
This book represents an extensive amount of hard work by the authors.

In preparing this book, we imagined something that we would want to have and use.

We tried to provide relevant information to help business owners, accounting professionals, tax advisors, and lawyers.

We researched and included a copious amount of primary source material such as constitutional amendments, statutes, regulations, departmental memorandums, and case law.

We furnished (hopefully) thoughtful and insightful analysis of the issues surrounding this topic.

Our purpose was to provide a single volume that made it easy for the reader to access the information necessary for a technical and at times, unforgiving topic.

These efforts resulted in a book of several hundred pages that became impractical to sell in physical form.

Consequently, it was necessary to sell and distribute this book through digital copies and other electronic forms, which also made it easier for someone to obtain a copy without paying for it.

Let’s think of it this way.  If you assume that it costs us, the authors, $10 a page to produce this book, then the product you are “digitally” holding is a bargain worth several thousand dollars.

So, if you find our efforts beneficial or valuable, please reward us with a 5-star review and an eager recommendation that your friend, industry cohort, business partner, or other associate purchase their own book.

The purchase information for this book is at http://www.QuickStart.Guide.

Thank you.



QuickStart Guide to Accounting for Cost of Goods Sold Copyright © 2019 by reecejr1 and Reece B. Morrel, Jr. JD MBA CPA CGMA AEP®. All Rights Reserved.