second stage of the active buying journey? How does it end?
  • How do the time and resources spent in each stage vary across different buying situations:  rebuys, modified rebuys and new tasks?
  • Do B2B organizations always make it through a buying journey? If not, why might they get stuck?

Application Questions

  • Given a description of a B2B buying situation , could you build initial hypotheses about:
    • the type of situation (rebuy, modified rebuy, new task)?
    • where the organization is in their buying journey?


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