
28 Time expressions

Days of the week

on Monday, Tuesday…  → el lunes, el martes… (a specific one)

on Wednesdays, Thursdays  →  los miércoles, los jueves… (recurring)

Note:  Don’t capitalise days of the week in Spanish.

Time of Day

De la mañana/De la tarde/ De la noche is used after a specific clock time.

Me levanto a las siete de la mañanaI get up at 7 a.m.

¿Cenas a las nueve de la nocheDo you have dinner at 9 at night?


Por la mañana/Por la tarde/Por la noche is used for other circumstances.

Me gusta ir de compras por la tardeI like to go shopping in the afternoon.

Nunca estudio el viernes por la nocheI never study on Friday night.

Grammar A

Soler (ue) + infinitive

To say that you usually do something, use the verb soler (ue) + infinitive.

¿Sueles comer fruta?  Do you usually eat fruit?

Sí, suelo comer fruta de postre.  Yes, I usually eat fruit for dessert.

No, suelo comer helado.  No, I usually eat ice cream.


Ej. 1  Traduce al español.

  1. I play football on Sunday mornings.
  2. Ana is going to visit her grandparents on Wednesday.
  3. The movie starts at seven thirty in the evening.
  4. On Saturday, we are going to the cinema.

Ej 2   Traduce las siguientes frases al español.

  1. Do you usually go to a restaurant with your family?
  2. I usually have breakfast at seven o’clock.
  3. Mary usually has lunch at home.
  4. We usually drink still mineral water.
  5. Do you all (informal) usually go to school by bus?
  6. John and Michael usually watch television in the afternoon.


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