
Einheit 9.4 (online)

garbage cans with specific colours  

Warum gibt es Farben auf dem Mülleimer? Was bedeuten die Farben?

video icon Was ist Mülltrennung? Nicht alle Länder recyclen wie die Deutschen.  Duncan kommt aus Neuseeland und wohnt in einer WG in Deutschland. Er lernt sehr schnell, was “Mülltrennung” bedeutet. Sehen Sie das Video an, bevor Sie mehr über Mülltrennung lernen.

reading icon Mülltrennung in Deutschland. Lesen Sie den Text.


video icon Wie trenne ich meinen Müll? Sehen Sie die zwei Videos über Mülltrennung an.
1. Wie trenne ich den Müll in Deutschland?

2. Mülltrennung in Deutschland

Altglaseinwerf nur werktags von 7.00 - 13.00 Uhr 15.00 - 20.00 Uhr STOPP (pictures of what not to put in the container)


H5P activity icon Übung 1. Sortieren Sie den Müll in die richtige Tonne.


Currywurst mit Pommes Bread board with cheese, meat and fruit


Mittagessen vs. Abendessen

In the German-speaking countries, people usually eat their hot meal for lunch. University students often eat in the Mensa, a canteen at the university, where they can select from a variety of food items, from appetizers to main courses to deserts. The food is usually quite good and very affordable for the students. People working in businesses might go to a restaurant, get a quick snack (Imbiss) or bring their own lunch. Large companies often have their own canteen where employees can eat hot meals for lunch.

Most of the time, the Abendessen is a smaller meal, consisting of bread, cold cuts, cheese, or a salad. On special occasions and celebrations, some people would have a hot meal in the evening, such as when they make fondue or raclette.

Wurst Kiosk
raclette dinner

This video gives you an overview of Mittagessen vs. Abendessen as well as regional dishes and of course Kaffee und Kuchen.

Would you like to learn more about Abendessen or what is sometimes called Abendbrot? Watch these videos: 

external link icon Wortschatz in Quizlet:




Quiz icon Take Quiz 2 on Canvas.

Media Attributions

  • garbage-1506937_1920
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  • star
  • eat-4346396_1920 (1)
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  • raclette-81401_1920
  • check mark


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