
Pigs are somewhat unique among both our companion animal species and food animal species in that they routinely have a complete dental formula. Pigs have a total of 44 permanent teeth. They are primarily brachydont with the exception of the canines which are aradicular hypsodont. The premolars have 2 roots located mesially and distally. Molars 1 and 2 have 4 roots located mesiobuccal, mesiolingual, distobuccal, and distolingual. Molar 3 has 5 roots in pet pigs and 6 in commercial pigs, located mesiobuccal, mesiolingual, distobuccal, distolingual, and distal. The roots of the cheek teeth are long and slender, and often curved.

Pigs are born with deciduous 3rd incisors (needle teeth) and deciduous canines.

Deciduous dental formula: 2(Di 3/3, Dc 1/1, Dp 3/3) Total = 28 teeth

Permanent dental formula: 2(I 3/3, C1/1, P4/4, M3/3) Total = 44 teeth


Eruption timeline is listed in the following table as presented by Dr. E. Wayne Johnson and found in the National Hog Farmer[2]

Dental care in pet pigs is very similar dogs, aside from the differing dental anatomy. Dental radiographs and all other aspects of small animal dentistry can be considered the same. The first dental visit should be at 1 year of age, and then annual dental visits are recommended after that. It is important to note that at this first visit, many deciduous teeth will still be present. This table can be used to determine which deciduous teeth are considered retained at each visit. At the time of spay or castration, the teeth can be assessed for retained deciduous teeth. The full set of permanent teeth are not present until nearly 2 years of age. Periodontal disease can already be present at the 1 year visit.

Options for trimming the tusks include Gigli wire or a Dremel to take off large amounts of tooth, and then a file to smooth the edges.[3]


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