

The BizMOOC project piloted 3 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) dedicated to relevant business topics and lifelong learning key competences. The courses are free and open for everyone, offered on different platforms and have been produced in interdisciplinary teams between universities and businesses. They are available on an ongoing basis.

Digital Skills, Digital Learning

Started 16.10.2017 (self-paced, 4 weeks)
Started 9.4.2018 (self-paced, 4 weeks)

You’ll have a chance to reflect on the way you learn, understand how to be a successful MOOC learner, and also find out about the skills you need to be effective in a digital world: from improving what you do online and the way you do it, to finding information, communicating and collaborating with other people.

Availability: Both MOOCs stay available in self-paced mode min. until 2022 (and beyond until further notice).

The whole Course is published under a Creative Commons licence which allows the re-use of material. We advise to check Third Party Content used in the course for their licenses which are published under the course section “Acknowledgement”. If you plan to use only excerpts of the course, please contact the Open University UK.

How to Generate Innovative Ideas and Make Them Work

1st moderated run: 13.11.17-24.12.2017
2nd moderated run 12.2.2018-31.03.2018

After finishing this course you should be able to:

  • understand creativity as a human innate capacity
  • stimulate the deployment of your creative potential
  • work with a range of different techniques to generate ideas
  • apply strategies and techniques for effective problem solving
  • learn from failure
  • define approaches and criteria for evaluating and selecting ideas

Availability: The MOOC stays available in self-paced mode min. until 2022 (and beyond until further notice).

The whole Course is published under a Creative Commons licence which allows the re-use of material. We advise to check Third Party Content used in the course for their licenses which are published under the course section “Acknowledgement”. If you plan to use only excerpts of the course, please contact the University of Alicante/UniMOOC platform.


Started 26.2.2018
Ended 9.4.2018

After finishing this course you should be able to:

  • understand the concept of intrapreneurship
  • be familiarized with numerous examples of entrepreneurial organizations and intrapreneurshipprojects
  • assess identified opportunities at work, develop your perception of business opportunities at work and convert problems or challenges into opportunities,
  • identify stakeholders, target groups and sponsors of intrapreneurial projects,
  • enhance understanding and ability to form coalitions around new business ideas,
  • develop  and deliver a pitch to the various audiences, including board of directors

Availability: The MOOCs stays available in self-paced mode min. until 2022 (and beyond until further notice).

The whole Course is published under a Creative Commons license Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) which allows the re-use of material. We advise to check Third Party Content used in the course for their licenses. If you plan to use only excerpts of the course, please contact the BizMOOC Project Team.




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Massive Open Online Courses for Business Learning Copyright © 2019 by BizMOOC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.