Sildenafil (Viagra) is commonly known to treat erectile dysfunction. This medication was originally developed for improvement of pulmonary hypertension, but has been found to be useful for additional indications. However, patients taking this medication cannot take nitroglycerin due to severe hypotension.

Mechanism of Action: Sildenafil inhibits phosphodiesterase (PDE-5) in the pulmonary smooth muscle and corpus cavernosum. This allows for relaxation in the smooth muscle.

Indications: Sildenafil is used in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension and erectile dysfunction.

Nursing Considerations: Pediatric patients have shown to have an increase in mortality with sildenafil.

Dose adjustments are needed for patients with hepatic and renal impairment.

Use cautiously with geriatric patients with decreased hepatic, renal, and cardiac functions.

Side Effects/Adverse Effects: Patients taking sildenafil may expect to experience hypotension, visual or hearing loss, priapism (male), headache, or vaso-occlusive crisis. If patients have priapism that lasts longer than four hours, they should seek medical attention.[1]

Patient Education & Teaching: Patients should be instructed to take medications as directed and should seek immediate medical attention if chest pain occurs. Patients need education regarding the need to report priapism lasting longer than four hours or if they notice any dizziness or decrease in hearing ability.[2]

Now let’s take a closer look at the medication grid on sildenafil in Table 6.13.[3]

Table 6.13 Sildenafil Medication Grid

Class/Subclass Prototype/Generic Administration Considerations  Therapeutic Effects Adverse/Side Effects
Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor sildenafil Do not administer with organic nitrates

If priapism persists longer than four hours, seek medical attention

Decrease pulmonary hypertension

Improving erectile dysfunction symptoms


Visual loss and hearing loss



Vaso-occlusive crisis due to sickle cell anemia


  1. This work is a derivative of DailyMed by U.S. National Library of Medicine in the Public Domain.
  2. uCentral from Unbound Medicine.
  3. This work is a derivative of DailyMed by U.S. National Library of Medicine in the Public Domain.


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