
Teacherage 1 (1901-1904)

This first church building also served as a schoolhouse and a parsonage/teacherage. Imagine the pastor and his family having to make sure that their underwear was put up and breakfast finished before the school children arrived in the morning.[1]


Teacherage 1
Teacherage 1

Zion Lutheran Church -Alva – First Church, Parsonage, and School.In the April 19, 1903, voters’ assembly minutes show that it was decided to put up Pastor Meier, in an apartment, until a partition in the church/school/parsonage could be completed. In July of 1903, it was decided to build a parsonage relieving the pastor and his family from having to live in the church/schoolhouse, or relieving the congregation from having the pastor in the church/schoolhouse, depending on how you look at the matter. The two story parsonage was finished in 1904.

Teacherage 2 (1929-1955)

In 1929, a house with lot was purchased and remodeled at the cost of $3,000. This teacherage was located just across the street northwest of the school.

Zion Lutheran Church - Alva - Second Teacherage
Zion Lutheran Church – Alva – Second Teacherage

Teacherage 3 (1955-1967)

In 1955, the house serving as the teacherage was sold and moved to allow building of a new brick teacherage.

Zion Lutheran Church - Alva - Third Teacherage
Zion Lutheran Church – Alva – Third Teacherage

After the Zion Lutheran School was closed in 1967, the teacherage and lot were sold for $25,500.


  1. Zion Lutheran Church – Alva, Oklahoma 100 year celebration booklet “Zion Lutheran Church 1899-1999 Alva, OK”. 1999.


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