Week ITERS- R Items Definition/Clarification Yes No Additional Notes
Week 1 – Physical Environment Space and Furnishings
Peeling Paint Visible signs
Noticeable water damage Not staining or obvious mold
Ceiling tiles secure Ceiling tiles not caved, appear stable
Rug/floor clean No obvious stains or excessive dirt
Soft furnishings clean and in good repair Not ripped or torn–no exposed foam
Furniture in good repair No signs of broken/unstable furniture
Furniture suitable for individual care of infants and children No group feeding table, tables for small groups of toddlers
Adequate sound proofing Sound proofing from other classrooms (sometimes space is shared with other classrooms and groups)
Adult seating used for routine care Adult size or preschool (if appropriate) chair present (not a toddler chair turned on its side)
Cozy area present Substantial amount of softness–combination of soft items (may be book area)
Many soft toys accessible 10 or 2/child if more than 5 kids
Routine care convenient Look at diapering table, cubbies. Location of bathrooms
Many colorful pictures and children can see them Not too high–some (30%) with reach of children
Display includes hanging object or mobile 2 examples, crib gym or mobile over crib does not count, hanging plant OK
Natural light can be controlled Blinds and/or curtains can be pulled close
Ventilation can be controlled Windows open and/or temp. control
Space accessible to kids in group Space is accessible to all the children and adults currently using the class-consider door handles, door thresholds, door widths
Space accessible to all Space in the classroom and the bathroom is accessible to all individuals, including those with a disability (includes those not presently enrolled in the program)
Sand/water 1X per week (even in winter) N/A fi all under 18 mos.   NO dried beans, cornmeal, flour, small rock or potential choke hazards
Quiet and active areas separate Blocks and dramatic play should be separated from quiet and book areas–means not next to each other-look for location of blocks and dramatic play, they should not be next to book or cozy area
Children be easily supervised Consider location of areas, hidden corners, and tall furniture
Week 1 – Physical Environment ITERS- R Items Definition/Clarification Yes No Additional Notes
Personal Care Routines
Bathroom clean Sinks and toilets are clean and sanitary conditions are easy to maintain
Bathroom has soap Soap is available for children to use
Bathroom has paper towels Paper towels are available for children to use
Bathroom has toilet paper Toilet paper is accessible for children to use on their own
Toilet in bathroom flushed Teachers remind children to flush toilets and/or check to see that they are flushed
Sink in classroom has soap Accessible for children to use on their own
Sink in classroom has paper towels Accessible for children to use on their own
Diapering table has disinfectant Bleach and water or disinfectant–not just soap and water
If only sink in bathroom, sanitizer apparent for disinfecting  sink Disinfectant OK for bathrooms.
Sanitizer in classroom for washing tables Bleach and water for tables must be used (disinfectant should not be used for food surfaces–should not be same solution as used for diapers).
Daily records for infants Written record of feeding and sleeping–infants only–needs to be current
Cribs used for infants Toddlers can be on mats
Cribs and mats must be 36 inches apart Solid barriers not acceptable–must be 36 inches
Toys should NOT be stored in cribs Toys should not be stored in cribs while not in use
Sand outdoors covered Sand outdoors must be covered
Obvious safety issues inside EX. Bleach within reach, 6 inch edge on diapering table, no blankets in cribs for infants under 12 mos., no stacking cribs if children can sit up, no separate sleeping areas that are not directly supervised, no cribs with sliding sides, infant not placed to sleep on stomach, loose hanging cords, choking hazards, crib sheets fit snuggly
Safety issues outside Unfenced area, inappropriate toddler and infant equipment, broken equipment, inadequate cushioning, fall zones for toddlers



Week ITERS- R Items Definition/Clarification Yes No Additional Notes
Week 2 – Positive Relationships Interactions
All teacher-child interactions observed appropriate? Teachers show warmth; treat children respectfully; show sympathy to a child in distress
Little evidence of conflict between children Children get along well (few conflicts observed); teachers help children talk through conflicts
Much holding and physical affection Can be subtle but needs to feel warm



Week ITERS- R Items Definition/Clarification Yes No Additional Notes
Week 4 – Learning Environment Language and Reasoning
Books accessible 12 books or at least 2/child
Books in good repair No more than 3 in poor repair
Book reading daily Check schedule
Teacher reads informally Must be observed
Teacher talking with children observed Communication between teachers and children take place throughout the day, in both free play and in group times
Materials that encourage communication accessible in a variety of interest areas Figures, puppets, accessories in dramatic play
Program Structure
Flexible schedule No forced group activities
Ample and varied toys accessible Variety of toys, games, and equipment provided for children during free play
Limited whole group gatherings Check schedule for amount of time spent in group/circle time
Limited structure No more than 20 minutes spent in force group time
Transitions are limited No more than 3 minutes for transitions without an activity
Gross motor play occurs daily Hour daily in full day programs, even in winter and bad weather–will need to ask teacher



Week 4 – Learning Environment ITERS- R Items Definition/Clarification Yes No Additional Notes
Many and varied fine motor materials present and accessible Accessible on low shelves or bins (not covered or in hard to open containers)–10 for 5 infants, 15 for 5 toddlers plus 1 for each additional child Gross motor play in the winter/ bad weather?
Outdoor play at least 3 x per week Including winter-ask teacher and check schedule
Space for gross motor used daily with enough equipment No long waits for equipment
2 sets of blocks accessible 10 blocks/set, n/a if all children under 12 mos.
Space for block play out of traffic Steady surface, other activities do not interfere
Art 3x/week for young toddlers, daily for older toddlers N/A if all under 12 mos.–check schedule
Math and number materials present and accessible May not be in own area–may be mixed with other materials
Dramatic play area present and accessible Must include dress ups
Evidence of diversity Consider display, books, DP–Dolls need to represent 3 races
Many and varied musical and pleasant sound instruments? Need at least 10 accessible
Recorded music used at limited times Music not always playing
NO TV or computer with children under 12 mos. Limited use with toddlers OK
Science materials present and accessible Must be accessible on open shelves or table (not covered or in hard to open containers)




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Mentored Program Observation Copyright © 2018 by Susan Eliason is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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