Study Tips: the Pomodoro Method
This is a very effective study strategy that is made of five steps.
- Make a to-do list/section off your work
- Estimate the time it will take to learn each section
- Select one task and set a timer for 25 minutes
- Take a 5 minute break after the timer is up
- Repeat with another task.
The Pomodoro method is effective because it keeps the mind and body sharp by using the attention for as long as a typical attention span lasts, and taking a break so you are alert and ready to focus again.
There are videos on YouTube that help you time this technique. They include a countdown timer for work, and a countdown timer for the break.
The question becomes, what to do during the 5 minute break. Some activities are more productive than others. This article has some excellent ideas, and can be found online at 31 Ideas for 5-Minute Breaks To Maximise Your Productivity | Amanda Appiagyei
31 Ideas for 5-Minute Breaks
If you’re at home
Working from home can be so distracting, but it also has the perks of being able to do these great break ideas.
- Put on some happy music and do a funny dance – think Phoebe running style.
- Open a door or window and take some deep breaths. Feel grass under your feet. Pick a flower. What can you see, smell and hear?
- Make a cup of tea! Don’t do this every 5-minute break thoughor you’ll be buzzing.
- Have a look in the fridge to have a think about what you’re going to make for dinner. Plan out your meal for lunch or for the evening.
- Grab a snack. Blueberries and nuts could help increase your focus! Dark chocolate too. Shh.
- Run your hands and wrists under cool water, and wash them with some lovely smelling soap.
- Top up a water bottle. Add ice and/or some slices of fruit.
Social Media
If you love scrolling through social media, there’s no reason you can’t. Just make sure you limit yourself so you don’t spend hours on there for pointless reasons! This is where the timer comes in useful.
- Post something on Twitter
- Scroll on Instagram. Don’t forget to double-tap. Might as well.
- Visit your favourite Facebook group. Make sure you pin your favourite and most useful Facebook groups to the left-hand side to make them super easy to find.
- Is there a regular sharing thread in one of those groups? Share your link or win or message there.
- Love Pinterest? Get in there. Pin 5 pins.
- Head to Youtube and watch a music video you love!
Your body
Moving our bodies is so beneficial. Physical exercise actually makes our brains work better.What?? And how comfortable we are, often determines how well we can work.
- Have a wee. You know you’ve been holding it for too long!
- Dance around! Try this playlist.
- Do 10 x jumping jacks, 10 x squats or 20 x sit-ups.
- Stretch out your body at your desk. Try this tutorial.
- Do a quick body check. Are you warm enough? Too hot? Is your chair uncomfy? Get yourself comfortable.
- Do a short meditation. The Calm app, or Headspace are great for this.
Educate yourself
Got a load of things you want to watch, read or listen to? Whenever you find something you want to watch, bookmark it or save it to a Trello board so that you know what to watch when you have your 5-minute break.
- Watch an educational YouTube video.
- Read a few pages of a book. A great idea if you want to read more but struggle to find the time!
- Find that newsletter/blog post/message you wanted to read
- Research a skill that you want to learn, or something you’ve been trying to figure out.
Want to double up on the productivity? Do these little tasks. Just don’t get distracted. You might not find these as fun, so make sure you use with caution!
- Those ideas you had while you were working. Get them on your list, sort by ‘do now’ ‘do one day’ ‘delegate’ or ‘bin it’
- Do a little walk around the home. Grab any empty mugs or glasses or plates that are lying around and take them to the sink. Don’t get distracted.
- Put on a load of laundry. Don’t do it all. Just one load.
- Take out washed laundry, and hang it or put it in the tumble dryer.
- Take ten things from upstairs that should be downstairs and put them where they should go. Or vice versa.
- Respond to messages or texts, or check your alerts.
- Call your Mum back!