3 Supplement. Effective Virtual Project Teams

VPT.1 Reading NYT (2016) “What Google Learned from its Quest to Build the Perfect Team”

We’ve all been on project teams that were great and project teams that were lousy.  Read this news article about “Project Aristotle”, research done by Google leaders and management researchers who were looking to understand what makes for high-performing teams, and see what they found.


Click here to access a copy of this article (requires UConn NetID)

Or access it directly from the New York Times

Comprehension Questions

  • Define the two behaviors that researchers found more often in high-performing teams
  • Define team “psychological safety” and its relationship to these two behaviors

Application Questions

  • When you got to the “imagine you have been invited to join the two groups” section of the article, which team did you prefer to join?  Are there work contexts where you think Team A actually might be more useful?
  • How well can you read others emotions?  Get one measure by taking this version of the “reading the mind in the eyes” test discussed in the article.  How might you maximize the ability to understand how others are feeling when working virtually?



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