Week FCCERS- R Items Definition/Clarification Yes No Additional Notes
Week 1 – Physical Environment Space and Furnishings
Peeling Paint Visible signs
Noticeable water damage Not staining or obvious mold
Rug/floor clean No obvious stains or excessive dirt
Adequate lighting, ventilation, temperature control and sound-absorbing materials
Natural light can be controlled Blinds, curtains for nap time
Soft furnishings clean and in good repair? Not ripped or torn–no exposed formed
Ample indoor space for child care children, play materials and furnishings Ex: children and adults can move around freely
Space accessible to kids in group Space is accessible to all the children and adults currently using the class, consider door handles, stops, thresholds
Space accessible to all Space in the classroom and the bathroom is accessible to all individuals, including those with a disability (includes those not presently enrolled in the program)
Furnishings well cared for Ex: sheets changed weekly, tables washed and sanitized before and after eating
Furnishings providing a substantial amount of softness accessible much of the day Typically this means a combination of soft furnishings, but a large single furnishing, such as a couch or futon could meet this requirement
Many soft toys accessible much of the day At least 10 soft toys, and at least 2 per child if there are more than 5 children
Space is arranged so that routine care and play activities can be carried out to meet children’s needs without major problems Ex: toileting/diapering are close to play area; food prep area permits easy supervision of children at play
Space provided to allow different kinds of activities to go on at the same time Ex: quiet and active play activities for the younger and older children; protected space for homework or completing puzzle with many pieces
Materials for different kinds of activities organized by type Materials are groups and separated by type and activity
Routine care convenient Look at location of bathroom, diapering etc.  Is it convenient for educator
Many colorful pictures throughout the space where children spend the majority of their time and can easily see them 2 pieces per child, over 12 months of age
FCCERS – R Items Definition/Clarification Yes No Additional Notes
Space and Furnishings Continued        
Much of the work done by the children is displayed Not all store purchased
Space set aside for one or two children to play, protected from intrusion by others Ex: no-interruption rule; small space protected by shelves
Protected space for infants Infants (if cared for) have a protected space that they can be placed
Space for privacy accessible for much of the day Children allowed to use it with limited restrictions
Space cleared of breakable objects and things dangerous to children Consider all spaces children use including bathrooms, kitchen or sleeping spaces
Children can be easily supervised Space allows for easy supervision of children


Week 1 – Physical Environment Personal Care Routines
Provider greets each child individually and provides a pleasant, organized departure Ex: conversations on arrive; clothes ready for departure
All cribs/cots/mats are 36 inches apart No solid barrier
Infants can be supervised while sleeping Children under 12 months can be supervised while napping
Bathroom clean Sinks and toilets are clean and sanitary conditions are easy to maintain
Bathroom has soap Soap is available for children to use
Bathroom has paper towels Paper towels are available for children to use
Bathroom has toilet paper Toilet paper is accessible for children to use on their own
Toilet in bathroom flushed Teachers remind children to flush toilets and/or check to see that they are flushed
Sink has soap Accessible for children to use on their own–pump not bar
Sink  has paper towels Accessible for children to use on their own
Diapering table has disinfectant Bleach and water or disinfectant–not just soap and water-should not be same as for food surfaces
Week 1 – Physical Environment FCCERS – R Items Definition/Clarification Yes No Additional Notes
Personal Care Routines Continued
If only sink in bathroom, disinfectant apparent for sink Disinfectant OK for bathrooms.
Sanitizer for  washing tables Bleach and water for tables must be used (disinfectant should not be used for food surfaces).
Meal/snack time well organized? Ex: food prepared ahead of time; different ages fed to avoid waiting; children safely involved in activities while provider prepares food
Infants and toddlers supervised while eating Close supervision required
Basic sanitary procedures during meals and snack times usually practiced At least 75% of the time (provider and children wash hands before and after bottle feeding/meals, when preparing and serving food
Sanitary conditions usually maintained during diapering/toileting Diapering area should be physically separated from food prep areas; diapering surface must be non-porous so it can be sanitized after each use; if same sink is used for both food related and diapering/toileting procedures, faucet handles and sink should be sanitized with bleach and water after diapering/toileting
Toys NOT stored in cribs used by children Toys should not be stored in cribs while not in use
Sand outdoors covered Sand outdoors must be covered
Obvious safety issues inside Bleach within reach, 6 inch edge on diapering table, no blankets in cribs for infants under 12 mos., no stacking cribs if children can sit up, no separate sleeping areas that are not directly supervised, no cribs with sliding sides, infant not placed to sleep on stomach, loose hanging cords, choking hazards, crib sheets fit snuggly
Safety issues outside Unfenced area, inappropriate toddler and infant equipment, broken equipment, inadequate cushioning, fall zones for toddlers



Week FCCERS – R Items Definition/Clarification Yes No Additional Notes
Week 2 – Positive Relationships Interactions Definition/Clarification Yes No Additional Notes
All provider-child interactions observed appropriate Providers show warmth; treat children respectfully; show sympathy to a child in distress
Little evidence of conflict between children Children get along well (few conflicts observed); providers help children talk through conflicts



Week FCCERS – R Items Definition/Clarification Yes No Additional Notes
Week 4 – Learning Environment Listening and Talking
Books accessible 12 books or at least 2/child
Books in good repair No more than 3 in poor repair
Book reading daily Check schedule
Provider talking with children observed Communication between providers and children take place throughout the day, in both free play and in group times
Program Structure
Flexible schedule No forced group activities
Ample and varied toys accessible for much of the day Variety of toys, games, and equipment provided for children during free play
Limited whole group gatherings to meet the needs of all children Check schedule for amount of time spent in group/circle time–if children get restless should be allowed to leave
Materials and free play for much of the day No more than 20 minutes of required group time
Gross motor play for hour daily Year around including winter and inclimate weather
Transitions are short No more than 3 minutes



Week 4 – Learning Environment FCCERS – R Items Definition/Clarification Yes No Additional Notes
Many and varied fine motor materials present and accessible Accessible on low shelves or bins (not covered or in hard to open containers)–10 for 5 infants, 15 for 5 toddlers plus 1 for each additional child
Art 3x/week for toddlers, preschoolers and older children have art materials accessible daily N/A if all under 12 mos.–check schedule
Many and varied musical and pleasant sound instruments Need at least 10 accessible, with no fewer than 3 for each age group enrolled
Many blocks and accessories for each age group accessible daily for much of the day “Many” means enough blocks and accessories for each age group to use the materials without under competition
Space for block play out of traffic solid surface and clear space for building
Many and varied appropriate dramatic play materials accessible for each age group Includes toys for infants and toddlers as well as preschool aged children–must have dolls and stuffed animals
Many and varied appropriate math materials accessible At least 5 different materials for each age group
At least 9 different examples of appropriate nature/science materials with at least three of the 4 categories (collections of natural objects; living things; books/pictures; games/toys; nature/science tools) N/A permitted when only infants and toddlers are enrolled
Sand/water 1X per week (even in winter) N/A if all under 18 mos.   NO dried beans, cornmeal, flour, small rock or potential choke hazards
Evidence of diversity-at least 10 examples Consider display, books, DP–Dolls need to represent 3 races



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