
Domain VI: Implement and Evaluate Culturally Responsive and Socially Just Change Processes

Domain VI of the CRSJ counselling model (Collins, 2018) focuses on the design and implementation of culturally responsive and socially just change processes. These change processes are pulled from various models of counselling and, in some cases, adapted to be applied ethically with clients who experience marginalization based on their cultural identities. The principles and practices of the CRSJ counselling model reinforce the need for theoretical and methodological flexibility on the part of teachers and learners. Lawrence and colleagues (2015) argued that creativity is a necessary ingredient for efficacy in counselling practice. Creativity requires learners to engage in risk-taking and to move outside their comfort zone. Our courage to come together as cultural beings with our clients, with humility, openness, and hope, lays a foundation to co-construction of idiosyncratic, culturally responsive, and socially just counselling processes. From a systems perspective, these change processes may be directed at several different levels of intervention from the microlevel (i.e., individuals, couples, and families) to the mesolevel (i.e., schools, organizations, and communities) to the macrolevel (i.e., broader social, economic, and political systems).

The three chapters in this section of the teaching and learning guide provide learning activities related to the three core competencies (CC) in this domain.

Core Competencies for CRSJ Counselling

Domain VI: Implement and Evaluate Culturally Responsive and Socially Just Change Processes

CC16 Microlevel Change: Engage in culturally responsive and socially just change processes at the microlevel (i.e., individuals, couples, and families) in collaboration with clients.

CC17 Mesolevel Change: Engage in culturally responsive and socially just change processes at the mesolevel (i.e., schools, organizations, and communities) in collaboration with, or on behalf of, clients.

CC18 Macrolevel Change: Engage in social justice action at the macrolevel (i.e., broad social, economic, and political systems) on behalf of clients.

Note. Copyright 2018 by S. Collins.


Collins, S. (2018). Embracing cultural responsivity and social justice: Re-shaping professional identity in counselling psychology. Counselling Concepts. https://counsellingconcepts.ca/

Lawrence, C., Foster, V. A., & Tieso, C. L. (2015). Creating creative clinicians: Incorporating creativity into counselor education. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 10(2), 166-190. https://doi.org/10.1080/15401383.2014.963188