Main Body

The structure of our text parallels the structure of our course.


The first chapter is dedicated to critical thinking. We have placed critical thinking prior to the thematic content in order to equip you as you engage the idea and concepts that you will encounter in this course. As most of us enter the class with a significant position, learning how to analyze our original position and amend the original position, is vital.


Chapters 2 – 6 address basic economic terms and models. In order to analyze capitalism, you will have to understand several core economic concepts. We want your evaluation to be critical and technically accurate.


Chapters 7 – 11 introduce ethics and several dominant normative theories. Here you will have the opportunity to read about :

  • Utilitarianism
  • Deontology
  • Virtue Theory
  • Care Ethics

In class, we will use normative theory as a lens in evaluating the output of capitalism and join the analyze with axiology, i.e. the study of value, and a survey of human nature.


Our Ethics & Capitalism text should be joined with the interactions made available through our course shell.




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Justice & Capitalism Copyright © 2019 by kstuke is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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