

We are very grateful for the  support of UCSF Bixby Beyond the Pill Program for this edition. We also greatly appreciate the support of our administrative and technical team members (Digital Defense Fund’s Christopher Hewitt, Copperwoman Saso, and Diana Perez) who were all crucial in advancing this edition to digital publication, and the TEACH team (Flor Hunt and Alena Chavez) who supported fundraising and promotion.

The editors greatly appreciate the generous financial support from the Anna Lalor Foundation, and unrestricted educational funding provided by Gen Bio Pro and Danco LCCs.

The editors also greatly appreciate the generous input and thorough review from our Scientific and Curriculum Advisory Committee Members (listed on the following pages), and from the many organizations (listed below) that have provided support and / or collaboration over the years of this publication. Participation by these individuals and organizations should not be interpreted as an endorsement, and any curriculum limitations are the sole responsibility of the co-editors and authors.



TEACH Abortion Training Curriculum Copyright © 2022 by UCSF Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health. All Rights Reserved.

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