
This book is a remix of the full MOOC BOOK at http://mooc-book.eu/.

The MOOC BOOK was written over the course of the BizMOOC project. The MOOC BOOK was conceived as an open resource for business, HEIs and learners to better exploit the potential of MOOCs in upgrading labour-market relevant skills.  In this volume we provide a streamlined version of the MOOC BOOK intended as a gateway to exploring the application of MOOC of business needs.

You can read this book in the suggested order (which will bring you from theory to practice) but you can also focus directly on a particular area of interest right away. A glossary is provided at the end of the book to help you with your research.

Part 1 provides a general introduction to the MOOC phenomena and is intended for a general audience. It sets out the scene with regards to the history and theory of MOOC and provides commentary for each of the three key audiences of learners, business and HEIs. By understanding the interactions of these three groups is key to appreciating the unique potential of MOOC to enhance business operations.

Part 2 deals with the sequence of designing, implementing and evaluating a MOOC.  These steps are relevant to anyone who is considering providing a MOOC but also relevant to learners who want to understand what happens “behind the curtain” in MOOC production.  These pages provide a route map to successfully running and improving MOOC.

Part 3 delves more deeply into specific areas of focus that are key to getting the detail right in a MOOC.  These chapters are much more practically focused and deal with solving problems that can arise.  Go straight to this section if you are already comfortable with the concept of MOOC and you’re looking for help with a specific issue.

There is always more detail on a particular section available through the MOOC BOOK.  In the Acknowledgements section you can find details of where to find the content that each chapter is based upon.  The original materials contain more detail, especially in the context of European legislation and educational trends.

Finally, we provide a comprehensive bibliography of research, reports and other literature relevant to the world of MOOC.  This is a great starting point for your own research and MOOC activities beyond the scope this volume.


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