Ode’imin, the strawberry is the first berry to ripen and is the head of all the berries. it symbolizes the relationships in all of our lives and is acknowledged in all Anishinaabe ceremonies.

Inner Circle – the Heart, Ode

Heart – Connection to Spirit, where everything begins.

Council Fire – Heart of the Community, brings it together.

Resistance – we are resilient, and we are still here practicing traditions.

Outside Circle – Timeline of the Relationships

Relationships – Fundamental concept prior to settlers, all my relations.

Treaties – There was a switch in relationships with settlers and Anishinaabe, an understanding of “brothers” to Queen Mother and “father”, wards to take care of and to govern over.

Indian Act – assimilation policy and legislation.

Effects – The ultimate effects of Trauma, Shame, & being disconnected from spirit; and how we see that today.

Indigenous Child Welfare – Transition of treatment of indigenous children and families.

Nogdawindamin – Taking Care of Our Own.

Reconciliation – Amending the relationships.

Treaty People – Accountability to each other.

Ally/Helper – Having an anti-oppressive social work practice, which supports and encourages healing.

Outer Edge – The Trauma Cycle

The Trauma Cycle, by Donna Jackson Nakazawa[1]

Understanding – Worldview, understanding of the social and physical environments.

Disruptions – Introduction, manipulation and brainwashing of worldviews.

Loss of Pathway – Loss of identity due to the disruptions, loss and disconnection.

Sickness – Effects from loss of identity, assimilation and cultural genocide practices.

Awakening – Movement towards reconciliation.

Healing – Begins when unresolved grief is resolved.

Arrows – Once in the know and to a healing place, there is a continuous journey around this circle.

Leaves – Our Integrity

Perception, Power & Privilege, and Purpose – Critical for consistent reflection of personal worldviews, behaviours, body language, roles and responsibilities in community.

Perception – Worldviews & Identity

Power & Privilege – Relationships

Purpose – How we give back.

  1. Nakazawa, D. (2015). Childhood Disrupted, How Your Biology Becomes Your Biology, and How You Can Heal.


Anishinaabe Aadziwin Pathways Facilitator Guide Copyright © by aapathways. All Rights Reserved.