
Stage-Related Activities (adapted from Blase et al., 2013a)

Much of this will be in place based on the work that has been completed to establish the partnership and identify the focus for the intervention (i.e., the development of trusted relationships among members of the partnership); however, there may be gaps that can be addressed and new stakeholders that need to be engaged to support implementation of the intervention.

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Activity Not Started In Progress Completed
1. Form implementation team or re-purpose/expand a current group
*2. Develop communication plan[1] to describe the exploration and design process (e.g., activities, participants, timeline, benefits, risks) to key stakeholder groups
3. Analyze data to determine need and prevalence of need
4. Select targeted areas to address need (e.g., child, adult, family)
5. Review and identify programs, practices, and interventions that match target area and address need
*6. Review and discuss “eligible” programs and practices in relation to: (see Appendix C)

a) Need

*b) Fit with current initiatives

*c) Resources – Sustainability

d) Strength of evidence

e) Readiness for replication

f) Capacity to implement

7. Select/design programs/practices for continued exploration based on assessment results from above
8. Develop methods to promote exploration and assess “buy‐in” or “ownership” for range of impacted stakeholders
9. Analyze information and results of exploration activities
10. Work group makes recommendation to appropriate level (e.g. state level team, local partners, alliance, funders)

*Most important items



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