28 Time expressions
Days of the week
on Monday, Tuesday… → el lunes, el martes… (a specific one)
on Wednesdays, Thursdays → los miércoles, los jueves… (recurring)
Note: Don’t capitalise days of the week in Spanish.
Time of Day
“De la mañana/De la tarde/ De la noche” is used after a specific clock time.
Me levanto a las siete de la mañana. I get up at 7 a.m.
¿Cenas a las nueve de la noche? Do you have dinner at 9 at night?
“Por la mañana/Por la tarde/Por la noche” is used for other circumstances.
Me gusta ir de compras por la tarde. I like to go shopping in the afternoon.
Nunca estudio el viernes por la noche. I never study on Friday night.
Grammar A
Soler (ue) + infinitive
To say that you usually do something, use the verb soler (ue) + infinitive.
¿Sueles comer fruta? Do you usually eat fruit?
Sí, suelo comer fruta de postre. Yes, I usually eat fruit for dessert.
No, suelo comer helado. No, I usually eat ice cream.
Ej. 1 Traduce al español.
- I play football on Sunday mornings.
- Ana is going to visit her grandparents on Wednesday.
- The movie starts at seven thirty in the evening.
- On Saturday, we are going to the cinema.
Ej 2 Traduce las siguientes frases al español.
- Do you usually go to a restaurant with your family?
- I usually have breakfast at seven o’clock.
- Mary usually has lunch at home.
- We usually drink still mineral water.
- Do you all (informal) usually go to school by bus?
- John and Michael usually watch television in the afternoon.