
Participant Workbook


Participants are to be encouraged to follow along with the facilitator and practice the self-reflection questions.  Emphasis is on reflection of self-location, privilege in context to Indigenous worldviews, specifically Anishnawbek.

Additional resources (links to PDF’s, websites and videos) are given in the virtual workbook to promote further exploration in context to Indigenous worldviews and decolonization.  Continuous learning is an act and obligation by settlers and institutions in reconciling Canada’s history of cultural genocide of Indigenous people.  This is a positive step for a better future for us all.

Reconciliation is about relationships, and it is all our responsibility to educate ourselves on this country’s narrative and true history.  The intention of additional resources is not to accumulate overtime, rather opportunity to step into our responsibility as Treaty People.

Virtual Learning

Due to COVID 19 pandemic, special considerations are having to be accommodated. The intention of this training is to be completely land based for the entire 5 days. Gathering on the land in a lodge would build a shared experience and staff morale. Gathering builds energy, and is most influential bringing our minds together to honoring the Spirit of Nogdawindamin. The intention of this pathway to learning about Anishinaabe worldview, is together in ceremony and to feel, see and experience each other’s vibrational energies. It is about receiving each other, and this fundamental element cannot be experienced effectively on a virtual platform.

Following safety parameters of the COVID 19 pandemic, a virtual learning platform has been developed for an introduction to the Nogdawindamin Cultural Safety Trauma Informed Pathway. This introductory training is intended to assist Nogdawindamin’s helpers (workers) with a basic understanding of Anishinaabe worldview, and will consist of self-reflection exercises, short video links and discussions.

TEAMS Meeting Protocol

To ensure accountability and the practice of being present and to actively participant in the Anishinaabe Aadziwin Pathways training.

  1. Opening, inviting ancestors to be a part of the proceedings.
  2. Camera is to be on at all times.
  3. Participatory Exercises and Discussions, it is expected that all attendees will be present and participate in exercises and conversations.
  4. There are activities that require you to do some reflection on yourself and your past.  Like with anything else, it will only be as good as what you put into it.
  5. Cell phones on silent mode and left put away.
  6. Remind participants about the sensitivity of topics, and regular “check-ins” will occur.
  7. Process when feel triggered; conversation to decide as group how to support each other.
    • Example: write down positive affirmations to look at when feeling vulnerable; have a object or item close by to touch that gives comfort; pause and take deep breaths; have a box of tissue nearby (saving used tissues to put back to earth/or burn); make sure to have water; do EFT Tapping to calm anxiety.


Nogdawindamin Family and Community Services Anishinaabe Aadziwin Minwa'enamok Miikanan Copyright © by Nogdawindamin Family and Community Services. All Rights Reserved.

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