Further Thought – Diversity in Science Resources

Mary Ann Clark; Jung Choi; Matthew Douglas; and Kara Stanley

Diversity In Science


Scientific progress has often been hampered by a lack of diversity. Historically, women and minorities have faced barriers to entry and recognition in research fields. This limited the range of questions asked and the experiences considered. For example, medical trials designed by a homogenous group might miss key factors affecting different demographics. This not only hinders the advancement of scientific knowledge but also fuels distrust in research from communities who haven’t been well-represented.

A mix of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives leads to richer questions, more creative solutions, and ultimately, better science. Diverse research teams are more likely to identify unconscious bias and ensure research applies to a wider population. Let’s unlock the full potential of science by including everyone at the lab bench!



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Further Thought - Diversity in Science Resources Copyright © 2024 by Mary Ann Clark; Jung Choi; Matthew Douglas; and Kara Stanley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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