
This book is not about teaching students how to study better, or write better papers, or get better grades. Though studying techniques are important, there are other important things students can learn first to help themselves succeed in school. This book is for any parent, guardian, teacher, or counselor who has a student who finds school challenging and who could use some guidance. If you would like to know the research behind what struggling students are going through, and what they will need to succeed, this read is for you. This book gives a scientific explanation behind the workbook I created for high school and young adult students, entitled Helping Students Do Better Within a Broken System. The goal of the accompanying workbook is to empower struggling students and change their experience in school, to help them develop healthy and positive self-narratives. As a caring adult in a student’s life, you can give them the workbook to equip them with the mental tools they need to succeed in school and persevere through academic challenges. In the meantime, read this book to learn about the science behind the workbook activities, as well as the psychological theories and supporting research you should know to understand identity formation and motivation. While it is not in our power to make significant changes in the school system overall, it is in our power to learn about how we can understand, help, and support students who struggle within the broken system.

Visit the link https://sites.google.com/pacificu.edu/cognitionwiseinterventions/hannah-r to view the website for this project, and to view and download the accompanying workbook Helping Students Do Better Within a Broken System.