This list does not include each chapters’ Takeaways for Librarians. It is organized by chapter rather than page numbers because this book is freely available in multiple formats that can be viewed on multiple types of devices, so pagination varies.
Chapter 1: Intrinsic Motivation
- Phases of interest development
- Three innate needs support intrinsic motivation (self-determination theory)
- Guidelines for effective praise
Chapter 2: Goals, Mindset, and Self-regulation
- Goal orientations
- Impact of mindset on perseverance and behaviors
- Self-regulation cycle
- Phases and areas for self-regulated learning
Chapter 3: College Student Development
- Developmental directions in college students
- Seven ways of knowing
- Four patterns in knowing
- Seven stages of reflective judgment
- First stage of epistemic belief: Dualism
- Second stage of epistemic belief: Multiplicity
- Third stage of epistemic belief: Relativism
- Final stage of epistemic belief: Commitment in relativism
Chapter 4: Academic Self-concept and Emotions
- Primary academic emotions
- Stages of the information search process
- Causes of anxiety in academic settings
- Negative effects of anxiety on academic achievement
- Zone of optimal confusion
Chapter 5: Learning is a Social Act
- Triadic reciprocity model
- Zone of proximal development
- Six elements of effective scaffolding
- Guided Reciprocal Peer Questioning technique
Chapter 6: Diversity and Inclusion
- Suggestions to help students facing stereotype threat
- Four elements of differentiated instruction: Inviting students to learn
- Universal Design for Learning guidelines
Chapter 7: Rewards, Motivation, and Performance
Chapter 8: Academic Help Seeking
- Eight steps in the help seeking process
- Prerequisites for asking for academic help
- Why students don’t ask for help
Chapter 9: Planning Instruction
- Essence of instructional design
- Types of cognitive load
- Recommendations for incorporating worked examples
- Concept map
- Teacher attributes that enhance student attention and engagement
- Seven best practices in teaching undergraduates
- Behaviors that promote learning
- INSPIRE model of effective one-on-one instruction
- Guidelines for effective explanations
- Seven principles of effective feedback
Chapter 11: Learning Strategies
- Effectiveness of learning strategies
- Eight strategies that support generative learning
- Selecting–Organizing–Integrating model of generative learning
Chapter 12: Interventions and Collaborations
- Attribution intervention to break exacerbation cycle
- Types of academic interventions
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning