Book Title: Energy Literacy for Energy Communities

Authors: info12; NEWCOMERS project; Agatino Nicita; Andrej Gubina; Andreja Smole; Iva Đekić Tajnšek; Jenny Palm; Julia Blasch; Mark Andor; Mojca Drevenšek; Mojca Suvorov; Monica Musolino; Paula Hansen; Primož Medved; Stephan Sommer; Tanja Kamin; Tina Kogovšek; and Urša Golob

Cover image for Energy Literacy for Energy Communities

Book Description: Welcome to Energy Literacy for Energy Communities, a handbook created by the NEWCOMERS project. The handbook offers an introduction to some of the concepts and considerations relating to energy communities and their role in the energy system. It is written for community members and anyone else interested in joining the energy community movement.

Creative Commons Attribution


Book Information

Book Description

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 837752.


info12; NEWCOMERS project; Agatino Nicita; Andrej Gubina; Andreja Smole; Iva Đekić Tajnšek; Jenny Palm; Julia Blasch; Mark Andor; Mojca Drevenšek; Mojca Suvorov; Monica Musolino; Paula Hansen; Primož Medved; Stephan Sommer; Tanja Kamin; Tina Kogovšek; and Urša Golob


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Energy Literacy for Energy Communities Copyright © 2022 by NEWCOMERS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Energy Literacy for Energy Communities
info12; NEWCOMERS project; Agatino Nicita; Andrej Gubina; Andreja Smole; Iva Đekić Tajnšek; Jenny Palm; Julia Blasch; Mark Andor; Mojca Drevenšek; Mojca Suvorov; Monica Musolino; Paula Hansen; Primož Medved; Stephan Sommer; Tanja Kamin; Tina Kogovšek; and Urša Golob
Mojca Drevenšek and Iva Đekić Tajnšek

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Energy Literacy for Energy Communities Copyright © 2022 by NEWCOMERS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Publication Date
April 1, 2022