
Parsonage 1 (1901-1904)

This first church building also served as a schoolhouse and a parsonage.

Zion Lutheran Church -Alva - First Church, Parsonage, and School.
Zion Lutheran Church -Alva – First Church, Parsonage, and School.

The April 19, 1903, voters’ assembly minutes show that it was decided to put up Pastor Meier, in an apartment, until a partition in the church/school/parsonage could be completed.

Parsonage 2 (1904-1955)

In July of 1903 it was decided to build a parsonage relieving the pastor and his family from having to live in the church/schoolhouse, or relieving the congregation from having the pastor in the church/schoolhouse, depending on how you look at the matter.

Zion Lutheran Church - Alva - Second Parsonage
Zion Lutheran Church – Alva – Second Parsonage

The year before a lot had been purchased just north of the church, once again for $50. Comprising the building committee were Robert Wiersig and Jacob Keinath. The two story parsonage was finished in 1904 and remained in use until the early 1950s. After the parsonage was built, Rev. Meier supposedly declared, “We now have a home”.

Parsonage 3 (1955-)

It was recognized already toward the end of Pastor Hoyer’s pastorate that the time for a new parsonage was at hand.  After much discussion and study, building a new parsonage, just north of the church, was proposed and approved in 1954, after having been voted down in January of 1953, the driest year for the farmers since the inception of the church.

Zion Lutheran Church - Alva - Third Parsonage,
Zion Lutheran Church – Alva – Third Parsonage,

The project was completed in 1955, having been contracted out to member Harley Meyer of Kiowa, Kansas. Much help was contributed by other members of the congregation as well, including the transportation of the bricks by Norman Schaefer. The official dedication of the parsonage, which still stands today at 826 Third Street, occurred on March 13, 1955. The final cost was determined to be approximately $30,000.


Over the years, the parsonage has been maintained, often by members doing the work.

Reroofing Parsonage Roof
Reroofing Parsonage Roof


  1. Zion Lutheran Church – Alva, Oklahoma 100 year celebration booklet “Zion Lutheran Church 1899-1999 Alva, OK”. 1999.


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