
JENNIFER BAKER is Professor of Philosophy at the College of Charleston. Her focus is on updating ancient virtue ethics for use today. Her published articles include “Who is Afraid of a Final End? The Omission of Traditional Practical Rationality from Contemporary Virtue Ethics;” “Virtue Ethics and Practical Guidance;” and “Virtue and Behavior.” She is co-editor of the anthology Virtue and Economics (Oxford, 2016) and has a forthcoming monograph on Stoicism.

DORI BEELER holds an M.A. in Sociocultural Anthropology and a Ph.D. in Medical Anthropology from Durham University in the UK. Currently, she is a postdoctoral fellow at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health on a NIH T32 training grant on Cancer Epidemiology, Prevention and Control. Her research interests span the cancer control continuum with an interest in social determinants of health. In particular she uses qualitative, life-experience-oriented interview techniques to provide a patient-focused understanding of cancer treatment and survivorship, including breast cancer, genetic and hereditary cancer risk, and pediatric cancer(s). She has also conducted laboratory ethnography in molecular biology with an interest in the experimental process and science education.

LOUISE BEZUIDENHOUT is a research fellow at the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society at the University of Oxford. She holds a Ph.D. in Cardiothoracic Surgery (Univ. of Cape Town), a Ph.D. in Sociology (Univ. of Exeter), and an M.A. in bioethics (KU Leuven). She works on the Changing Ecologies of Knowledge and Action project. Her research interests are broadly centered on data-sharing issues within the life sciences and on how the data produced during scientific experimentation enters into circulation and is valued by potential downstream users.

CHAR BRECEVIC is a Ph.D. student in History and Philosophy of Science (with a minor in Gender Studies) at the University of Notre Dame. Her research primarily concerns scientific representation and social values in science. She is interested in questions concerning the function of exemplification and the role of interpretation in representational practices, especially with respect to the life sciences and medicine. In particular, her work aims to reveal how social values shape interpretative practices in various scientific contexts and determine whether there is an ethical dimension to representation construction and presentation.

MARKUS CHRISTEN is a Research Group Leader at the Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine and Managing Director of the UZH Digital Society Initiative. He received his M.Sc. in philosophy, physics, mathematics, and biology at the University of Berne, his Ph.D. in neuroinformatics at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, and his habilitation in bioethics at the University of Zurich. He researches in empirical ethics, neuroethics, ICT ethics, and data analysis methodologies. He has over 100 publications in the fields of ethics, complexity science, and neuroscience.

CELIA DEANE-DRUMMOND is currently Professor in Theology and Director of the Center for Theology, Science and Human Flourishing at Notre Dame. She is lead PI on the project Developing Virtues in the Practice of Science, supported by a grant from the Templeton Religion Trust. She is also visiting Professor in Theology and Science at the University of Durham, UK and will be Director of the Laudato Si’ Research Institute, Campion Hall, University of Oxford from July 2019. Her most recent publications include The Wisdom of the Liminal: Human Nature, Evolution and Other Animals (2014); Technofutures, Nature and the Sacred(edited with Sigurd Bergmann and Bronislaw Szerszynski) (2015); Ecology in Jürgen Moltmann’s Theology, 2nd edition (2016); Religion in the Anthropocene (edited with Sigurd Bergmann and Markus Vogt) (2017); Theology and Ecology Across the Disciplines: On Care for Our Common Home (edited with Rebecca Artinian-Kaiser)  (2018); and The Evolution of Wisdom Volume I: Theological Ethics Through a Multispecies Lens (2019).

JORDAN DROIRA is a Ph.D. candidate in the University of Oklahoma’s philosophy department. His research interests include virtue ethics and social epistemology. Jordan is originally from South Florida, where he attended Florida International University for his B.A.

EMILY DUMLER-WINCKLER is Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics and Constructive Theology at Saint Louis University. She received her Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2015 before serving as a post-doctoral research associate in Theology with the Center for Theology, Science, and Human Flourishing at the University of Notre Dame. She specializes in moral theology, with a particular interest in virtue, moral psychology, aesthetics, ascetic practices, politics, and social change in the modern era. She is the author of several articles, including “The Virtue of Emerson’s Imitation of Christ,” Journal of Religious Ethics 45.3 (2018): 510–38.

MARK GRAVES is Visiting Research Assistant Professor at Notre Dame’s Center for Theology, Science, and Human Flourishing. His research occurs at the intersection of artificial intelligence, psychology, and moral theology. He has a Ph.D. in computer science (University of Michigan), a M.A. in systematic and philosophical theology (Graduate Theological Union/Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley), and publications in computer science, biology, psychology, and theology.

ERANDA JAYAWICKREME is Associate Professor of Psychology at Wake Forest University. He is the Project Co-Leader of the Pathways to Character Project, a $3.4 million initiative funded by the John Templeton Foundation examining the possibilities for strengthening character following adversity, challenge, or failure. His research focuses on well-being, moral psychology, growth following adversity, wisdom, and integrative theories of personality. He has published in both psychology and philosophy, and his work has been featured on Slate and in the New York Times. In addition to the John Templeton Foundation, his work has been supported by the Templeton Religion Trust, the Templeton World Charity Foundation, the European Association for Personality Psychology, and the Asia Foundation/USAID.

KRISTJÁN KRISTJÁNSSON (Ph.D., University of St Andrews) is Deputy Director of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, and Professor of Character Education and Virtue Ethics, at the University of Birmingham. His research interests lie in character and virtues at the intersections of moral philosophy, moral psychology, and moral education. His publications include Aristotelian Character Education (Routledge 2015), Virtuous Emotions (Oxford 2018), and Virtues and Vices in Positive Psychology (Cambridge 2013). In 2011, he was awarded the Ása Wright Award, the most prestigious award given annually to an Icelandic scholar. In addition to leading a number of the Jubilee Centre’s flagship projects, he oversees all research activities at the Centre. As a member of various international organizations and editorial boards, Kristjánsson collaborates with colleagues in Asia, Europe, and the United States on issues relating to the cultivation of virtuous character.

DANIEL KUEBLER currently serves as the Dean of the School of Natural and Applied Sciences at Franciscan University of Steubenville and is the co-Director of the Franciscan Institute of Science and Health. His research examines the effects various biologics have on human adult mesenchymal stem cells as well as the use of bone marrow and placental tissue to treat orthopedic disorders. His publications include The Evolution Controversy (Baker Academic) as well as popular articles on science, politics, culture, and religion. He received a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of California, Berkeley, and earned a M.Sc. in Cell and Molecular Biology from the Catholic University of America. He also holds a B.A. in English from the Catholic University of America.

MICHELLE A. MARVIN is a Ph.D. candidate in Systematic Theology and the History & Philosophy of Science at the University of Notre Dame. Her dissertation brings the Catholic faith tradition into dialogue with research from contemporary neuroscience in order to contribute to a Christian discourse on memory loss. By analyzing the theological anthropology of the late Catholic theologian Edward Schillebeeckx, she contends that memory is more than merely neurobiological processes: it is a relational identity that is inherently indissociable from God and the community. Michelle’s research compares a theology of relational memory to a Western neuro-reductionist portrait of memory in order to address the philosophical presumptions that underlie contemporary paradigms of the memory-identity relationship. Beyond her dissertation, Michelle works in the University Writing Center and serves as the head liturgical musician at St. Paul’s Retirement Community in South Bend, IN.

BRADEN MOLHOEK received a Ph.D. in Ethics and Social Theory from the Graduate Theological Union in 2016. He currently works at the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences at the GTU, and teaches at the Graduate Theological Union and Santa Clara University. His research interests include bioethics, virtue ethics, theology and science, theological anthropology, and technology and ethics.

DARCIA NARVAEZ  is Professor of Psychology at the University of Notre Dame; she focuses on moral development and flourishing from an interdisciplinary perspective. She is co-PI on the project Developing Virtues in the Practice of Science, supported by a grant from the Templeton Religion Trust. Dr. Narvaez’s current research explores how early life experience and societal culture interact to influence virtuous character in children and adults. She integrates neurobiological, clinical, developmental and education sciences in her theories and research about moral development. She publishes extensively on moral development, parenting and education. She is a fellow of the American Psychological Association and the American Educational Research Association. Her dozens of books and articles include Indigenous Sustainable Wisdom: First Nation Know-how for Global Flourishing (with Four Arrows, E. Halton, B. Collier, and G. Enderle); Embodied Morality: Protectionism, Engagement and Imagination; and Basic Needs, Wellbeing and Morality: Fulfilling Human Potential. Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality: Evolution, Culture and Wisdom won the 2015 William James Book Award from the American Psychological Association and the 2017 Expanded Reason Award. She is on the boards of Attachment Parenting International and the Journal of Human Lactation. She writes a popular blog for Psychology Today (“Moral Landscapes”).

EMANUELE RATTI is Visiting Assistant Professor in the Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values at the University of Notre Dame. Prior to this, he was postdoctoral research associate in the Center for Theology, Science, and Human Flourishing. His areas of specialization are the History and Philosophy of Science (in particular Molecular Biology, Genomics, and A.I.), General Philosophy of Science, and Ethics of Science and Technology (including Virtue Ethics). His research trajectory deals with the data-intensive turn in the biological field and its consequences for the scope and the goals of biology. He is also interested in ethical and epistemological issues concerning the concept of automated science and the role of A.I. in science.

TIMOTHY S. REILLY is Assistant Professor of Psychology at Ave Maria University and a former postdoctoral fellow with the Developing Virtues in the Practice of Science project. His work emerges from the intersections of developmental and learning sciences, with a special focus on the pursuit of a good life. Toward this end he has researched purpose, life design, entrepreneurship, psychological well-being, and virtue in adolescence and adulthood.

GREGORY R. PETERSON is Professor of Philosophy and Religion and Director of the Ethics Lab at South Dakota State University. In addition to numerous journal articles, he is author of Minding God: Theology and the Cognitive Sciences (2003) and the co-editor of several volumes, most recently Property Rights in Contemporary Governance (2019). Current research interests include virtue theory, political philosophy, applied ethics, experimental ethics, and democratization. Dr. Peterson is the recipient of numerous grants and fellowships from the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the ​Humanities, and the John Templeton Foundation.

MICHAEL SPEZIO is Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Scripps College, where he mentors undergraduate scientists in the Laboratory for Inquiry into Valuation and Emotion (The LIVE Lab), and is Visiting Researcher at the Institute for Systems Neuroscience (University Medical Center Eppendorf, Hamburg). He was a resident fellow of the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton. He co-directs an international interdisciplinary project on cognitive and neural computational models of theory of mind and valuation in interaction, funded by the US National Science Foundation and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. He also co-directs interdisciplinary teams investigating models of valuing self and other in exemplary communities such as l’Arche and Homeboy Industries, work funded by the John Templeton Foundation, the Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing, and the Templeton Religion Trust. He is a co-editor of Philosophy, Theology, and the Sciences, and he has published in BiochemistryJournal of NeuroscienceProceedings of the National Academy of SciencesJournal of Autism and Developmental DisordersJournal of Moral Education, and Ex Auditu. He is also co-editor of The Routledge Companion to Religion and ScienceTheology and the Science of Moral Action and Habits in Mind.

MATTHEW STANLEY teaches and researches the history and philosophy of science at New York University–Gallatin. He holds degrees in astronomy, religion, physics, and the history of science and is interested in the connections between science and the wider culture. His most recent book is Einstein’s War (Dutton/Viking, 2019). He is also the author of Practical Mystic, examining how scientists reconcile their religious beliefs and professional lives, and Huxley’s Church and Maxwell’s Demon, exploring how science changed from its historical theistic foundations to its modern naturalistic ones. He is working on a history of scientific predictions of the end of the world. In his spare time he is the co-host of the science podcast What the If?

THOMAS A. STAPLEFORD is Associate professor and Chairperson of the Program of Liberal Studies at the University of Notre Dame. He is co-PI on the project Developing Virtues in the Practice of Science, supported by a grant from the Templeton Religion Trust. Stapleford’s research examines the human sciences, especially economics, where his work intersects American political history and the history of capitalism. He also has strong interests in virtue ethics, historical epistemology (the joint historical and philosophical study of ways of reasoning), and historiography (how one writes history). He is the author of The Cost of Living in America: A Political History of Economic Statistics (Cambridge, 2009) and co-editor of Building Chicago Economics: New Perspectives on the History of America’s Most Powerful Economics Program (Cambridge, 2011). He has published articles in a diverse set of journals including the Journal of American HistoryIsis: Journal of the History of Science SocietyHistory of Political Economy, and Labor History. Stapleford is currently writing a book that uses virtue ethics to think about how to integrate expertise with democratic governance.

FIONAGH THOMSON is an ethnographer interested in what people do rather than what they think they do. A former research associate at the University of Notre Dame, her background is in visual anthropology, educational philosophy, environmental and medical ethics, and human geography. Thomson’s projects are transdisciplinary and her fieldwork includes a variety “everyday spaces” ranging from the Scottish islands, the corridors of NHS hospitals, laboratories, and patients’ homes to rural woodlands, urban streets, and mountaintop astronomical observatories. Fionagh is currently a visiting researcher at the Centre for Advanced Instrumentation, Fundamental Physics, Durham University, UK.

NATHANIEL A. WARNE is a philosophical theologian and ethicist who works across a range of classic Christian doctrines with a special focus on the doctrine of humanity. This interest underlies his writing and teaching at the intersection of metaphysics, ethics, and political philosophy; the doctrine of creation; the theology of work and the doctrine of vocation; virtue ethics; and the role of friendship in moral and spiritual development. His current research is on the “contemplative and active life” in the thought of Josef Pieper.

MICHAEL YANKOSKI is a joint Ph.D. candidate in Moral Theology and International Peace Studies at Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. He is the author of four books, and his research explores the intersection of anthropogenic climate change, virtue theory, strategic peacebuilding, and human population displacement.


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