

Martina Vasil

Thank you to the University of Kentucky Alternative Textbook Grant Program. Your support allowed me to access a platform for creating an e-book, multiple resources for examining how to write a book, and provided financial support for this project.

Thank you to the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) Faculty Success Program. This was a 12-week summer bootcamp for tenure-track and tenured faculty to improve research productivity and work-life balance. Participating in this group helped me space out my work on this book, week-by-week, at least 30-minutes a day, so it did not feel overwhelming but rather enjoyable. I never would have finished this book on time without the support of my small group and coach.

Thank you to my director, Dr. Stan Pelkey, for listening to my needs and financially supporting my participation in the Faculty Success Program.

Finally, a huge thank you to the four outstanding elementary music teachers who contributed to this book: Kailey Holmes, Chris McDowell, Kellie Moses, and Judi Reynolds. You inspire me every time I step into your classroom and your mentorship of our preservice music teachers is invaluable. Thank you for all the time you have given to them and to me.


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To the extent possible under law, Martina Vasil has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to A Practical Guide to Teaching Elementary Music, except where otherwise noted.