
For more specific information related to assessment of each of the Implementation Drivers, refer to the National Implementation Network’s assessment and scoring system in Implementation Drivers: Assessing Best Practices.

Stage-Related Activities

Check whether each item is:

  1. Undeveloped:  The component does not exist or has not yet been initiated.
  2. In Process: Part of the component has been established, the component has been conceptualized but not fully used, or the component exists, but is not being utilized on a regular basis.
  3. Established: Item is part of the system and “evidence” of this component are observable and/or measurable.

Download a printer-friendly version of the Installation Checklist

Activity Undeveloped In Process Established
Identify structural changes needed (e.g., space, time, materials)
At provider/agency level
At local level (e.g., collaborative groups)
At province, county or state level
Identify functional changes needed (e.g., policies, schedules, re‐allocation of roles and responsibilities, new positions needed)
At agency level
At provider level
At local level (e.g., collaborative groups)
At province, county or state level
Make structural and functional changes needed to initiate the new program, practice, framework
At agency level
At provider level
At local level (e.g., collaborative groups)
At province, county or state level
Development of selection protocols for “first implementers”
At local level (e.g., collaborative groups)
At province, county or state level
Selection of “first implementers”
Agency administrators
Practitioner/Front line
Identification of training resources, logistics
Training of first cohort of implementers
Agency administrators
Develop coaching and support plans for professionals
Evaluate “readiness” and sustainability at consumer level
Evaluate “readiness” and sustainability of fidelity to intervention
Analyze and problem-solve around the sustainability of training, coaching, data systems
Establish communication links to report barriers and facilitators during next stage (i.e., Initial Implementation)



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