
Book Title: IBUS 100: Global Trade and Logistics I Course Reader

Subtitle: Global Trade and Logistics

Author: Alpha Lewis

Cover image for IBUS 100: Global Trade and Logistics I Course Reader

Book Description: Explore the intricacies of global trade with 'Global Trade and Logistics,' a comprehensive IBUS 100 reader. Dive into international trade reasons, economic cooperation, regional integrations like USMCA, business strategies, market imperfections, political economy, and the free trade vs. protectionism debate. A must-read for understanding the dynamic world of international business. #GlobalTrade #IBUS100 #InternationalBusiness

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Book Information

Book Description

The IBUS 100 academic reader, “Global Trade and Logistics,” is a comprehensive guide for understanding international business and trade complexities and dynamics. It is compiled from three open educational resources and covers various topics.


Week 1: Why We Trade

  • Focuses on the reasons for international trade, including differences in technology, resource endowments, demand, economies of scale in production, and government policies​

Week 2: Regional Economic Integration

  • Examines common markets, the United States Canada Mexico Agreement (USMCA), the European Union, the Euro, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and the WTO Regional Trade Agreement Database​

Week 3: Is ‘Free Trade’ Really Free?

  • Discusses international economic cooperation among nations, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and international trade barriers​

Week 4: How Do You Get from ‘Here’ to ‘There’?

  • Explores multinational firms, joint ventures, contract manufacturing, franchising, licensing, and Incoterms​

Week 5: Getting a Widget to Timbuktu

  • Covers importing, exporting, global sourcing, various entry modes, and building long-term relationships in international business​

Week 6: Trade Policies with Market Imperfections and Distortions

  • Focuses on market imperfections and distortions, including monopoly, duopoly, oligopoly, externalities, and policy-imposed distortions​

Week 7: Political Economy and International Trade

  • Discusses the political economy aspects of international trade, including the effects of protectionist policies​

Week 8: Evaluating the Controversy Between Free Trade and Protectionism

  • Evaluates the debate between free trade and protectionism, focusing on economic efficiency, potential for retaliation, and information deficiencies​

The reader utilizes resources from “International Business” by Lumen Learning, “International Trade: Theory and Policy” adapted by Saylor Academy, and other materials, offering a well-rounded global trade and logistics perspective.​




Alpha Lewis



Regional / International studies


IBUS 100: Global Trade and Logistics I Course Reader
Alpha Lewis


Primary Subject
Regional / International studies
Additional Subject(s)
Regional / International studies, International relations, Domestic or internal trade, Distribution and logistics management, Geopolitics
Skyline College
Publisher City
San Bruno