
MARCUS BAYNES-ROCK is an anthropologist. He was a Postdoctoral Research Associate on the Human Distinctiveness project at the University of Notre Dame until 2018. His interests lie in the intersection of humans and animals and how these reflect human conceptions of their worlds. His early research was concerned with urban hyenas in Ethiopia and ways in which Ethiopian people integrate hyenas into social and spiritual worlds. He has also researched ways in which Oromo men in Ethiopia conflate identities of humans and horses and how these influence conceptions of self. His current research is concerned with domestication processes in Australia where native animals are being farmed and kept as pets. His publications include Among the Bone Eaters: Encounters with Hyenas in Harar (2015).

DYLAN BELTON is a Ph.D. candidate in Systematic Theology at the University of Notre Dame. His research focuses on the relation(s) between theology, philosophy, and evolutionary biology and anthropology. In his dissertation, he is developing a constructive anthropology that focuses on the relation between the philosophy of the organic, philosophical anthropology, and theological anthropology, with the aim of bringing this work into dialogue with current debates in evolutionary biology and anthropology regarding human nature. He was a Graduate Student Scholar on the Human Distinctiveness project.

JOHN BERKMAN is Professor of Moral Theology at Regis College, University of Toronto. In 2017 he was a Visiting Research Scholar at the McDonald Centre at Christ Church College, Oxford and at the Aquinas Institute at Blackfriars, Oxford. His main current research project is on theological and evolutionary accounts of the origins of moral rationality.

ANGELA CARPENTER is an Assistant Professor of Religion at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. Her dissertation developed a constructive theological account of moral formation, indebted to the theology of John Calvin and in conversation with recent work on children’s moral formation in developmental psychology. She is currently revising this project for a book, tentatively titled Responsive Becoming: Moral Formation in Theological, Evolutionary, and Developmental Perspective. In addition to the conversation between theology and psychology, the book will incorporate insights from evolutionary anthropology into her theological account of moral formation. She was also a Postdoctoral Research Associate on the Evolution of Wisdom and Human Distinctiveness projects at the University of Notre Dame.

STEWART CLEM is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Theology at Valparaiso University. His research interests include topics in theological ethics, the thought of Thomas Aquinas, and issues at the intersection of virtue theory, law, and public policy. He is the author of several journal articles and is currently working on a book-length project titled, Truth as a Virtue: A Thomistic Framework for the Ethics of Lying and Truthtelling. He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and Duke Divinity School and also serves as a priest in the Episcopal Church. He was a Graduate Student Scholar on the Human Distinctiveness project.

FIONA COWARD is Senior Lecturer in Archaeological Sciences at Bournemouth University. Her work focuses on the evolution of human social life and the cognitive capacities that underpin complex social interactions. Her research explores how and why humans were able to scale up their social lives from the very small social groups in which we lived for much of our prehistory to the global social networks characterizing people’s lives today. She takes a multidisciplinary perspective emphasizing the interrelations between the physical and social environments in which human evolution has taken place, particularly the role of material culture in human social life. Coward was a member of the British Academy Centenary Project “From Lucy to Language: The Archaeology of the Social Brain.” She is a founding member of “The Connected Past” group, working alongside colleagues from archaeology, history, and network science to develop network science methods for use with archaeological and historical datasets. She is a co-investigator in the AHRC/Xuan Truong Enterprise-funded SUNDASIA Project, exploring how prehistoric tropical communities adapted to palaeoenvironmental change over the last 60,000 years in the Tràng, an landscape complex World Heritage Site, Ninh Binh, Vietnam. Coward received a B.A. (Hons) in Archaeology and Anthropology from the University of Cambridge, an M.A. in Osteoarchaeology and Ph.D. in Palaeolithic Archaeology from the University of Southampton.

CELIA DEANEDRUMMOND is a Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame and Director of the Center for Theology, Science, and Human Flourishing. She was editor of the journal Ecotheology for six years and has served as chair of the European Forum for the Study of Religion and Environment from 2011 to present. Her recent books include Ecotheology (2008), Christ and Evolution (2009), Creaturely Theology, ed. with David Clough (2009), Religion and Ecology in the Public Sphere, ed. with Heinrich Bedford-Strohm (2011), Animals as Religious Subjects, edited with Rebecca Artinian Kaiser and David Clough (2013), The Wisdom of the Liminal (2014), Re-Imaging the Divine Image (2014), Technofutures, Nature and the Sacred, ed. with Sigurd Bergmann and Bronislaw Szerszynski (2015); Religion in the Anthropocene, ed. with Sigurd Bergmann and Markus Vogt (2017). 

JULIA FEDER is an Assistant Professor of Theology at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. She specializes in theological anthropology in the Christian tradition. Her articles have been published in Theological Studies; Philosophy, Theology, and the Sciences; and the Journal of Religion and Society. Her first book project is titled Trauma and Salvation: A Theology of Healing. She was a Postdoctoral Research Associate on the Evolution of Wisdom and Human Distinctiveness projects at the University of Notre Dame.

AGUSTIN FUENTES is The Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C., Endowed Chair in Anthropology at the University of Notre Dame. His current foci include cooperation and bonding in human evolution, ethnoprimatology and multispecies anthropology, evolutionary theory, and public perceptions of, and interdisciplinary approaches to, human nature(s).

JENNIFER C. FRENCH is a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow at the University College London Institute of Archaeology. Jennifer received her M.Phil. in Archaeological Research and her Ph.D. in Archaeology from the University of Cambridge. Prior to joining UCL, she was a Research Fellow in Archaeology and Anthropology at Peterhouse, University of Cambridge. French is an anthropological archaeologist whose work focuses on the relationships between demographic, cultural, and environmental change in prehistoric populations, with a specific focus on the European Palaeolithic. Her research examines the proxy data we have for understanding the demography and interactions of both Pleistocene Homo sapiens and earlier hominins, tackling such questions as why the Neanderthals went extinct and what factors prevented sustained population growth in this early period of human prehistory. She is working on a book manuscript on the demographic and social prehistory of Palaeolithic Europe.

NIELS HENRIK GREGERSEN is Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Copenhagen. His work focuses on two research fields: (1) how to develop a constructive Christian theology in the context of secularized and multi-religious Western societies; and (2) how to bring about a mutual interaction between science and religion that also allows religious reflection to be an active player. Within systematic theology, he specializes in the theology of creation and Christology; within the field of science and religion, he specializes in the philosophy of evolutionary biology and the sciences of complexity. Gregersen has served as the leader of the Danish Science-Theology Forum (1992-2003) and as Vice-President of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology (ESSSAT), responsible for its publication program (1998-2002). He is a founding member and Trustee of the International Society for Science and Religion (ISSR). He was the Founder and Chairperson of Løgstrup Archives at Aarhus University (1993-2000), and chairperson for the Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg, France (2003-10). From 2008-13 he was co-Director of the Centre for Naturalism & Christian Semantics. Recent publications include Reformation Theology for a Post-secular Age (with Trygve Wyller and Bengt Kristenson Uggla, 2017); Naturalism and Beyond: Religious Naturalism and Its Alternatives (with Mikael Stenmark, 2016); Den generøse ortodoksi: Konflikt og kontinuitet i kristendommen (2015, 2016); and Incarnation: On the Scope and Depth of Christology (2014).

NICOLA HOGGARD CREEGAN is a theologian and co-director of New Zealand Christians in Science/Te Kāhui Whakapono ki Nga Kaipūtaiao o Te Motu. She is an adjunct professor at St. John’s Anglican College in Auckland, New Zealand. Hoggard Creegan is the author of Animal Suffering and the Problem of Evil (Oxford, 2013). She participated in the Templeton-funded Human Distinctiveness Summer Seminar program at the University of Notre Dame in 2015–16.

CRAIG IFFLAND is a doctoral student in Moral Theology at the University of Notre Dame. He is the editor (with Ana Marta Gonzlez) of Care Professions and Globalization: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives (Palgrave 2014) and a forthcoming edited volume (with John O’Callaghan) titled Intention & Double Effect: Theoretical and Practical Challenges. Craig also serves as a Visiting Research Fellow in International Law and Ethics at the Afro-Middle East Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa as part of the Notre Dame-USAID Global Development Fellowship program. He was  Graduate Student Scholar on the Human Distinctiveness project.

TIM INGOLD is Professor and Chair of Social Anthropology at the University of Aberdeen. He has carried out fieldwork among Saami and Finnish people in Lapland, and written on environment, technology, and social organization in the circumpolar North, on animals in human society, and on human ecology and evolutionary theory. His recent work explores environmental perception and skilled practice. Ingold’s current interests lie on the interface between anthropology, archaeology, art and architecture. His books include The Perception of the Environment (2000), Lines (2007), Being Alive (2011), Making (2013), and The Life of Lines (2015).

MAUREEN JUNKER-KENNY, F.T.C.D., is Professor in Theology at the School of Religion, Trinity College Dublin. She studied English, Catholic Theology, and Philosophy and completed her Ph.D. on F. Schleiermacher’s Christology and theory of religion at the University of Münster, as well as her Habilitation on the discourse ethics of J. Habermas at the University of Tübingen. Research interests include religion and concepts of public reason and the public sphere; Schleiermacher and conditions of theology in Modernity; and approaches to theological and philosophical ethics, especially Ricoeur, Habermas, and biomedical ethics.

KAREN KILBY is the Bede Professor of Catholic Theology at the Centre for Catholic Studies in the University of Durham. She is a systematic theologian who has worked on questions related to the Trinity, evil, and mystery, and published books on Karl Rahner and Hans Urs von Balthasar. She was one of the editors of the Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology, has served as the President of the Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain, and is currently President of the Society for the Study of Theology.

CHELSEA KING is a Ph.D. candidate in systematic theology at the University of Notre Dame. Her main area of interest is in theological anthropology, with a focus on how evolutionary theory has challenged, enriched, and complicated our understanding of sin and salvation. In particular, she is interested in the theological category of sacrifice as understood from both historical and contemporary perspectives. She has incorporated the thought of Rene Girard into her work on sacrifice and hopes to continue to develop and draw from Girard’s mimetic theory. She also has served as the Editor-in-Chief of Lumen et Vita, the graduate theological journal of Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry. She was also a Graduate Student Scholar on the Human Distinctiveness project.

MARC KISSEL is a Visiting Assistant Professor in Anthropology at Appalachian State University, North Carolina. Marc received his Ph.D. and M.S. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and his B.A. from New York University. His research focuses on the biological and social origins of humans. He is interested in human evolution and in applying mathematical models, genetic data, and anthropology to questions about our evolutionary history. He has published on various topics such as early hominin mandibles, semiotics, and the processes by which hominins became human. He was a Postdoctoral Research Associate on the Evolution of Wisdom and Human Distinctiveness projects at the University of Notre Dame.

JAMES STUMP is the Senior Editor at BioLogos, the organization founded by Francis Collins to show the compatibility of Christian theology and evolution. At BioLogos Jim is in charge of developing new content for the website and print materials, as well as curating existing content. His graduate training is in philosophy (MA, Northern Illinois University; PhD., Boston University). Among the books he has authored or edited are, Science and Christianity: An Introduction to the Issues (Wiley-Blackwell, 2017), Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design (Zondervan, 2017), How I Changed My Mind About Evolution (InterVarsity Press, 2016), The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012), and Christian Thought: A Historical Introduction (Routledge, 2010, 2016). His current scholarly project investigates the extent to which theories of language affect our understanding of the relationship between scientific and theological explanations.

J. WENTZEL VAN HUYSSTEEN is the James I. McCord Professor of Theology and Science Emeritus at Princeton Theological Seminary and Honorary Professor at the University of Stellenbosch. He has research degrees in philosophy (M.A., Stellenbosch) and philosophical theology (Ph.D., Free University of Amsterdam). He was named professor and chair of religious studies at South Africa’s University of Port Elizabeth in 1972, a post he held until going to PTS in 1992 as the first occupant of the McCord chair. The persistent theme of his work has been an exploration of the multi-faceted relationship between religious faith and scientific culture. Focusing on religious and scientific epistemology, his interdisciplinary method of doing theology has been an effort to respond to the challenges and opportunities posed by science and the philosophy of science. More recently his focus has shifted to paleoanthropology and how Darwinian evolution might inform theological anthropology and its answer to the question of what it means to be human. Reflecting this development, in April 2004 he delivered the Gifford Lectures at the University of Edinburgh – the first South African to do so. These were later published as Alone in the World? Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology (2006). He served as the editor-in-chief of the Macmillan Encyclopedia for Science and Religion (2003) and as co-editor of the Ashgate Science and Religion series (with Roger Trigg). The author of some eighty papers published in academic journals and volumes of collected works, he is the editor of Rethinking Theology and Science (with Niels Henrik Gregersen, 1998); In Search of Self: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Personhood (with Erik P. Wiebe, 2011); and The Templeton Science and Religion Reader (with Khalil Chamcham, 2012). He is the author of Theology and the Justification of Faith: Constructing Theories in Systematic Theology (1989), Essays in Postfoundational Theology (1997), and The Shaping of Rationality: Towards Interdisciplinarity in Theology and Science (1999). In 2006, Eerdmans published The Evolution of Rationality: Interdisciplinary Essays in honor of J. Wentzel van Huyssteen.

AKU VISALA is a philosopher of religion whose work is located at the intersection of philosophy, theological anthropology, and the cognitive sciences. He is an adjunct professor in philosophy of religion and a Research Fellow of the Finnish Academy at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He has held postdoctoral positions at the Universities of Oxford, Princeton, and Notre Dame. His publications include Naturalism, Theism and the Cognitive Study of Religion (2011); Conversations on Human Nature (2015); and Verbs, Bones, and Brain: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Nature (with Agustín Fuentes, 2017). 

ADAM M. WILLOWS is a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds working on the St. Andrews Theology and Science project. He works in philosophical theology, especially in ethics, philosophy of religion and metaphysics. His work emphasizes the potential for philosophical, theological and scientific traditions to interact, often to mutual benefit. He was also a Postdoctoral Research Associate on the Human Distinctiveness project at the University of Notre Dame.


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