Helga Hambrock

The topic of Artificial Intelligence has become an integral part of education, if we like it or not. and as it seems, it is here to stay.
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is “seeping” into every part of our lives numerous concerns have been expressed by educators. This book includes a selection of topics that are discussed from the perspective of educators based on the seamless learning design framework (SLED; Hambrock & De Villiers, 2023).
The topic of the book is introduced in Chapter 1, “Using Artificial Intelligence from a Seamless Learning Design Perspective,” by Dr. Helga Hambrock. The chapter begins with a description of the historic development of AI and its functions. Thereafter the seamless learning design framework is presented. The third part talks about the affordances and negative impact of AI in an educational context for students and educators and ends with a conclusion of how AI tools can be used to optimize a seamless learning experience for students. The chapter is a good foundation for educators for a better understanding of AI and SLED framework and how they can complement each other.
The second chapter “Seamlessly Integrating and Evaluating AI Competencies for Graduate Education Students,” by Dr. Rob Power, includes a case study where AI technology was integrated successfully based on the SLED concepts. He uses a multitude of ideas and tools that are useful for any educators that are interested in using AI for the sake of improving learning of the students and at the same time improving the quality of their learning experience. Considering the concepts of the SLED model the chapter is great example of integrating the practical and core concepts in the learning experience of the student.
The concept of the core concepts of the SLED model are excellently applied in the third chapter, “AI for Seamless Language Education – Transforming Pedagogy, Enhancing Outcomes,” by Prof Karen Ferreira-Meyers. Her focus on language learning is brilliantly unpacked by explaining the why’s and how’s of using AI in this field. She promotes the concept of “creating powerful synergies between AI technologies and pedagogical expertise” (Ferreira-Meyers, 2025). This chapter can be of great assistance to all educators in the field of language learning.
The fourth chapter, “Critical Thinking (CT) During the Era of Artificial Intelligence (AI),” by Dr Helga Hambrock, is a reflection on the use of AI and how it can enhance or harm critical thinking of students in preparation for the world of work. Firstly, Hambrock (2025) emphasizes the need of alignment between the college and university curriculum with the expectations of the business world, especially in terms of critical thinking skills. The next topic is a discussion about how critical thinking skills were understood by researchers since the early 90’s, from the time when technology became more relevant in education. In the third part of the chapter the neurological process of critical thinking in the human brain is discussed before the question about how artificial intelligence can enhance or harm a student’s ability to assess a situation is addressed. This is an important topic for students, educators, parents, school -, university – and business leaders as critical thinking skills are high priority for humans to decide what is truth and what not.
In Chapter 5, “Holding that Difficult AI Conversation with Learners,” by Dr. Karen Ferreira-Meyers, researchers, students and educators are encouraged to demystify AI technology, encourage ethical reasoning, and empower learners to become discerning, proactive participants in the AI-driven educational ecosystem. The chapter can be used as a guideline to for interdisciplinary research in educational psychology, technology ethics and pedagogical innovation, by navigating the delicate balance between technological enthusiasm and critical awareness, ultimately preparing learners to engage with AI as informed, reflective practitioners rather than passive consumers from a strong ethical perspective.
Chapter 6, “AI – Generated Content for Education and Learning,” by Dr Rafidah Abd Karim, explains the usefulness of AI for language teaching and learning with specific focus on English: She gives examples on how to use AI in this context.
With practical examples on how AI tools can be used to generate high-quality content based on data-driven insights, businesses, and organisations she shows how educators can create more effective and engaging content that really speaks to their audience. She explains the promising future of AI in education as it can revolutionize how students learn, how educators teach, and how educational systems function. This chapter encourages parents, stakeholders, legislators, and educators to work together to promote appropriate AI integration.
The last chapter, “The Role of Ethical Leadership in Improving Education Through Open Education, Digital Inclusion and Seamless Learning Aspects,” is authored by Prof Ebba Ossiannilsson. The focus of the chapter is on Ethical leadership, emphasizing democratic values, integrity, equality, inclusion, fairness and accountability. She encourages students to use AI in an open education system so all students can learn and contribute to society again.
The journey through this book takes us through hot topics. The original topic: “AI for seamless learning education.” The book is well planned and includes theory and practical examples as indicated during the 2024 webinars. The debate is not over yet, especially as children first need to learn how to use AI.
Concerns such as access to AI that influence students; ethical status for noy no copying from the internet without citing are worrying students.
Another concern is students may get comfortable and do not think for themselves and critically read the enormous amount of work and to discern what is relevant or not.
Enjoy the read and give your feedback on email:
Ferreira-Meyers, K. (2025). AI for Seamless Language Education – Transforming Pedagogy, Enhancing Outcomes. In R. Power & H. Hambrock, Eds., Artificial Intelligence for Seamless Education. International Research Network for Innovative Sustainable Seamless Education and Power Learning Solutions.
Hambrock, H. (2025). Critical Thinking (CT) During the Era of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In R. Power & H. Hambrock, Eds., Artificial Intelligence for Seamless Education. International Research Network for Innovative Sustainable Seamless Education and Power Learning Solutions.
Hambrock, H., & De Villiers, F. (2023). Proposing a seamless learning experience design (SLED) framework based on international perspectives of educators from five higher education institutions. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 21(1), 52-68.