Zion Lutheran Church - Alva Membership 1904 p.3
Zion Lutheran Church – Alva Membership 1904 p.3

Member Biographies

Theodor and Mimia (Meyer) Rauh

From the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva 1904 membership records

Theodor Rauh, son of Adam Rauh, was born in Missouri on 6 April 1882 and his wife Miimia, daughter of Thomas Meyer, was born in Illinois oan 2 November 1880.  They have one child: Olenda, born in Oklahoma on 15 July 1903.

From the US Census 1900

Name: Theadore Rauh, Age: 19; Birth Date: Apr 1881;Birthplace: Missouri; Home in 1900: Central, Perry, Missouri; Marital Status: Single; Father’s name: Adam Rauh; Father’s Birthplace: Missouri; Mother’s name: Margarete Rauh; Mother’s Birthplace: Missouri; Occupation: Farm Laborer; Household Members: Adam Rauh 54, Margarete Rauh 50′, Henry Rauh 21, Theadore Rauh 19, Ernest Rauh 16, Hilda Rauh 11

From the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva communicant records

Theodor and Mimia Rauh first took communion at Zion in 1901 and last took communion in 1904.

From the US Census 1910

Theodor and Mimia Rauh are living in Wellston, Saint Louis, Missouri and have four children: Olindia, Hugo, Theodor, and Sarah.

Johann and Marie (Lang) Rauh

From the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva 1904 membership records

Johann Rauh, son of Johann Rauh, was born in Missouri on 5 October 1842 and his wife Maria, daughter of Johann Lang, was born in Missouri on 2 January 1845, They have three children: Alwin, born in Missouri on 15 December 1881; Anna, born in Missouri on 9 March 1884; and John, born in Missouri on 22 January 1886.

From The First 100 Years of Alva, Oklahoma. 1886-1986 biography of John Rauh, Jr

John Rauh, Jr. was born October 5, 1842 near Perryville, Missouri. His parents, John Rauh, Sr. and Elizabeth (Behr) Rauh were born in Bavaria, Germany, January 24, 1814 and September 1, 1819.  In 1840 John Rauh, Sr. with his family left their native Germany and came to Perry County, Missouri. They had six children living in 1888. John Jr., Kunedia (wife of William Haltman) Adam, Elizabeth (Wife of Henry Boxdorfer), Dora (wife of Ferdinand Hoehn), and Annie (wife of Adam Knoll). and Annie (wife of Adam Knoll).

John Rauh, Jr. served in the Civil War as a Union man. In 1860, he enlisted in Company A. Fourth Regiment and served seven months in the Missouri State Militia. He afterwards joined Company B., 8th Regiment and served seven months longer.

On January 3, 1864 he was united in marriage with Mary A. Lang, daughter of John Lang. It is for her family, the village of Longtown, Missouri is named. She was born January 2, 1845 in Perry County, Missouri.  In the same year, Mr. Rauh purchased 160 acres in Perry County and built in 1872 a brick residence (still standing) for the cost of $1,800. He and his wife had twelve children: Louise (wife of Charles Groh): Elizabeth, deceased; William, deceased; Henry, deceased; Pauline, deceased (due to the absence of preventive medicine, they lost three children to diphtheria in one day)! Charles; Emanuel M; Otto, (deceased) Martin J.; Alwin A.; Anna M; and John E. All were members of the Lutheran Church.

Mr. and Mrs. John Rauh Jr. moved to Alva in 1902 following their children’s move to Woods County.  Martin and his wife (Emma) came to Woods County in November, 1901 followed by Emanuel, Alvin, John and daughter Louise and husband Charles Groh. They brought their horses, etc. with them from their Missouri farm with Alvin and Emanuel riding in the boxcar with them to Oklahoma. After coming to Alva, Mr. Rauh and his sons purchased land southeast of Alva where he farmed until he moved to Alva at 822 Second Street. Mr. Rauh passed away July 9, 1915 and Mrs. Rauh on September 6, 1923. They are both laid to rest in the Lutheran Cemetery.

Their following children established home and families in the southeast Alva area. Emanuel married Lena Herold. Martin married Emma Hacker and their family consists of Harry A., Alfred J., Ernest C, and Edna Schuessler. Alwin married Marie Wenniger and after her death Lena Feher Shimp. His family consists of Edward M., Everette C., Russel 0., Zipporah E. Schumacher; Arthur J., Margaret M. Keltke, Alwin A, Jr., John H., and Esther E. Clark. John was united in marriage with Caroline Keinath and their family consisted of Albert, Gertrude Brune, and Helen Hatfield. The children of Louise and Charles Groh residing in Woods County are Adolph (now deceased), John, and Anna Wagner.

Prepared by Verna (Rauh) Dubben 1987.[2]

Emmanuel and Paulina “Lena” Rauh

From the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva 1904 membership records

Emmanuel Rauh, son of John Rauh was born in Missouri and his wife Paulina, daughter of Herold.

From The First 100 Years of Alva, Oklahoma. 1886-1986 biography of John Rauh, Jr

See above parents of Emanuel, Johann and Marie (Lang) Rauh

John H. and Emma (Meyer) Schaefer

From the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva 1904 membership records

John H. Schaefer, son of George Schaefer, was born in Kentucky on 7 March 1855 and his wife Emma, daughter of Heinrich Meyer, was born in Indiana on 23 October 1859.  They had seven children: Anna, born in Indiana on 17 January 1883; Harry, born in Indiana on 12 June 1885; John, born in Kansas on 18 August 1888; Nora, born in Kansas on 14 January 1891; Bertha, born in Kansas on 15 May 1893; Carrie, born in Oklahoma on 20 April 1895; and, Freddie, born in Oklahoma on 19 june 1897;

From the Pioneer Footprints Across Woods County biography of John H. Schaefer

John H. Schaefer was a native of Kentucky but was raised in Indiana. After attending German school during his early years he moved to Kansas in 1885, and remained there until he came to Oklahoma in 1894, locating on a farm three miles east of Alva now known as the Herman Schick farm. He sold the farm to Ernst Wamhof and moved to Alva.

John H. Schaefer married Emma Meyer, a first cousin of Chris Mauntel.

After moving to Alva John made a success of the real estate business. He had been instrumental in bringing to Woods County large numbers of German neighbors and farmers. John H. was vice-president of the Alva National Bank, and director in the Capron State Bank, besides being the immigrant agent of the Santa Fe system at this point.  John was considered an expert in Woods County real estate, and sales and purchases were made daily on his advice. He later became a partner of the real estate firm of G. F. McKnight and Co. Then John Schaefer joined John Doolin to form a partnership.

John was a charter member of the Lutheran Church of Alva which was first organized in 1899. Members first held their services over the Schuhmacher Drug Store until they built a frame building on Second Street where the Lutheran School is now standing. John and Emma were parents of seven children, Anna, Nora, Carrie, Bertha, Harry, John and Fred.  In 1917 they left Alva and established their home in Long Beach, California.

Prepared by Mrs. Ernest Meyer, 1976.[1]

Wilhelm and Sophia (Niehaus) Schaefer

From the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva 1904 membership records

Wilhelm Schaefer, son of George Schaefer, was born in Indiana on 3 March 1858 and his wife Sophia, daughter of Herman Niehaus, was born in Indiana on 28 May 1862. They have seven children: John Herman, born Indiana on 30 March 1882; Friedrich, born in Indiana on 7 January 1884; Eddie, born in Indiana on 1 March 1886; Christian, born Indiana on 24 August 1889; George, born in Indiana on 2 August 1892; Leonard, born in Indiana on 1 December 1895; Amos, born in Oklahoma on 7 February 1901

From the Pioneer Footprints Across Woods County biography of Fredrick William Schaefer

Fredrick William Schaefer (1858-1939) and Sophia M. Neihaus (1862- 1948) were married in Holland, Indiana. While in Indiana six children were born to them. A daughter died while still very young. Five sons, John, Fredrick, Edward, Chris-tin (Chris), and George, with their parents, came to Oklahoma by train in 1899. They made their home four miles east of Alva. This farm is still owned by George. After coming to Alva two more sons were born, Leonard and Amos. Fredrick died at an early age. Ed, Chris, George and Leonard were all farmers near Alva. Amos attended various colleges and universities in the U.S. and was Principal of the Coronado High School in Coronado, California for many years. John never married. Fred married Ella Wiebener of Alva. Ed married Elmora Breford, and Chris married Ida Breford. The Breford girls were sisters. George married Opal Shirley of Alva. Leonard married Alma Oringderff and Amos married Irene Hitchcock of Toledo, Ohio.

The Schaefer and Breford families came from Indiana on the same train on the same date. The Breford family settled on a farm southwest of Alva. The grand-children of the Schaefer family still work with the soil in both farming and ranching. There are also teachers, doctors, secretaries, pilots, airline hostesses, some are in college and some are serving their country in the Air Force.

Prepared by Mildred Ewbank, 1976.[1]

Heinrich Schierloh

From the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva 1904 membership records

Heinrich Schierloh, son of John Schierloh, was born in Nebraska on 15 June 1876. Fredericka  Schierloh, daughter of John Schierloh (??? Is this possibly a sister?).  Heinrich has one child: Martha, born in Alva, Oklahoma on 31 January 1905.

From the Pioneer Footprints Across Woods County biography of Henry Schierloh

Henry Schierloh, son of Johann Schierloh and Rebecca (Meinken) Seine, was born June 15, 1875 in Cuning County, Beemer, Nebraska. He became a member of the Lutheran Church in Beemer, Nebraska.

Henry came to Oklahoma in 1898 and lived in Noble County, Oklahoma Territory. He ran a small country grocery store near Billings, Oklahoma. He came to Alva in 1901, the same time the Gottlieb Kletke family made the move.

Henry bought a farm three miles northwest of Alva. On February. 11, 1904 Henry married Helena Marie Ottilie Kletke, daughter of Gottlieb Kletke and Wilhemine Ottilie Krause. They lived on the farm for several years before he sold it and moved to Alva. In Alva he ran a hardware business.

About 1917 they left Alva and located in Lone Wolf, Oklahoma where he established another hardware business. They retired and he and Helena made their home at Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Both were active members in the Lutheran Church. They had five children, Martha Rebecca Ottilie, Alma Marie Johanna, Walter Harold, Dorothy Emma Bertha, and Harold Henry.

Prepared by Hildegard (Kletke) Kirmse, 1976.[1]

Johann and Fredericka (Zander) Schwanke

From the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva 1904 membership records

Johann Schwanke, son of Martin Schwanke, was born in Germany on 29 August 1834 and his wife Friederika, daughter of Friedrich Zander, was born in Germany on 4 November 1844.  They have two children: Wilhelmine, born in Nebraska on 10 August 1881; Helene, born in Nebraska on 7 March 1884. And, they apparently have one grandson: Alwin, son of Helene Schwanke, born in Nebraska on 16 November 1901.

From the US Census 1910

Name: John Schwanke; Age in 1910: 76; Birth Year: abt 1834; Birthplace: Germany; Home in 1910: Alva Ward 4, Woods, Oklahoma; Immigration Year: 1860; Relation to Head of House: Head; Marital Status: Married; Spouse’s Name: Fredricke Schwanke; Father’s Birthplace: Germany; Mother’s Birthplace: German; Occupation: Own Income; Years Married: 49; Household Members: John Schwanke 76, Fredricke Schwanke 66, Minnie Schwanke 27, Elwein Schwanke 8.

From U.S., Find A Grave Index

Name Johann Schwanke; Birth Date 29 Aug 1834; Death Date 9 Jun 1917; Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery; Burial or Cremation Place Alva, Woods County, Oklahoma, United States of America; Spouse Friedericke Schwanke.

Name Friedericke Schwanke; Birth Date 4 Nov 1844; Death Date 21 Apr 1932; Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery; Burial or Cremation Place Alva, Woods County, Oklahoma, United States of America; Spouse Johann Schwanke.

Katarina Standaul

From the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva 1904 membership records

Katarina Standaul joined Zion on 25 June 1903.

Elizabeth Willers

From the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva 1904 membership records

Elizabeth Willers, daughter of Martin Wetz, was born in Germany on 2 October 1859. Elizabeth joined Zion on 21 May 1899.

From the US Census 1900

Name: Elizabeth Willers; Age: 40; Birth Date: Oct 1859; Birthplace: Germany; Home in 1900: Alva, Woods, Oklahoma; Immigration Year: 1879; Relation to Head of House: Wife; Marital Status: Married; Spouse’s Name: Gearhardt Willers; Marriage Year: 1885; Years Married: 15; Father’s Birthplace: Germany; Mother’s Birthplace: Germany; Mother: number of living children: 1; Mother: How many children: 1; Years in US: 21; Household Members: Gearhardt Willers 41; Elizabeth Willers 40; Christie Willers 13

From the US Census 1910

Name: Elizabeth Willars; Age in 1910: 51; Birth Year: abt 1859; Birthplace: Germany; Home in 1910: Alva Ward 2, Woods, Oklahoma; Relation to Head of House: Wife; Marital Status: Married; Spouse’s Name: Gerhard Willars; Father’s Birthplace: Germany; Mother’s Birthplace: Germany; Years Married: 23; Number of Children Born: 1; Number of Children Living: 1; Household Members: Gerhard Willars 52, Elizabeth Willars 51,Christopher Willars 22′ Gertude Wetz 15

Christian Wiebener

From the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva 1904 membership records

Christian Wiebener,, son of John Wiebener, was born in Germany on 15 May 1827.

Translated Obituary of Christian Wiebener

Alva, Oklahoma. Mr. Christian Wiebener, who was visiting Minnesota with his son Claus. got sick on September 18 and passed away on September 23. Wiebener was born on May 15 1827 in Beringstedt near Todtenbuettel. He fought in the war of 1848 -1851 and was wounded near Idstedt. He was married to Anna (maiden name Struve of Gotels) who died ten years before him. He came from Bunsob to America in 1889 and settled in Minnesota. From there he moved with his son-in-law H. Brehmer and his daughter Gretchen to here.

Hanna (Wagner) Winters

From the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva 1904 membership records

Hanna Winters, daughter of John Wagner, was born in Michigan on 27 January 1875.  She has three children with Frank Winters: Flyn, born in Oklahoma on 17 May 1900; Elmer, born in Oklahoma on 21 March 1902; and Leonard Winters, born in Oklahoma on 23 March 1904

From The First 100 Years of Alva, Oklahoma. 1886-1986 biography of the Koppitz Family

In the Koppitz Family biography (See membership page 2), Mary (Wagner) Koppitz who married Morris Koppitz is the daughter of John Wagner, Sr. and Anna Reinhold. Mary’s sister is Hanna Wagner who married Frank Winters.

Wise Family

From the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva 1904 membership records

Berth Wise, Marie Wise, Emilie Wise joined Zion on 12 April 1903.  Clara Wise was born in Cedar County Nebraska on 17 December 1809 and joined Zion on 19 Jul 1908. James is apparently their father.

From the US Census 1900

Name: James R Wise [James P Wise] ; Age: 48; Birth Date: Dec 1851; Birthplace: Kentucky; Home in 1900: Verdigre, Knox, Nebraska; Gender: Male; Relation to Head of House: Head; Marital Status: Married; Spouse’s Name: Bertha A Wise; Marriage Year: 1879; Years Married: 21; Father’s Birthplace: Pennsylvania; Mother’s Birthplace: Pennsylvania; Occupation: Farmer; Household Members: James R Wise 48, Bertha A Wise 42, Mary Wise 19, Amelia Wise 18, Frances Wise 17, Jense Wise 13, Clara Wise 8

From the US Census 1910

Name: Clara Wise; Age in 1910: 19; Birth Year: abt 1891; Birthplace: Nebraska; Home in 1910: Valley, Woods, Oklahoma;; Relation to Head of House: Daughter; Marital Status: Single; Father’s name: James R Wise; Father’s Birthplace: Kentucky; Mother’s name: Bertha A Wise; Mother’s Birthplace: Germany; Household Members: James R Wise 59, Bertha A Wise 52, Mary Wise 29, Amelia Wise 28, Francis Wise 27, Clara Wise 19.


  1. Cherokee Strip Volunteer League. “Pioneer Footprints Across Woods County”, 1976.
  2. Seekers of Oklahoma Heritage Association. “The First 100 Years of Alva, Oklahoma. 1886-1986″  Curtis Media Corporation, Dallas, Texas, 1987.


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