Book Title: Mentored Program Observation

Book Information
Book Description
The text supports an upper-level early education and care course. The course requires observations in six different Birth-K settings across the mixed delivery system of early childhood education. Students compare their experiences and submit a portfolio analyzing the settings they visit using national early childhood accreditation standards. Course is designated as fulfilling the writing designated in the major (CWRM) core curriculum requirement.
This course is designed so students experience and reflect upon the full range of childcare delivery models, birth through kindergarten. Some students may have experienced only one type of early childhood setting. Part of becoming a professional in the field is developing “The Big Picture” and realizing there are many ways to provide quality services for children. We work together, to make sure children and families in our community are served effectively.
Mentored Program Observation Copyright © 2018 by Susan Eliason is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.