Book Title: Introduction to Bibliodiversity in Scholarly Communications

Book Description: This resource provides an introduction to bibliodiversity within scholarly communications, which is crucial in making both the creation and discovery of research more accessible to more people.
Book Information
Book Description
Publishing is an evolving ecosystem, and one that needs diversity to remain healthy and creative. As information profressionals, we believe that applying bibliodiversity to scholarly communications is crucial to making both the creation and discovery of research more accessible to more people.
We created this resource with library science graduate students and early career librarians in mind. Information professionals have a prominent role to play in fostering bibliodiversity in scholarly communications.
This resource includes, self-paced modules, discussion questions, and resource lists, and references for some foundational knowledge and further study.
To the extent possible under law, Allison Kittinger and Jennifer Solomon have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Introduction to Bibliodiversity in Scholarly Communications, except where otherwise noted.