14 Further Thought – Using Science as Advertising

Kara Stanley

Using Science as Advertising

Food and personal care advertising frequently use claims about chemistry to entice consumers. These claims can range from highlighting natural ingredients (“paraben-free!”) to emphasizing scientific-sounding processes (“bio-fermented”). While some are accurate representations of the product’s composition or benefits, others might be misleading or lack clear explanation. It’s important to be critical of these claims. Look for certifications from reputable organizations and do your own research to understand the true role of the mentioned chemicals.

Selling With Science: The Good, The Bad And How Things Change – a fairly direct and interesting look at marketing with science, produced by a marketing firm.

Making Sense of scientific claims in advertising. A study of scientifically aware consumers

A false image of health: how fake news and pseudo-facts spread in the health and beauty industry

The Fine Line Between Fact and Fiction – Marketing Claims on Food Products




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