

The BizMOOC project represents one of the largest attempts to research and understand the phenomena of MOOC across the European area. In 2016, the BizMOOC project set out to explore the applicability of MOOCs for the world of business. To identify potential, barriers and key questions related to MOOCs in the business context, a first research phase was conducted summarizing the outcomes of a survey with 1,193 learners, interviews with 106 business and higher education experts and self-produced 14 discussion papers on MOOC hot topics. The developed guidelines and findings have been translated into the MOOC BOOK – an online resource for a broader uptake of MOOCs for labour-market relevant use by institutions and individuals.

The consortium consisted of 11 full partners and 3 associate partners out of 11 countries deriving from HEIs & Industry (large companies & SMEs), NGOs, networks, cluster.

  • The Open University (UK)
  • University de Alicante (ES)
  • Burgas Free University (BG)
  • University of Economics Krakow (PL)
  • AVL List GmbH (AT)
  • Hasso-Plattner-Institute (DE)
  • DIDA srl (IT)
  • Košice IT Valley (SK)
  • EADTU (NL)
  • The National Unions of Students in Europe (BE)

This European-wide Knowledge Alliance was carried out between 2016 and 2018. The project tackled the European challenge of enabling businesses, labour force and universities to increase their activities and exploitation of the MOOC potential. It focused on workforce & HEI training and the acquisition of labour market key competences through applying new methodologies for online teaching & learning. This was achieved by creating common standards & frameworks on MOOCs by integrating the experiences from Higher Education and the business world.

Jointly we established a common body of knowledge on MOOCs, identified needs, gaps & reasons for businesses, labour force and HEIs to boost their MOOC activities which resulted in guidelines, recommendations & good practice. These were published in an interactive, open access resource (the MOOC BOOK) which was updated throughout the project up to the end of 2018.

The MOOC BOOK was developed under the umbrella of the EU-funded project “BizMOOC – Knowledge Alliance to enable a European-wide exploitation of the potential of MOOCs for the world of business”(Erasmus+ / Key Action 2 / Knowledge Alliance; 562286-EPP-1-2015-1-AT-EPPKA2-KA).

Based on these findings, three pilot MOOCs focusing on lifelong learning and business key competences “Learning to learn (through MOOCs)”; “Entrepreneurship & intrapreneurship” and “Innovation, creativity & problem-solving” were developed to test different approaches to career-orientated learning. You can find links to these courses later in this book.

The findings of the project were published in October 2018 and have been incorporated into the most recent version of the MOOC BOOK.  The present volume is based on material from the MOOC BOOK, edited into a more accessible form.  If you ever want more detail on anything in this book, then check out the relevant section of the MOOC BOOK at http://mooc-book.eu.

We hope that you find this book useful!  Please use and share it freely with anyone.

Find out more about the BizMOOC project at: http://bizmooc.eu

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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