

MLA Citations (based on 9th edition, published in 2020)

Author Names
  • Invert the first name so the last name comes first followed by a comma and the first and middle names.
  • Use initials only if you don’t have the full name.
  • Retain the order of the authors’ names from the title page.
  • If three or more authors, put the first author followed by a comma “et al.”  
  • End the author statement with a period.
  • When the author is any type of organization (government, non-profit, commercial, etc.), provide the organization name where the author’s name would be. Capitalize all the main words of the organization name.
  • No Author?  Begin the citation with the title of the article, book or website, followed by the publication name or publisher.

Single Author: Anderson, John Paul.

Two Authors:   Jones, Charles Andrew and Pamela Susan Smith.

Three or More Authors: Brown, Dee, et al.

Group Authors: National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute.

Book Citations

Author, First Middle. Title of Book: Subtitle. Publisher, Publication Year.

Author, First Middle. “Title of Essay, Poem, Short Story or Chapter.” Title of Book: Subtitle, edited by Editor’s Name, Publisher, Publication Year, Pages.

Author, First Middle. Title of Book: Subtitle. Publisher, Publication Year. EBook Container, DOI or URL.

  • Put title in italics and capitalize all main words of the title. If there is a subtitle, put a colon after the title. End the title statement with a period.
  • Put the publisher name as from the title page.
  • Use the year from the verso of the title page. If no year is provided, use “n.d.”
  • Use page numbers only if a specific section of a title is used, such as a chapter, short story, poem, etc.
  • If title has a DOI, begin DOI with  https://doi.org.; include a URL only if there is no DOI. Do not include http: // or https:// for the URL. If a permalink is available use that URL. Put a period after the DOI/URL.
Article Citations
  • If accessed via the Internet, provide the DOI if available beginning with https://doi.org.; provide the permalink URL if no DOI; do not include http: // or https:// in the URL.  
  • If the periodical is issued seasonally, include the season of the issue in lower case before the year.
  • If no volume and/or issue number is available, provide the date in this format: day month year, then pages.
  • If the full-text article is accessed through a database, provide the database name.
  • Include the edition only if there is more than one edition on a regular basis, such as morning and late edition.
Journal or Magazine Article

Author(s). “Title of Article: Subtitle of Article.” Title of Journal, vol. #, no. #, pp. #-#, season year. Database, DOI or URL

Newspaper Article

Author(s). “Title of Article: Subtitle of Article.” Title of Newspaper (Edition), day month year, pages. Database, DOI or URL.

  • If a website is for electronic access to material otherwise published, use the citation format for the original publication format, and add the DOI and date accessed. If the source is only a website, use the following format.

Author(s). Name of Website. Name of Institution/Organization website sponsor, date of creation, DOI, URL permalink or URL.


Article/Section of Website

Author(s). “Section of Website.” Name of Website. Name of Institution/Organization website sponsor, date of creation, DOI, URL permalink or URL.

Reference Samples in MLA Format

Journal Article

Jones, Cheryl Jean. “Research in College: What Do Students Do?” College Readiness, Vol. 42, no. 5, 1970, pp. 72-86.  doi:10.1345.cr.1970.899



Magazine Article

Smith, Martha. Diane. “Johnny is in College?”  Redbook, 18 Sept. 1989, pp. 42-43.




Arnold, James. Andrew. Retaining What You Read.  Caxton Press, 2009.



Book Chapter

Miller, Ruby A. “Living the American dream.”  Prepare for the working world (3rd. ed.), edited by Roger E. Sanborn. Thompson Publishers, 2002, pp. 376-389.



.gov websites

Cook, Scott. Idaho Standards for Learning Challenge: Take the Challenge. Idaho State Dept. of Education. 10 Oct. 2015, www.sde.idaho.gov.



.com websites

Ramseth, Luke. “No New Taxes in Proposed Bonneville County Budget.” Post Register. 21 Aug. 2015, www.postregister.com/.



.org websites

Jensen, Mike. “Our Partner Agencies.United Way. United Way, 21 Aug. 2015, unitedwayif.org/.



.edu websites

Jolley, Charlene.  Chemistry for Everyone. Idaho State Univ., 21 Aug. 2015, www.isu.edu/.



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Bridging the Gap: A Guide to College-Level Research Copyright © 2021 by Catherine J Gray is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.