
When I began writing this book, my objective was to identify Perry County, Missouri citizens who migrated to the Alva, Oklahoma area. Hence, the title selected for this book is Alva Perry Countians.  However, as the writing progressed, the book became a history of the Alva Zion Lutheran Church’s first hundred years with an emphasis on the beginning years. Hence, the subtitle of this book is First 100 Years of the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva, Oklahoma.

The genesis of the writing of this book was a series of blog posts written in preparation for a presentation, Out-Migration From Perry County To Oklahoma, to be given at the 5th Biennial Immigration History Conference October, 2018 in Altenburg, Missouri. Most of the Lutheran Perry Countians who migrated to the Alva area became members of the Alva Zion Lutheran Church. Many of the blog post stories and pictures were taken directly from booklets written in celebration of the Alva Zion Lutheran Church founding. Also, selected Alva Zion Lutheran Church records were included. And, biographies of church members and families were melded into the blog posts from local Alva and Woods County area history publications along with my memories of being a member of the Alva Zion Lutheran Church congregation.

It is a myth that Perry Countians founded the Zion Lutheran Church – Alva. None of the founding members of Zion were Perry Countians. However, by the 50th celebration of Zion Lutheran Church’s founding, members of Perry County heritage were a major integrated portion of the membership. For the most part, the book describes members and activities of Zion Lutheran Church – Alva rather than specifically those of Perry County heritage.

As noted, most of the materials for this book were taken directly from historical publications. The texts have been reformatted and various spelling, grammar and other modifications were made. Also, as a reader be aware that these materials were originally written 20 or more years before 2018, so people mentioned may have passed on and circumstances have probably changed over the years.

This is an e-book and is considered a work in progress that can be easily edited/updated as more information becomes available. If anyone knows of related stories and pictures, I would like to learn of and obtain copies of the same so that they can also be included.

The comment boxes will be open during the book development. If you find errors or have suggestions, please use the comment box at the end of each chapter. All comments will be appreciated that will help develop and improve this book.


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Alva Perry Countians Copyright © 2018 by Dale William Kirmse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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