
This project was made possible by a 2022-2023 stipend from the University of Montevallo’s Faculty Development Advisory Committee. I am thankful to the committee, its co-chairs Emily Gill and Christine Sestero, and to Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Courtney C. Bentley for their support.

I would also like to thank Carmichael Library and the Malone Center for Excellence in Teaching for offering a course on Open Educational Resources that helped shape this OER. Special thanks to the course’s moderators, Sheila Brandt, Charlotte Ford, Audra White, and Heather N. Tinsley.

Finally, I am grateful to my colleagues, Sherry G. Ford, Sally Bennett Hardig, Raymond R. Ozley, and Tiffany R. Wang, for their assistance, feedback, suggestions, and edits. I offer my deepest thanks for their support throughout this project.



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Keys to Communication: An Essential Guide to Communication in the Real World Copyright © 2023 by University of Montevallo Department of Communication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.