There are 13 Bundles that are composed of topics and themes which address specific teachings around Indigenous worldviews, traditional structures & systems, roles and responsibilities, historical cause and effects, healing journeys, personal leadership and what it means to be an helper. Bundles are continuously addressed in popcorn fashion, making connections throughout the training.
Bundle Descriptions
Bundle 13
Becoming a Helper Healing |
Reflection of the knowledge that was shared examining personal anti oppressive social work practices. Celebrating the ability to identify as a ‘Helper’ (supporter/ally) to the Spirit of Nogdawindamin.
Bundles | Learning Objectives: |
Bundle 1
The Lodge of Nogdawindamin Understanding |
To introduce spirit, which is the fundamental concept of Anishinaabe Culture. This session will expand to the introduction to the Spirit of Nogdawindamin and to explain that we area all apart of that Lodge.
Bundle 2
Power of the Circle Understanding |
Circles are symbolic meaning of life in Anishinaabe Culture. This session will be exploring the use of circles that create a safe space for every individual to have a voice. this is an integral part of building trust and community.
Bundle 3
The 4P’s Understanding |
The main themes throughout training is for participants to explore their own worldview (perception), relationships (power & privilege) and how we give back to community (purpose). These qualities are fundamental and critical to working with Indigenous communities.
Bundle 4
Creation Story Understanding |
The creation story illustrates the Anishinabek belief how creation began from “the beginning before the beginning.” Many Anishinaabe cultural teachings originate from this teaching on interconnectedness. It is a foundation deeply embedded in the culture, values, relationships and roles & responsibilities. Ultimately, these teachings imply how special and sacred you and all of creation is. Participants will be able to identify:
Bundle 5
A Spirit’s Journey Understanding |
This bundle explores a Spirit’s Journey and the relationships, teachings and rites of passages through Anishinaabe ceremony. This is fundamental when understanding human needs, brain development and attachment.
Bundle 6
Personal Stories Understanding |
We all have a birth story and the stories that follow. Understanding our roots, where we come from our personal “caring networks.” This activity assists to illustrate how one generation can have deep impacts to another.
Bundle 7
Colonization Road Disruptions |
It is critical to educate yourself on the Canadian narrative when working with Indigenous peoples. Shedding light on the dark Canadian history by probing the historical timeline of colonization, oppression, assimilation and cultural genocide.
Bundle 8
Ethno-Stress Loss of Pathway and Sickness |
Enhancing the skillset to identify the oppressive behaviours in Indigenous Communities, to enable support, healing and engagement in a non-threatening approach.
Bundle 9
A Journey from Your Head to Your Heart Sickness and Healing |
A healing journey is a very personal experience and has large implications to a person’s wellness and state of being. This bundle explores this concept and encourages self exploration.
Bundle 10
Emotional Intelligence Awakening Empathic Responses |
Development of skillsets of self awareness of personal emotions, behaviours and engagement approaches.
Bundle 11
Unpacking Your Personal Leadership Awakening Empathic Response and Trust |
Enhancing self empowerment to determine personal values and leadership qualities for anti oppressive social work practice.
Bundle 12
Filling Your Bundle Healing |
The intention is to review what all has been shared, and to identify what personal tools are in their personal bundle and what can be added.
Media Attributions
- Jonthan-Kline-Black-Ash-Baskets-Remodelista-1