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Previous Publications

Most of the chapters in this collection are revised from previously published work.

“Critical Digital Pedagogy: a Definition” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2014. It was revised and expanded from the version here for an edited collection from University of Chicago Press, Moocs and Their Afterlives.

“What is a Pedagogue?” originally appeared on Sean Michael Morris’s personal blog in 2014.

“Digital Pedagogy: a Genealogy” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2013 as

“Decoding Digital Pedagogy, Pt. 2: (Un)Mapping the Terrain.”

“Beyond the LMS” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2013.

“Learning is Not a Mechanism” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2015. The publication there was adapted from a piece published on Educating Modern Learners.

“Teaching in Our Right Minds: Critical Digital Pedagogy and the Response to the New” originally appeared on Sean Michael Morris’s personal blog in 2014.

“Is it Okay to Be a Luddite?” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2014.

“Winona Ryder and the Internet of Things” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2016. The publication there was adapted from a piece published in Educause Review.

“Adventures in Unveiling: Critical Pedagogy and Imagination” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2018.

“Online Learning: a Manifesto” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2012.

“How to Build an Ethical Online Course” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2013.

“The Failure of an Online Program” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2013.

“A User’s Guide to Forking Education” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2013.

“The Discussion Forum is Dead; Long Live the Discussion Forum” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2013.

“Reading the LMS against the Backdrop of Critical Pedagogy” originally appeared on Sean Michael Morris’s personal blog in 2017.

“Why Online Programs Fail, and 5 Things We Can Do About It” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2013.

“The March of the MOOCs: Monstrous Open Online Courses” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2012.

“On Presence, Video Lectures, and Critical Pedagogy” originally appeared on Sean Michael Morris’s personal blog in 2017.

“The Course Hath No Bottom: the 20,000-Person Seminar” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2015.

“Critical Instructional Design” originally appeared on Sean Michael Morris’s personal blog in 2017.

“Courses, Composition, Hybridity” originally appeared on Sean Michael Morris’s personal blog in 2016.

“The Twitter Essay” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2012.

“Digital Writing Uprising” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2012.

“The Pedagogies of Reading and Not Reading” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2014.

“Queequeg’s Coffin: A Sermon for the Digital Human” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2013.

“Digital Humanities is About Breaking Stuff” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2013.

“What is Hybrid Pedagogy?” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2012.

“Publishing as Pedagogy” originally appeared on PhD2Published in 2012.

“Collaborative Peer Review: Gathering the Academy’s Orphans” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2013

“Hybrid Pedagogy, Digital Humanities, and the Future of Academic Publishing” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2014.

“Call for Editors” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2014.

“We May Need to Amputate” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2014.

“I Would Prefer Not To” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2014.

“Not Enough Voices” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2016.

“Vulnerability, Contingency, and Advocacy in Higher Education” originally appeared on Jesse Stommel’s personal blog in 2014.

“A Manifesto for Community Colleges, Lifelong Learning, and Autodidacts” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2013.

“Free College; Free Training for College Teachers” originally appeared on Jesse Stommel’s personal blog in 2016.

“Textbooks, OER, and the Need for Open Pedagogy” originally appeared on Jesse Stommel’s personal blog in 2018.

“A Guide for Resisting Edtech: the Case Against Turnitin” originally appeared on Hybrid Pedagogy in 2017.

“Dear Chronicle: Why I Will No Longer Write for Vitae” originally appeared on Jesse Stommel’s personal blog in 2015.

“Dear Student” originally appeared on Jesse Stommel’s personal blog in 2015.

“Wide-awakeness and Critical Imagination” originally appeared on Sean Michael Morris’s personal blog in 2018.

“Leaving Wisconsin” originally appeared on Jesse Stommel’s personal blog in 2015.

“Epilogue: Hospitality and Agency” originally appeared on Sean Michael Morris’s personal blog in 2017.


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An Urgency of Teachers Copyright © 2018 by Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.