

¿Qué idiomas hablas/comprendes?

Grammar A


hablar = to speak  comprender = to understand
(yo) hablo  I speak (yo) comprendo    I understand
(tú) hablas  You speak (informal) (tú) comprendes  You understand (informal)
(él) habla  He speaks (él) comprende  He understands
(ella) habla  She speaks (ella) comprende  She understands
(usted) habla  You speak (formal) (usted) comprende You understand (formal)
(nosotros) hablamos We speak (nosotros) comprendemos We understand
(vosotros) habláis    You all speak (informal) (vosotros) comprendéis   You all understand (informal)
(ellos/ellas) hablan   They speak (ellos/ellas) comprenden  They understand
(ustedes) hablan    You all speak (formal) (ustedes) comprenden    You all understand (formal)

Any time you come across a verb where the infinitive ends in -ar or -er, the verb will be put together (conjugated) in the same way.  Remove the ending from the infinitive and replace it with one of the endings shown in bold type (depending on who is performing the action).  The pronouns shown in brackets will only be required if you wish to add emphasis to what you are saying, or if there is the potential for any misunderstanding as to who you may be talking about.

The words for languages are the same as the masculine nationalities.

eg:  Hablo francés y alemán.

Exercises A

Ej 1  ¿Qué idiomas hablan las siguientes personas?

  1.  Soy de Australia.  Hablo ….
  2. Soy de Alemania.  Hablo…
  3. Ustedes son de Italia.  Hablan….
  4. Soy de Japón.  Hablo …
  5. Somos de Argentina.  Hablamos …
  6. Henry es de Inglaterra.  Habla….
  7. María y Pierre son de Francia.  Hablan…
  8. Eres de China.  Hablas….
  9. Sois de Suiza.  Habláis…
  10. Usted es de Brasil.  Habla….



The letter r represents a sound similar to English tt in butter, better, or dd in English rudder, riddle. The tip of the tongue goes up to the roof of the mouth, taps once quickly, and comes down again.

para    cara    toro    moro    cero     muro    puro    tocar    estudiar    escribir


The double r is pronounced not with a single flap of the tongue against the roof of the mouth, but with several flaps in rapid succession, producing a sound like a child’s imitation of a motor engine. This sound is also represented by the single letter r at the beginning of a word, and after the letters n or l. If you have trouble pronouncing this sound, try curling your tongue slightly back and up to touch the roof of your mouth. With the tongue still touching the top of your mouth, blow out until the tongue begins to vibrate.

     carro    tarro    corro    gorro    guerra    tierra    rata    rico    rey    rebelde



Year 9 Spanish Copyright © by Cristian Rodriguez and Anita Anderson. All Rights Reserved.