
Book Title: Greening Construction Trades in Canada – Faculty Training Modules

Subtitle: This resource equips instructors with the tools and knowledge to integrate climate change awareness and Indigenous perspectives into construction trades education. The objective is to support a sector pivot to Net Zero.

Authors: Collaboration Coordinated by Colleges and Institutes Canada

Cover image for Greening Construction Trades in Canada - Faculty Training Modules
Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives


Book Information


Collaboration Coordinated by Colleges and Institutes Canada


Building skills and trades


Greening Construction Trades in Canada – Faculty Training Modules
Collaboration Coordinated by Colleges and Institutes Canada
Canadore College; Conestoga College; Red Deer Polytechnic; Sault College; Selkirk College; CICan; ECO Canada; Grey & Ivy; Grounded Architecture; and Vancouver Island University

While CICan holds the copyright to these modules, this is purely for protection of the content within these modules so that the content, in particular the Indigenous knowledge, cannot be used by non-Indigenous people and used for profit. This copyright is in no way a statement that CICan created all of the content but merely as the coordinators of the collaboration, we are holding the copyright. At no time will CICan seek to make profit from these modules and the Indigenous wisdom contained within these modules. These modules were co-developed with member institutes and CICan wishes to honour the creators of these modules and protect the information, particularly Indigenous knowledge found within the modules. CICan holds the copyright with the intent to always make the information fully accessible to all people everywhere. We would like to express gratitude to all of those people that contributed to this content, and acknowledge our gratitude for the Indigenous wisdom that is woven into these modules.

Primary Subject
Building skills and trades
Additional Subject(s)
Environmentally-friendly (‘green’) architecture and design, Landscape architecture and design, Decolonisation of knowledge / Decoloniality, Teaching skills and techniques, Teachers’ classroom resources and material, Industry and industrial studies, Electrical power generation and distribution industries, Construction and heavy industry, Construction and building industry, Regulatory compliance, Construction and engineering law, Environment law, The environment, Environmentalist thought and ideology, Energy resources, Conservation of the environment, Restoration ecology / rewilding, Climate change, Sustainability, Electrician skills and trades, Alternative and renewable energy sources and technology, Building construction and materials, Building and construction regulations, rules and codes, Building physics and energy-efficient construction, Heating, lighting, ventilation, Construction planning, Building skills and trades, Carpentry and joinery skills and techniques, Greenhouse gas emissions technologies, Other technologies and applied sciences, Other vocational technologies and trades, Garden design and planning, Organic gardening / Sustainable gardening, Landscape gardening, Natural and wild gardening, Gardening with native plants
Publication Date
June 13, 2024