Opioid Analgesics Dose Route Notes Precautions
Buprenorphine 0.01-0.05mg/kg q 8-12h IM/SQ Extra label use. Reversed with Naloxone or butorphanol. Can cause significant respiratory depression
Butorphanol 0.1-0.3mg/kg q 4-6h IM Not labeled for swine. Reversed with buprenorphine Safe, but short duration
Fentanyl 30-50ug/kg/hr IV CRI Not labeled for swine. Reversed with naloxone, but need is unlikely due to short duration of action Causes dose-dependent NMDA receptor stimulation
Morphine 0.1kg/kg Not labeled for swine
Oxymorphone 0.15mg/kg q 8-12h IM/SQ Not labeled for swine. Reversed with Naloxone




NSAID Analgesics[1] Dose Route Notes
Aspirin 10-20mg/kg q 6h PO Extra label use in swine
Carprofen PO: 2-3mg/kg q 12h;

SQ: 2mg/kg q 24h

PO/SQ Not labeled for swine. But recommended by ULAM at the University of Michigan
Flunixin Meglumine 1-4mg/kg q 24h IV Extra label use in swine. Give IV, not IM as per label.
Meloxicam[2] 0.4mg/kg IM Extra label use in swine
Ketoprofen 1-3mg/kg q 12h PO/IM/SQ Extra label use in swine
Phenylbutazone 5-20mg/kg q 12h PO Not labeled for swine

 See Chapter 8, Section 2 – Castration – for information on oral firocoxib and meloxicam in pet pigs.

Local Blocks and Epidurals

Lidocaine is the most common local anesthetic used, but other local anesthetics such as bupivacaine could be used as well. The lumbosacral space is the most readily accessible site for an epidural. While lidocaine is the most common epidural anesthetic, other anesthetic drugs such as morphine and xylazine can be very practical. Morphine provides pain control without the loss of motor function. If morphine is used for an epidural, it must be a preservative free formulation, as many preservatives can cause inflammation.[3]  Adequate physical or chemical restraint should be in place prior to starting. The epidural site should then be blocked with 1-2ml of SQ lidocaine. Access to the epidural space is achieved using a 19 gauge 3.5” spinal needle, a larger gauge needle can be inserted through the skin first to serve as a guide and preserve the integrity of the spinal needle. Use standard methods of confirming proper placement in epidural space (hanging drop, bubble, etc.). 1ml/7kg BW of 2% lidocaine should be given.[4]




Other Dose Route Notes
Maropitant 1mg/kg q 24h for up to 5 days SQ Not labeled for swine. Evidence of visceral analgesia
Lidocaine[5] 2.2-4.4mg/kg Epidural Not labeled for swine. Toxic dose is 8mg/kg
PF* Morphine 0.1-0.15mg/kg Epidural Not labeled for swine. *Preservative Free
Xylazine 0.2mg/kg Epidural Not labeled for swine.


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