
We would like to thank each and every author who made a contribution to this publication.

We would like to give thanks to Hakima Abbas, Ajamu Baraka, Thandisizwe Chimurenga, Kamau Franklin, Sacajawea “Saki” Hall, Rukia Lumumba, Ajamu Nangwaya, Jessica Gordan Nembhard, Max Rameau, and Makani Themba for your new works and contributions developed specifically for this volume.

Further, we would like to than all of the authors and publications that allowed us to reprint their works in this volume. Thank you for your contributions and support. We would like to acknowledge all of the journals and contributions to bring them to everyone’s full attention and to also give these authors and publications their just due and support. Please note the following contributions:

  1. Kamau Franklin’s “The New Southern Strategy: The Politics of Self-Determination in the South” is a compilation of two works in the following journals a) Grassroots Thinking, Kamau Franklin’s personal blog found at https://grassrootsthinking.com/2009/09/29/the-new-southern-strategy-%E2%80%93-the-politics-of-self-determination-in-the-south/ and b) Organizing Upgrade at http://www.organizingupgrade.com/index.php/modules-menu/community-organizing/item/46-kamau-franklin-the-new-southern-strategy.
  2. Kali Akuno’s “The Jackson-Kush Plan: The Struggle for Black Self-Determination and Economic Democracy” was first published on two sites, the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement website as the Jackson Plan at https://mxgm.org/2012/07/07/the-jackson-plan-a-struggle-for-self-determination-participatory-democracy-and-economic-justice/ and in full on Kali’s personal blog, Navigating the Storm at http://navigatingthestorm.blogspot.com/2012/05/the-jackson-kush-plan-and-struggle-for.html.
  3. Kali Akuno’s “The People’s Assembly Overview: The Jackson People’s Assembly Model” was first published on two sites, the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement website at https://mxgm.org/2014/11/28/peoples-assemblys-overview-the-jackson-peoples-assembly-model/ and on Kali’s personal blog, Navigating the Storm at http://navigatingthestorm.blogspot.com/2014/11/peoples-assemblys-overview-jackson.html.
  4. The Jackson Rising Statement: Building the City of the Future Today”, which was written by Kali Akuno for the Administration of the late Mayor Chokwe Lumumba was first published on the Jackson Rising: New Economy Conference website at https://jacksonrising.wordpress.com/local/jackson-rising-statement/.
  5. Ajamu Nangwaya’s “Seek Ye First the Worker Self-Management Kingdom: Toward the Solidarity Economy in Jackson, MS” was first published by Pambazuka News at https://www.pambazuka.org/governance/seek-ye-first-worker-self-management-kingdom.
  6. Bhaskar Sunkara’s “Free the Land: An Interview with Chokwe Lumumba” was originally published in Jacobin Magazine at https://www.jacobinmag.com/2014/06/free-the-land.
  7. Carl Davidson’s “Jackson Rising: An Electoral Battle unleashes a merger of Black Power, the Solidarity Economy and wider democracy” was first published on RIPESS the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy at http://www.ripess.org/jackson-rising-an-electoral-battle-unleashes-a-merger-of-black-power-the-solidarity-economy-and-wider-democracy-2/?lang=en.
  8. Bruce Dixon’s “Jackson Rising: Black Millionaires won’t lift us up, but Cooperation and the Solidarity Economy Will” was first published in the Black Agenda Report at https://www.blackagendareport.com/content/jackson-rising%C2%A0black-millionaires-wont-lift-us-cooperation-solidarity-economy-might.
  9. Michael Siegel’s “Why the Left should look to Jackson, Mississippi” was first published in Common Dreams at https://www.commondreams.org/views/2014/05/22/why-left-should-look-jackson-mississippi.
  10. Laura Flanders “After death of radical Mayor, Mississippi’s capitol wrestles with his economic vision” was first published in Yes Magazine! at http://www.yesmagazine.org/commonomics/mississippi-capital-jackson-wrestles-economic-vision.
  11. Sara Bernard’s “A Green Utopia in Mississippi?” was first published in Grist Magazine at http://grist.org/cities/a-green-utopia-deep-in-mississippi-this-guy-has-a-game-plan/.
  12. Kali Akuno’s “Casting Shadows: Chokwe Lumumba and the Struggle for Racial Justice and Economic Democracy in Jackson, Mississippi “ was first published as a study of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office at http://www.rosalux-nyc.org/casting-shadows/.
  13. Katie Gilbert’s “The Socialist Experiment: A New-Society vision in Jackson, Mississippi” was first published in the Fall 2017 issue of the Oxford American, with support from the Economic Hardship Reporting Project at https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/katie.elizabeth.gilbert%40gmail.com/15e3e7ff52ac158f?compose=15e55337bf5fa7a3.

We also have to acknowledge the many contributions of the membership and staff of Cooperation Jackson towards the completion of this work. And lastly, we have to acknowledge the historic contributions of the people of Jackson, Mississippi, without whom this experiment in radical social transformation would not be possible.


Jackson Rising Copyright © 2017 by Cooperation Jackson. All Rights Reserved.